SideM 8th 2日目レポ(初ライブに参加した海外Pから)
Second day report!! I really wanted to write just one single report for both days but day one was too ridiculously long >< (thank you to everyone who took the time to read it!! I didn't think anyone would read it so I wrote it mostly for myself, I'm sorry you had to deal with my kimo ota side www) I decided it'd be better to split them and so here I am (again)
I'll try to make this one less long! (I'll fail) ((for sure)) ((why can't I write academic papers with this much ease haha crying))
Just like with day one, despite being tired as hell from the day before I somehow found myself waking up in my hotel at around 6am… I stared at the ceiling for a while thinking I should have definitely bought something for breakfast the day before so I didn't have to go out while also thinking about how yesterday had been real lol But no time to ponder about my existence I had to start getting ready!
I wanted to arrive a little earlier to K-Arena so I didn't make plans to go to any particular place on sunday. I kind of wanted to see if I could miraculously find a Tsubasa chibigurumi in like a Surugaya or maybe KBooks because I felt bad for not carrying him around with Teru (I like both equally!!!! Tsubasa was my first Tantou before I came to like Teru a lot!) so I decided to head to Ikebukuro to check the stores around the area.
I think I didn't get the memo that there were going to be a lot of cosplayers around because of Halloween but yeah lol I saw lots of Genshin and also lots of Nijisanji cosplayers walking around the streets. I kinda wanted to go take pictures (there was this cosplay contest I think close to the Ikebukuro animate? With lots of people around) but I didn't have time for it so while looking at the very nice outfits I headed into the stores I wanted to go…
And the result is I didn't find anything! Absolutely nothing related to SideM at all in any of the Kbooks or in the Surugaya close by, nothing in Rashinban either >< There's this KBooks that's supposed to be "live" oriented and I went in thinking I'd find something but they only had Hypmic merch! (well, mostly Hypmic but also Enstars (duh) ViPri and huhh other stuff) I wanted to look at the Ainana merch too but they surprisingly didn't have any either? Maybe I was going to the wrong K-books? 😭
I was walking back to the station defeated when I heard something familiar playing in the distance and… The Seiyuu Kbooks was playing Take a stump from 7th!!!!!!!!!! It felt like fate!!!!!! Excuse the quality of the picture, I took a video but I can't embed it here >< I turned my head so hard when I heard the song I think I hurt my neck haha. I went to this Kbooks on monday after the live too and they had a display for 7th with the units' names around the live logo (sorry I didn't take a picture…) they were playing 7th's previews too… I felt right at home… But anyway I think I have rambled a bit too much lol I hoped in on the train and off to Yokohama station I went! (would've preferred Minato Mirai but google was telling me Yokohama so that's what I did www)
I got off at Yokohama station and it was indeed kinda confusing to navigate ww I ended up taking a different exit than what google was telling me but it was still sort of on the same direction so it was ok. They had some signs pointing to K-Arena in the outside of some mall that I don't remember the name of and I ended up getting kinda lost inside because they only had THAT one sign outside, no other signs inside www
I somehow found my way around and decided to go to a McDonalds to have lunch (I'm telling you this is becoming a live show staple and idk how I feel about that…) and this time I did order the set properly! While I was eating I met a P I have met the day before! (thank you for recognizing me lol) They were with another P who was trying to make a Sora uchiwa (I saw pictures afterwards I'm glad they finished in time!) so we talked for a bit. I remembered I had the chibigurumi Legenders file (long story short I tried to get Teru chibigurumi when he came out failed miserably ended up with 6 clear files, wanted to give the extra away) ((also had a Jupiter file that I gave to another P on day 1! Forgot to mention that)) so I gave it to them! Thank you for accepting such a random thing!
Finished my meal told the other Ps I'd see them at the arena and off I went! I came to K-Arena from the front? (back???????) Today so I had the chance to see the whole venue from this angle and it looks so big! It's odd like I feel like it's huge but also I don't feel like it fits 20,000 people haha.
I arrived at the venue, met with oomfies (after kinda getting lost because I didn't know where they were lol). One needed to finish writing their letters for the cast (I completely forgot you could do that… next time I'm writing one for Shugon for sure!! (One for Umeme too, maybe, if he decides to grace us with his presence w) Even if my japanese handwriting is trash) so we went inside the restaurant (that I forgot the name of) to sit for a while and have something to snack on.
