









Confessions of a Startup Lawyer(スタートアップ「ムショ弁」の独白)

I’m a jailhouse lawyer - in the startup world, that is.

私は自称スタートアップ界の「ムショ弁」(Jailhouse Lawyer、刑務所内の弁護士)です。

Disclaimer: The following is not "legal advice." These are merely observations from personal experience and what you may take as "advice" here has not been scrutinized by qualified legal counsel.

お断り: 以下は決して「法務上の助言」ではありません。あくまでも私個人の経験からの知見に過ぎず、「助言」めいたものであっても資格ある弁護士の精査を受けたものでは無いことにご留意ください。

To those of you not familiar with that American colloquial term, a “jailhouse lawyer” is a prison inmate who’s never practiced law or had formal legal training assisting other inmates on matters of the law with legal knowledge acquired in prison. Not lawyers serving prison sentences.


During my transition from a management consultant into a “Swiss Army Knife” cross-functional role at startups covering Finance, Operations, Business Development, and other unassigned yet need-to-get-done functions I also picked up Legal.


When I say that I don’t necessarily mean I studied the laws pertinent and critical in meeting the numerous challenges that come with launching, building, and growing a startup. I rather see it as gaining an understanding of the importance of getting contracts right and how legal agreements set boundaries and obligations and conversely establish freedoms or advantages for one party over the other - in any company activity.


Here are some examples of things I got pretty good at based on that understanding either as a startup operator or as an advisor/coach to entrepreneurs.


Fundraising: being able to translate terms offered by investors into legal language and ensuring that they are covered somewhere in the multiple agreements that make up a financing round. Knowing the key levers of negotiation - what’s critical for maintaining control versus what can be compromised in exchange for better terms. Also to a lesser degree, becoming able to “skim” through the many pages and zeroing in on the clauses and languages that matter - as long as standard contract templates and forms are used.


Investor and Capitalization Table Management: being able to quantify the terms described in legalese into simulatable tables that show “who owns what by how much” and captures the relationship between the different share classes and their respective preferences and protections. Taking that a step beyond and giving those (Excel) tables the ability to simulate and analyze the impact of different valuations and deal structures so that the tradeoffs in ownership and distribution of value - “gains and pains” are made clear, shareholder by shareholder.


Budgeting: being able to translate the terms, conditions, obligations, and perhaps most importantly, the triggers and timing associated with them for the many operational “business contracts,” including but not limited to purchasing, contracting, leasing, partnerships and collaborations, and last but not the least, employment. This proved to be valuable in managing the “bumps and humps” of cash burn during the early stages and crunch times preceding fundraising. Another benefit for me was earning credibility and trust within the company as the “go-to guy” who’d help navigate and negotiate any contract. Made me busy but worth it.


Immigration: I was both the beneficiary of a work visa and US Green Card sponsorship and the one being responsible for authorizing and managing the legal processes when hiring someone requiring such privileges with irreplaceable abilities the company deemed necessary, including the selection of immigration attorneys. That dual perspective hopefully made me as empathetic as being effective when dealing with a typically frustrating experience for those involved.


This list can get quite long, so let me break here and share some insights I gained from experiences like these.


Know there are no shortcuts: you have to invest the time and effort and make a few mistakes along the way. You don’t have to read and commit the pertaining laws to memory. It’s more important to develop your ability to interpret what’s written in the agreements and criteria for judgment about what’s critical, what’s binding and irrevocable, and what’s negotiable vs. non-negotiable. That judgment should be guided by a deep understanding, perhaps deeper than anyone else’s, of the company’s strategy and operations.


Know what you are and what you aren’t: you might get really good as a jailhouse lawyer. You might end up being able to draw up agreements, and even learn how much you can push the boundaries of laws (and their cousins, regulations). Yet unless you’ve passed the bar exam, you’re not permitted to practice law. You’re also not going to be able to master all the laws that are relevant to running your company. In my case, I knew enough about equity fundraising to own the due diligence and closing process. Even then, I knew “real lawyers” had to sanction the documents and process - and the fees you pay them are the price to ensure the legality of the transaction and keep you out of trouble.


Know your legal professionals: to maximize the protection - if not the margin of safety - from potential pitfalls by following the law and entering fair and binding agreements, you need to hire the right professional for the right job. To do this well, you need to have an understanding of what laws are pertinent to the task at hand and know what those laws prescribe (not necessarily of the laws themselves) not only to assign the right job to the right specialist but also to evaluate the quality and manage them in a cost-effectiveness manner by knowing what you can (or should) do yourself vs. what really needs a professional legal opinion and work. Unless you have an unlimited legal budget and hire a “department store” law firm, that is. Even if you’re in such fortunate shoes, I’ll say from experience having an arsenal of trusted lawyers across specialties usually result in better results.



Much has been talked about software disrupting everything - and the corporate legal profession is no exception. While I believe as someone who’s been able to contribute to a few startups with abilities discussed above - and also as someone who almost launched a legaltech startup - a significant portion of “legal (busy) work” can be automated, templatized, even eliminated. Many legaltech products and services have emerged in recent years as proof of that and I’m definitely taking full advantage of them.


Nevertheless, I believe that lawyers are not going the way of dinosaurs. Like those that survived into the mammalian-dominated Earth of today by finding evolutionary niches for survival, some even becoming “birds,” the capable and adaptable lawyers will continue to operate and thrive delivering value beyond their institutional licenses through deep expertise and sound judgment necessary to deal with exceptions, conflicts of opinion, and ambiguity.


I’d even posit that professionals, the “jailhouse lawyers” like ourselves are those who will play a symbiotic role in their evolution and survival.


Whether it’s about the role of us non-lawyer businesspeople doing “legal stuff,” or about the disruption and evolution of the legal professions, I’d love to hear from those who found this even remotely interesting. Please feel to comment or message if so inclined.


Thanks for reading!

