Take it Easy

Life is all about meeting people and parting ways. Today, I have the last opportunity to meet and hang out with my best friends in Taiwan and France. They are friends who were close when I attended thier Japanese class in Japan as a J-support. Then we always have gone to the gym at my uni and eaten lunch or dinner together. So many memories of them are the most important , and I cannot do everything without them for me now.

When we hanged out today, we took lots of pictures, ate shaved ice, and said “Thank you for being my friend,” and “see you again,” each other. I was cried a lot, because of the loneliness of the farewell with them. Then they hugged me saying “it’s okey, I’ll come to Japan again.”

Thank you very much, guys. I will do my best   until the day I can meet you again.
Thank you.