I got a coffee too because I was feeling tired and needed to get fired up for the live! We met with other one of the Ps I saw at the McDonalds (happy coincidence lol) so we stayed in the restaurant for a bit longer just chatting (Also discussing how difficult Japanese is to write… Complained how hard 鷹 is to write, tried to write it kinda failed miserably had to look it up ww)
The time to go line up was getting kinda close and I REALLY wanted to get a picture with Handman (is that even the mascots' name www) since I couldn't the day before because of my headache… So I went away from oomfies and off to meet Handman… It's so stupid looking I love it a lot, it's so on brand for M somehow www
Then I wanted to get inside fast because, again since I wasn't feeling too great the day before (I made sure to drink LOTS of water on sunday so that wouldn't happen again and it worked. Please drink water always 😭) I didn't get to see any of the flower stands, so I wanted to see them on sunday at least (though I think I didn't end up seeing every single one of them, there were so many! So thank you official account-san for the video!!!). So I went to line up like 10mins before they opened the gates (maybe I would also get a better seat this way…?) ((spoiler alert: no))
Day 2
Got my seat once again cried for being on level 7, and somehow further away?! At that moment I understood that if I want a closer seat I needed to bite the bullet, eat rice and eggs only for that month and get asobikun's premium membership next time. But we'll cross that bridge when we get there, I don't buy merch too often (I don't like buying things I will never use (unless they are plushies because plushies are justice) so like acrylics that just kinda clutter my room lol) so I feel like the premium membership is mostly wasted on me unless it's for the live lotteries (which would be only M or a joint live…) so I'll think about this properly in the future…
But anyway no time to brood about my seat placement I was there and I was gonna have fun despite being far again! But the joke's on Asobikun because I have 20/20 vision (am not joking here I can actually see pretty well lol) so I steeled my resolve to have fun and off to the flower stands on level 5 I went! (I completely missed the fact that there were more flower stands on the arena? level but I don't think I would've had the time to see those anyway, and I saw a lot on level 5, so I don't really regret not noticing. Next time I'll try splitting my flower stand viewing between both days, lest I end up having a headache due to the lack of water again… ha… haha… drink water kids…)
So many, so many flower stands! Everywhere! for every character! Truly every single character in M is so loved by so many people 😭 I wish I'd backed some of them but once again I'll set that as another goal for the future! But anyway level 5 had 2 rows of flower stands on opposite sides of the venue. I could not tell you how many in each side, all I can say is "A lot!". So many people lining up to get to see them too, I think I finished seeing both sides at around 5? The line moved pretty fast it's just, there were so many people lining up and so many flower stands to see it took quite a bit of time to go through all of them haha.
After finishing I climbed up the stairs of hell once again (for real so many stairs… if you were in level 7 you know what I'm talking about. Every single person going up with me on both days let out an "AGHH" while they were climbing up www I am not /that/ out of shape lmao) then to my seat I went. I was on the opposite side of the stage (so on saturday I was on the right on sunday on the left if you're looking at it from the stage) a bit further away but slightly closer to the middle and in the middle of the row.
Left my bags there then went outside to use the toilet. The line was longer than on saturday (probably because it was later?) so I BARELY made it back in time it was already like 5:28pm, very ギリギリ. The space between the seats rows is so narrow it's very hard to get in or out so I felt bad for everyone sitting in my row and just said「もう立てない!」haha. But anyway! I was seated and ready for the performance to start!
Of course the Hands&Claps video kept playing w I kept practicing just like on saturday but at this point I already had the choreo engraved in both my brain and body so I was doing it mostly for fun w Oh they played Drive a Live and Beyond the Dream before the Ken message tm and everyone was doing the calls! (albeit not as loud). I love Beyond the Dream a lot and I'm glad I sort of got to experience it in a venue even if it wasn't like, sung live www Also just like I said yesterday we had call practices with the remaining missing idols Kyoji, Shouta and Haruna (SUNDAY WAS HARUNA OMG, my saturday report is wrong!!!!!!)
1. Hands & Claps!
And just like yesterday the live opened with Hands&Claps! Also Shorino MC!!! Oh and they were wearing 8th live's matching outfits! Since my tantou unit wasn't present today I decided to go for Beit so my penlights on sunday were aqua blue! So my mission was to keep my eyes with my hawk vision on Beit (specially Takapi) BUT… the matching outfits made it SO HARD TO SEE who was who from all the way up in level 7! I didn't have a landmark yesterday like with Taku-chan and even though Horieru's hair was blonde I kept confusing him with Hama-chan, it was a mess lmao
2. キセキ的 STARRY-TUNE!!!!!
