Now I came to realize, almost noticed the misunderstanding for something about the investment method.
Do you know DCA, dollar cost averaging? That's what I learned at first when I started to investment, and had been a trustworthy method which I always kept to hold in my mind. Never buy a big amount at once, just put a small potion into the little bag and pick one by one leaving the enough times between them. Actually, I occasionally bought an amount at once and after then, its price went down as hell, felt like the cat dragging something in the bag on the rain wet street. So, before noticed, DCA became a base policy of my little adventure.
Then, today, I came to watch this video on Youtube and was surprised. This guy told that the DCA is one of shits, a suspicious, an unfavorable method which have been believed to a lot of good hearted people. He pointed out, like many other investors, that the diversification itself is so darn important. Never put eggs only in one bucket. Yes, the places to put our eggs must be decentralized, but not our time. He asserted that we better buy all at once if we have money to buy for the stock or bonds. There's no need to buy the divided little portions every month, because DCA method might lose the opportunity to grow the money by leaving them sleep in the bank account. If you can invest 100 dollars, just put 100 dollars all at once to index fund investing on many countries. Never put 10 dollars each month. The time diversification is the method for people who have to extract the investing money from their monthly payroll.
What should I do? Well, I need the time to think. At least, This perspective was really new to me. In a case, of course not in every cases, the time diversification might loses the profit in future. I have to think about it. Thank you anti DCA investor.