
ウクライナ支援 絵本プロジェクト

【イラスト募集!】Project kiseki 11/15~12/25

Twitterなどに、クリスマスと戦争の曲「奇跡」https://onl.sc/XN6PBJP からイメージした絵を毎日継続的にアップロードします。









Wanted: Illustration on Project kiseki 15th Nov to 25th Dec

I will continuously upload pictures inspired by the Christmas and war song "kiseki" (https://onl.sc/XN6PBJP) on Twitter and other sites every day and hold the crowdfunding.

If the crowdfunding will be successful, I will print them into an anthology picture book and donate all proceeds other than expenses to Ukraine.

Please draw one picture inspired by this song in A4!
I am also looking for people who are willing to draw a 10-page picture book.
If you can create a story, please add it to the picture.

Please contact me if you are willing to participate as free and with a waiver of copyright!
Your name can be credited.

I will send you an A4 paper. (If you are abroad, please draw on your A4 white paper and scan and send it to me or use some software for drawing.

Please contact bias.music.jp@gmail.com

I am planning to have works by refugees from NPOs that host refugees from Ukraine, pictures by 15 Japanese nursery school children who had a video meeting with Ukrainian nursery schools, elementary school students from painting classes, students from Japanese language schools, Turkish artists, Japanese picture book authors, etc. I am looking forward to your participation.

I believe all citizens can be connected together.

#CAMPFIRE #クラファン #ウクライナ支援 #Goodmorning #ソーシャルグッド #SocialGood #BOOSTER #READYFOR #絵本 #絵本作家 #ukraine #vaundy #YOASOBI #藤井風 #Nulbarich #Suchmos #cero #Keiichironemoto #根本啓一郎 #ニジノダンガン #セカオワ #玉置浩二 #bias #吉井和哉 #椎名林檎 #YOASOBI