High Joker top batter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crying!!!! My first thought though was "omg oomfie for sure wasn't ready for this so early on" haha I'm glad I handed her 2 of my UOs because I knew I wasn't going to break them myself so better hand them out to someone who'll actually use them! Also was it me seeing things or did they leave a space where Shirai is supposed to go?🥹I hope we get this song performed with full HighJo somewhere in the future, specially considering the lyrics.
3. CALLING/もふ・きゅ~と・デイズ☆/Watchword
Ahhh… Shinsoku Ikkon is so cool… It's a song without calls, which is rare for Shinsoku? Or maybe it's not? Maybe バーニン・クールで輝いて and オレたちの最強伝説 ~一世一代、破羅駄威棲!~ (I copy pasted this from the wiki omg I didn't remember the name of this song being so long) just have that strong of an impression and my perception of Shinsoku songs is just skewed www Going back to the topic at hand though, red and blue plus fire in the screens!
I don't know what I could say for this song aside from "omg it's so cute" but like that's a given for Mofuen isn't it www Oh I remember Fuukun sitting at the edge of the stage! He must have been so close to the people sitting in that area of the arena… The people truly blessed by god lmao. Also one day I truly hope Mofu will be complete again… I joke a lot about Umeme skipping lives but like, Mofu hasn't been together since 4th 😭 あゆさん戻ってえええ
Then W! In the trolleys! I feel like W and trolleys go hand by hand for some reason? Maybe my once again skewed perspective from what I remember from other lives ww (tbf I have watched most if not all of them!) Yamayan said this in one of the MCs later down the line, but he injured his knee a while ago (I feel like I vaguely remember this) so I'm glad he could be part of 8th despite everything.
4.Present For You!!!!! ~A day in the café~
Once again stage production using some kind of black magic because I didn't notice when they put all the stuff on stage, and it was a lot of stuff!!! When everyone started coming in through the gate I was like "No way!!!!!!" omg all of 315pro in Cafepara's cafe!!! Once again I tried to keep my eyes on Beit and failed miserably lmao Everyone was goofing around so much I just couldn't keep my eyes on a single person ww
Iseyuu pulled out a phone? out of nowhere, FRAME (Kuma-chan and Hama-chan?) were doing push ups, Lege was reading books?, The Kogado was FIGHTING (as always) and W pulled out a football ball out of freaking nowhere? Oh also Naganyan and Hirohiro were sharing a chair! I'm for sure missing more stuff that happened but it was so much chaos ww Meanwhile Cafepara was doing their best to accommodate everyone while slaying that song (their harmonies are so good!). ALSO, Kobapyon pulled out an umbrella out of nowhere too! Oh and Shorino's high note during「ここへおいでよぉぉぉぉぉぉ」was very impressive, he held that for so long!
Everyone came out at the end and started dancing together with Cafepara, it was so cute! But then again personal hell came back, I could not tell where tf Takapi was, I was squinting my eyes so hard www Also I forgot who in Cafepara commented this but they said that Satan was getting waved around a lot and Makonyan was like "I wanted to put him somewhere but I didn't find the time" lmfao
Not Shoring keeping Shugon's「まぁ、315, 315言うておりますけれども」"Isn't that from yesterday?" "You mean サニーレタス?" "Ew no" "Are we gonna go over Saipan?" so much chaos www
7. みんなで歌おう!SideMメドレー
Yay medley corner is back!! I was wondering if they were going to shuffle the songs around (meaning change the songs, I guess they did shuffle the song order). Oh and Kodamaria said "There are some guys (in the cast) who haven't had calls in the yearly lives" so he asked us to scream very loud and we were happy to oblige! Btw I tried to keep up with the penlight colors on Saturday and regretted it deeply because I wasn't focusing on what was actually happening so for sunday I just set it to Beit blue and rolled with it lol
Café Parade!: Of course we have to start with Cafe Parade! The opposite from yesterday where we finished with the MC unit's song (aka drastars) didn't see anyone goofing around today but again level 7の人 so maybe I just didn't see.
夢色VOYAGER Yumeiro voyager with full Flags! Oh also Uryao once again changed the lyrics with Yokohama! Uryao I truly owe you my life.
VIVA!!ファミリーリズム I was better with the calls today so I could sing along better! ララララ
もっふ・いんざぼっくす♪ I wish I had 1000 eyes to see everyone because I am sure they were doing the cute mofumofu dance but I Am Only One Person sadly 🥲 Calls were very fun to do just like the previous day though!
