The MUD/WTR simply called MUD has lately been grabbing the attention of many caffeine lovers, including me. With all the hype and limelight attached to the MUD WTR, I decided to give it a try and bring forth my experience in an absolute, unbiased way.
I have been using the mud water for over a month now, and I think now I am able to ink down my words with all the goods and bads related to it.
In short, if I say, the MUD/WTR has been a great alternative to my said morning coffee, and I have experienced a clear difference not only in taste but in overall effectiveness.
What is Mud Water
MUD/WTR is a coffee alternative consisting of organic ingredients laded by cultures old and young for their health and performance benefits. With 1/7th the caffeine of coffee, mud gives you natural energy, focus, and more without the jitters and crash.’’
The mud water is pretty much a substitute for coffee and other caffeinated drinks. It’s healthier, tastes better, and have lesser health concerns in contrast to caffeine. Although it too is a caffeinated drink, the ingredients are more organic and less severe.