ド派手に生前葬って? What is a gorgeous living funeral?
生前葬とは、存命の間に自分自身の葬儀を行うものです。 これまでにもビートたけしさんやアントニオ猪木さんなど、有名人が行うことで注目を集める こともありますが、まだまだメジャーなものとは言えません。
Living funeral means that we hold a funeral party while we are living. It’s not popular in Japan even though celebrities like "Beat" Takeshi and Antonio Inoki host it.
ここ数年で、葬儀は参列者の多い一般葬から家族葬へ、 そして昨年からの新型コロナ感染症の拡大と共に 密を避けた少人数での葬儀やオンライン葬儀、直葬へと変化しています。 一方では価格競争と簡素化の流れの中「最後にお別れがしたかった」「葬儀は安ければ安いほど良いのか」など、 オンライン葬儀や直葬への疑問も広がっています。
These days, the style of the funeral party has changed little by little.
For example, a general funeral party which has a lot of participants turns into a family funeral party. In addition to that, due to spreading coronavirus, small funeral parties which have a limited number of participants, online funeral parties and direct funerals have become popular.
In price competition and simplification, some people have the opposite opinion that “I would like to say goodbye to the person at the end of their life” and “Is the cheaper the funeral, the better?
人生 100 年時代と言われ、平均寿命は男性でも約 80 年、女性は 約87 年となり、 葬儀を行う頃には集まることが難しい、 集まりたくても小さな葬儀を行うしかないのかもしれない、などの声が多くなっているのが現状です。 葬儀は簡素化の傾向にあるものの、コロナ禍では会いたいけど会えないことを多くの人が体験し、 もしもに備える終活やエンディングノートへの関心も高まっています。
It is said that we will live in the 100-year-of-life era. Actually, the average lifespan for men is about 80 years and for women is 87 years. Now we cannot host a large funeral party even though we would like to get together.
In spite of people who tend to host more simplified funeral parties, a number of people are attracted to end of life planning, preparing just in case and ending note because people experienced that they would like to meet but they cannot.
「コロナ禍じゃなくても、あまりに高齢になってからの葬儀では、会いたい人にも会えない」それなら亡くなってから集まる「葬儀」ではなく、 元気な時に会いたい人に会い、お世話になった方へ自分の言葉でお礼の気持ちを伝える場があったら良いのでは?
When we get too old, we cannot meet people who we want to meet.
We have a new idea: making an opportunity to meet people who want to meet while we are healthy and to express gratitude.
そして、その場が 葬儀の形式にとらわれない「生前葬」として、一つの新しい形になったら良くない?
Do you think hosting living funeral parties will become popular as a new style funeral parties?
If you're going to do it, would you like to make living funeral parties original?
Let’s host a gorgeous living funeral!
How about experiencing a new style of funeral parties which is created by audio distributor’s community where all members talk about end of life planning and ending notes seriously.
受付時間 9:00 ~ 17:30(土・日・祝除く)