We're the one Omg first time seeing C First ! Takeo is so handsome…. I… mean what….. (I know he is very silly this is a trait shared between the resident ikemens in M's cast w)
Legacy of Spirit Again let me say it, I LOVE THIS SONG!!! (I won't misspell the name again ever!!!)
情熱...FIGHTER Banger, nothing but bangers.
Study Equal Magic! SECOND CHANCE IN LIFE TO DO TAKENOKO DANCE GENCHI SO BLESSED SO THANKFUL. Also Hama-chan was jamming to this while Yusuke was standing beside him like🧍♂️
Tone's Destiny Tokki's voice is so beautiful… Oh also Yusuke had his hair braided today! So cute.
MOON NIGHTのせいにして ASDHJSADH AHJDHS JDHAJSHHAHHHHHHHH (please bear with this DrastarsP delusions). Once again I didn't break my UOs in the spur of the moment! Just hearing the「おいで」even if it's not live makes my mind go blank in like an instant, I function on autopilot only that's the effect Moon Night has on me「月夜のせいにして」. Kobapyon sliding to get to the「おいで」part though was really funny www
バーニン・クールで輝いて I think my throat was close to its limit at this point but of course I had to scream OI OI OI OI OI
JOKER➚オールマイティ No towels for me again today because I forgot it at the hotel haha…… But「そんなものは壊してゆけ!」was screamed from the inside of my soul so I hope that's ok www
喝彩!~花鳥風月~ I love how Yuyu also said "Everyone together! NYAN!" Today as well.
Fun! Fun! Festa! No way they closed the medley with Fun Fun Festa 😭😭😭😭😭UGHHH TAKAPI'S WINK FOR THE「きら!」part… Takatsuka…………. TAKATSUKA…. Also obviously Horieru had a Kaeru plushie!
8. MC Break
Thank you MC breaks for my feet…
Just like saturday everyone was pretty out of breath after the medley ww But Shorino went "AH! Happy Halloween" really suddenly and Cafepara started singing Reversed Masquerade (such a good song btw). After that Shorino hit us with a "Trick or Treat!!" sort of call but like what were we supposed to answer www he then corrected himself to "Trick or" and we screamed "Treat!!" like that's how it should be! lmfao Shorino then asked for Takapi's opinions on the corner and he ended up pointing out to how much Horieru was sweating and my man was MELTING www "It was very atsui indeed!" Horieru are you ok www
Shorino kept passing the conversation into other people and this time it landed on Yamayan and he was like "Oh yeah, what?" like he wasn't paying attention at all! He also mentioned being frustrated over something and I again was like「マジでどこ」and he just fumbled his "Let's get fired up together!" line at the beginning of WatchWord lmao
8. Resonate Blessing/Moon Shape 明鏡止水
There was this really long EDM break between the medley and then a violin solo and the stupid P not familiar with solos that I am for sure thought "Ah, the new Altessimo song" but then Tokki was alone… But I was still thinking it was gonna be the Alte song until like halfway through, like I kept thinking "When is Yusuke coming out"🫠
Then I realized it was a solo and was confused again because like, the solos were supposed to be yesterday! Not like I'm complaining though because Tokki's voice is beautiful I was just suuuper confused.
Genbu's solo! And there and then I realized "Ah it's a string of solos today!" please forgive me I was still very confused about the solos being here www But anyway, Fukamachi-san is very cool when he's performing on stage… When he's not saying some weird stuff www but that's neither here nor there (sorry I'm just attached like this to M cast so I know their weird quirks) that was a cool song!
9. Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Is this my favorite solo of Sunday? YOU BET IT IS! Also idk if you can see this on the stream, but all the way from level 7 you could clearly see the laser work and it was so cool! Totto pointed to some parts of the stage and the lasers followed up with his directions! They also spelled QED on the ground it was super cool I really hope you can see that on the stream (and if not I hope they include some shots from above for the DVD/BD) Maybe this is one of the good points of level 7…? You can really see the cool stage effects.
Ok but enough about the stage though Totto! He sings so good! And the dance was so stupidly goofy I'm in love with this performance ww Truly fitting of Michio-sensei. Oh also when the lights hit his outfit he looked like a mirror ball LMFAO I love it. I love it so much
10. HEAT BEAT “Identity”/ハイパービリーバー!!
When I heard the guitar I was like "NO WAY!!!!!!" Chibasho did it the madman!!! He was playing the guitar!!!!! UGHHH Highjo with their instruments makes me so emotional on god. Takes me back to 3rd's Sunset Colors 🥹 Chibasho did really good!
He left the guitar on stage, high five'd Nogamin and then onto Shiki solo we went! Once again I thought of oomf and prayed she stayed strong to live through this solo without dehydrating from crying (affectionate) haha, this was truly deadly for HighJoPs. Nogamin did really good「マジメガ!サンキューっす!」
11. Sail→Light→Sail/Yell Song
K-Arena ocean for Chris of course! Everyone turned their penlights blue. Komachan is very easy on the eyes and for that I am very very very thankful (he is very tall I could see him very well from far away… Tall ojisan with the loud voice thank you for letting my eyes rest even if just for a bit www)
OMG PEICHAMA!!! Cool Oneesan!! The lyrics on this song are so🥹😭, truly fitting for Ryo…「最高の笑顔ありがとう!」
12. MC Break
The members for this MC were the solo singers lol Tokki of course stared his speech first and why do I feel like another live solo corner was opened by a Kei solo? Am I imagining things? lol He also said that he really felt he was in K-Arena at that moment(今更!?). Then Fukamachi-san and I'll never forget how he said Genbu's solo sounded like a vocaloid song and how it's not something a person can sing so he's no longer human like 😭 Told you some paragraphs ago he's a weirdo! M cast has lots of strange personalities like this wwww
Totto was barely holding it together while speaking after whatever that was www This poor man ww He said that when he got the choreo for QED he didn't think he'd be able to sing while dancing (it was ok though!) and also the suberi part of the choreo was apparently really popular with the cast backstage so PLEASE INCLUDE THAT IN THE DVD!!!!!! "Please remember this! Make sure to remember this!" For sure Totto I'll never forget this choreo www never www
Next it was HighJo! And Chibasho commented on how big the stage felt (me, inside, from all the way up in level 7: YEAH RIGHT???), also "I wanna play the full version sometime in the future!" Then he passed the conversation on to Nogamin by referring to him was "Hyper vocal" (Hyper tanoshiiiii…?) and Nogamin played along introducing himself as Hyper😂Also not Chibasho doing crazy air guitar while Nogamin was speaking lmao what was up with that. Oh also I got to experience KONEKO-CHAN TACHI AND YAROU-DOMO on site……………………………… im crying….. im crying as I type this (dramatic) ((…..stars…..))
I think next was Koma-chan? and once again thank you Koma-chan for being so tall… 見やすい。。。I also remember him talking about the ocean and everyone changing their penlights to blue "It doesn't matter where I look at it's all full of blue!" then Tokki said "We have never seen something like this before" (I think he meant this in reference to the shape of the venue?). And then Koma-chan said how he went all the way up to level 7 during the rehearsals and thought maybe it's the same height as him "But it is indeed really high!" also "Level 7!!!!" and we screamed!! We can see you (although squinting eyes) all the way up from here!!! Peichama was last and I think she spoke about Ryo's solo but I'm sorry I only remember her trying to get us to buy the towels LMFAO
13. Reflection BREAKERS
The Kogado always has really cool songs and this isn't an exception of course! They appeared in the center stage closer to the arena? With the lights shining in yellow, blue and red and then… then… vs Kuroko?! Some dancers came on stage all dressed in black and started fighting The Kogado!? Usually they fight amongst themselves (gestures Ren and Takeru) but woooooooo this time they were fighting other people!! The choreo was SO COOL!!! I wonder if Shohei came up with it? I saw a P's tweet talking about how every kuroko had a handkerchief with the color of the idol they were fighting and that perhaps they were fighting themselves and… wow…. so emoi…… kakkoi………
14. Tricolor Rendezvous
The choreo for this song was so cute! Specially when they went 「Rendezvous
走りだそう」🎶 I wish I could put a picture here so you'd know which part I'm talking about but www ALSO OMG MY FIRST GENCHI TRICOLOR!!!!!!!!!!!! I was team red!!! I remember back in 2nd when they did it for With… STORY and how impressive it was to me how everyone changed their penlights color so fast and so accurately… And I saw it happen irl… I was part of it… Another good thing about being on level 7 is I could see the tricolor so clearly like I kept looking to my left (since I was on the right) just to see the flag…. I know I shouldn't have because please focus on F-Lags but I really wanted to properly see it.
15. Eclipse of the Heart
I thought I'd smash some songs together like I did for the solos yesterday but Eclipse of the Heart needs it's own section >< It's such a good song… Not LegendersP in the sense that the characters are my tantous but can I be P for the songs only? lol I really like Lege's songs! They are genuinely so good! String of Fate has been my phone's ringtone for as long as I remember actually lol OK BACK TO TOPIC BUT once again stage production on point with the lasers and the lights changing to red when the moon eclipse was on the screen…… ah… so good… so atmospheric…
16. The Symphonic Daylight/GO FOR IT!!
Me not knowing this song but knowing it was Altessimo the moment I heard the violin just by pure instinct lmao Oh and trolleys? Is this Alte's first trolley? Probably not I think but ww Another obligatory comment about Tokki's beautiful voice… Alte's harmonies are truly 神
Lots of Ps talked about how this song was going to get performed for sure on day 2 since all members were there and I REALLY wanted to prepare for it but it's not on youtube music >< (maybe it's on other streaming services though…?) so I admit it caught me off guard… But omg… 男(MEN)極… Also didn't Takapi look super happy while striking the pose? www ALSO, isn't Minori's image color soft pink????? I changed my penlas to soft pink because I love Minori-san but I was the only one with that color around me I felt confused 😭But it's ok as long as my feelings reached Takapi from all the way up there then it's fine www Oh also their final pose was very cool! very silly w
17. 来来美食
AH YES THE SONG THAT CAME OUT OF LEFT FIELD, when I tell you everyone lost their mind when the CM came on screen like… are they… are they going to sing it… Oomfie had told me on day 1 that Iseyu had said in his video that C. First ran out of new songs to sing and to keep an eye out for them, then the song got announced on day 1 too as well so things added up like we should have seen it coming and yet… When the C. First seiyuu appeared on stage it was like ううううううおおおおおおおおおおおお
You can definitely see this in the archive for sure but when they started dancing it was so silly and cute everyone just started screaming www Miyatan in particular seemed to be having so much fun he's so cute 😭 Also them going in circles was so CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. The song had really simple calls and I feel like everyone picked them up fairly quickly like wow… the power of Ps… Also Takeo… イケメンじゃん… Enough rambling this トンチキ song is absolutely perfect. give me more.
18. MC break (super short)
I think?????? My memories are becoming fuzzy……….. my feet were thankful as always even if the break was super short w. Everyone was pretty out of breath after doing their best with that song www Also they all had little gyoza in their hats it was so cute (I remember them having 1, 2 and 3 gyoza in their hats but don't ask me who had how many I don't remember www I wanna say Takeo had two?) 😭😭😭😭 Oh also side note but apparently the Momo buns around Yokohama were sold out around chinatown to such a degree that the chinatown official account made several tweets about it www SideM is amazing.
— 横浜中華街【公式】 (@y_chinatown) October 31, 2023
しゅうまい、桃まん、餃子がサイコーってなっちゃうわけですか!! https://t.co/z53ApvIuQM
19. BeSide Emotion
ううおおおおおおSEM来ちゃああああああああああああああああああ (Sorry I love SEM too) ((Angie you say that about every unit… I have a big heart enough for all M characters and the M cast)). This SEM song is more on the cooler side than the goofier side, reminds me of ∞ Possibilities in a way? Also omg I saw the man the myth the legend Enoki Junya in the flesh lol.
20. 愛笑華!
One of my regrets for this live is not learning Ai Sho Ka's calls properly because they are so fun!!!!! Since sunday I have been having the song on loop while I cook or like walk around and I keep doing the calls (silently) because it's so much funnnnn. I am so glad they had most of the calls on the screens so I sort of managed to keep up. I think this was the song that had the loudest calls too? Which is impressive since it's such a new song like it was released so recently… SideMP's passion truly felt… I wonder if the archive will properly show how everyone was really synced with their penlights, and if not PLEASE PUT IT ON THE DVD/BD!!!
ALSO this song has altered my vocabulary permanently because I find myself saying「そう!そう!本当にそう!」on the daily 😭 I hope I don't end up telling that to my supervisor lmfao (on second place I have to put Yuma's「そうっすね」from day 1, I am using that one way too much and in the exact same tone too like… I need help lmao)
21. ONE to DREAM!
Frame!!! They started from the main stage then moved to the one in the center and Hama was so fast lol (Using my level 7 privilege (curse?) to appreciate how fast the seiyuu run around lmao) Glad to get a FRAME song after not getting one in day 1 despite them all being present (but of course they were going to sing a group song today, but still haha). "One two, for DREAM!!!!!!!!!"
CRYING SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH COOL BEIT HITS DIFFERENT DOESN'T IT. Beit's Growing Signal was such a good single man… Mirror of Truth and Platinum Mask two absolute BANGERS. Oh also I can finally properly see them because they were alone in the stage (haha im typing this while crying). Ugh Takapi looked so cool and the mirror effects on the big screen omg…. That's the part I remember the most vividly haha the mirrors and how they broke at the end of the song. Horieru was cool too of course! (His tweet "Guys I can still use Pierre's voice!!!!" like a week and a half before the live plays constantly in my head he's so silly) Oh aside from the mirrors, the choreo! So dramatic (stars………)
Idk if I should be commenting on this because man wasn't there but Umeme's high tones in this song are so good… Obligatory I hope we get full Beit next time instead of disembodied Umeme coming from the sky… PLEASE UMEHARA COME HOME.
23. Make up↑ Magic/Journey JOY Blend/GIVE ME × FUSION/暗黒への前奏曲/Sweet Diamant
Saki-chan solo!!! First thought again (another) oomfie "Omg I hope they are alive after this" haha. Favorite ni Odorasete is iconic for several several reasons but this second solo is good too! And how is Kobapyon's voice higher than mine? Talent fr. Oh also Shorino came out at the end to dance along! And I realized "Oh we are getting cafepara solo medley"
Yukihiro solo! Omg 大人っぽい!(excuse me didn't want to use adult like and I am not englishing properly now ww) cool song! Idk why I was expecting him to use a cane maybe the first Yukihiro solo impression is still too strong in me ww.
Makio solo! Probably my favorite Cafepara new solo? So funky so good I like the vibe a lot. Oh also Kodamaria ear mic!
Another dramatic (stars!?) solo for Asselin (fitting I guess?). Makonyan's natural vibrato is impressive wow like I knew it was but experiencing it live… I can only say wow. OH I REMEMBER THE SMOKE TOO!! I think this is the only time they used the smoke? maybe probably.
And then Soichiro's solo to finish the medley! I think for this song I did change my penligths' colors because I felt sort of out of place having Cafepara's color www Sorry so many image colors to remember!! (I only know Drastars' (because it's easy) and Minori-san's orz) but anyway the rest of Cafepara came out towards the end and formed a circle!
24. Smiling Platter!
Then Smiling Platter to close Cafepara's corner! (how I wish Drastars had done the same😭 but it's ok I'll get to hear Change to Chance performed live in the future I know) Trolleys! Very fitting for Cafepara I think!
25. Hands & Claps!
And onto the final Hands&Claps we went! When Shorino said "this is the last song for today" I internally was like "NO I DON'T WANT THIS TO END PLEASE" 😭😭😭 But again Hands&Claps is a very fun so I was having a good time (trying not to think about how it was ending lmao) Also thank god for unit outfits because I was able to keep my eyes on Beit this time around! Well to the best of my abilities of course ww Also W was wearing their unit outfit! I'm pretty sure they didn't wear them before this song lol Also Makonyan said "First row!!! Second row!!! Third row!!!" (omg he was acknowledging us in the back) and of course we had to answer him ww
26. MC break
No bathroom breaks for me this day because I was in the middle and I don't think I could've gone even if I wanted to lol So I stayed throughout all of the applause thing (so long omg) but it was impressive how clear you could hear everyone's claps through Hands&Claps instrumental version like… they truly drilled that in our brains I'm telling you… Someone somewhere in an anime store is going to play Hands&Claps in the future and all Ps in a radius of 500m will start clapping www
The announcements for today were very similar to saturday's iirc? RuiPs winning in life though by getting the collab jacket plus other merch. The new CD series was announced on Saturday so that didn't get too many reactions but man everyone screamed when they showed the C. First visuals! MOMOHITO IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH ALSO, they said some lines!! And they all changed their names to a pun crying Eishin was Gyozakun, Momohito was Momoman and Shu was Shuumai (I don't remember this this clearly I saw the reports on twitter……….) I love them sm. OH ALSO FRAME VISUALS TOO!!! 超イケメンじゃん!!!Ah and finally the Fancon messages, today was SEM, Altessimo and C. First. No speaker blocking my field of vision today so I saw everyone clearly www
Right new announcement for today was the reading show!! I think my eyes have never scanned a cast list so fast jesus www I have the M cast names engraved in my soul so I can tell them apart even if I don't really know the meaning of the original kanji so I was going suuuuuper fast! Sadly no Shugon nor Drastars nor Umeme so I don't think I'll go (plus it's close to the date of my entrance exams haha crying) but I hope everyone who does has a nice time!
Did I mention yesterday that before Take a Stump each and every single idol gave us a message? Well if I didn't I'm sorry, I'm mentioning that now ww I don't remember what they said though!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!! (dvd/bd please come out faster………)
27. Take a StuMp!
Take a Stump is so fun… It's the perfect live song like what's happier than screaming your tantou's name with all your might? Also why are C First and Beit's shirts color so similar??????????? Despite there being only two of them it was so hard to for me to find where tf Beit was lmao They kept jumping in and out of the trolleys too I felt like my brain was going into overdrive www at least at this point I didn't have to worry about confusing Hama-chan (blonde) with Horieru (blonde) so Horieru was kind of working as Beit's landmark vs C First kids all having black hair, but still!!!
Also everyone was having so much fun singing and throwing the balls around (obligatory comment "I wish I was in level 3 or arena crying) that sometimes just one or two of them were singing haha Towards the end NO ONE was singing and I remember thinking "wait are we supposed to sing???" but I genuinely think they were just having too much fun they all forgot someone was supposed to sing the song haha.
28. MC break (last)
First up was Altessimo and Yusuke was like "I spoke lots yesterday so now it's Toki-san's turn" lol Oh also "BRAVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". Man can you tell I love call and responses. I do. Next Beit! And Takapi introduced himself as "Takatsuka Tomohito now 31 years old!!! I'm now 31 years old!!!" He was so happy to be the same age as Minori-san 😭😭and "I say this every time but I hope the 3 of us get to stand together on stage again!" ME TOO!!!! ME TOO TAKATSUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
W next and Yamayan said he hopes they can perform Watchword with choreo in the future! Then FRAME and THANK YOU KUMA-CHAN FOR MY LIFE and the proper「まっさんかわいい!!!!」call today, I made sure to scream louder than than on saturday!!! Massan said "I'll treasure this for the rest of my life" 😭😭😭 Also Hama screaming「かわいい!!!」too, he was sooo loud lmao. Then Sai! and I don't remember what Yuyu said but Tony answered with「そう!そう!本当にそう!」and "I REALLY wanted to do this during the live!" I'm telling once you listen to Ai Sho Ka that's gonna be in your vocabulary forever lmao.
Next Highjoker! And I remember Naganyan being like "We were the top batters do you remember us!" right he hadn't been on stage again except for the medley and the group songs ww (Oh and Present for You but does that count? ww) he kept talking before suddenly going "Hey why are you laughing" and Chibasho just answered "You're Fuyumi Jun's va, Nagatsuka Takuma right?" and Naganyan just "OH RIGHT!". Oh and Hirohiro apologized to someone for throwing a ball in their face… This is a recurring theme from saturday lol.
Next Shinsoku! All I remember is Fukamachi-san saying something like "Shinsoku Ikkon without calls feels kinda like pork miso soup without the pork. You guys are the pork" and I'm telling you the quirks of the M cast are on another level www Fukamachi-san is a weirdo ww Oh also Shinsoku calls! (does that mean we completed the pork miso soup by being the pork that day…? Oh no it's affecting my brain now) Mofu had Fuukun use his new call that he came up with during 315pro night and I wish I was up to date with the show because I for sure butchered that one (I love 315pro night I have to get into the habit of listening to it again! It's such a good radio show… おすすめです!)
Then SEM and Enoki Junya is truly a force to be reckoned with lmao Totto and Enojun are 35 this year + Yoshiki's 30 makes SEM a total of 100 years old! (what is happening) and Enojun just out of nowhere came out with the most out of pocket call and response I was DYING. Like what is「晩御飯はまだかのう」with「もう食べたでしょう~」as response lmfao And the way he said it with his deadpan face was just so funny I can't with this man www M cast is truly like this ww (Cues to Totto being like "What is this!!! SEM isn't like this!! This isn't SEM!!"). Zatsu baton went to The Kogado, where each were like "The!" "Koga" but then Hamanon said "Doo" (like do in english) and Shohei just "You sound like a girl who just came back to the country" and then Hamanon answered IN ENGLISH "Sorry sorry man I didn't mean that" and I just wanna say if you heard someone screaming "ENGLISH!!!!!!!!!!" at that part that was me and I am sorry.
Then Flags! I think! And ppl were screaming "GANBAREEEEE!" at Peichama haha and she was like "This is SEM's fault!" and Yoshiki "You mean Enoki Junya's fault?" and Enojun just "SideM is like this isn't it?" indeed it is www Oh and when Peichama mentioned the tricolor everyone changed their penlights to their respective colors on instinct lol like they didn't even ask us to do it again everyone kinda just did it again haha (Team red represent… felt like fate that I was red…).
Legenders next! (I think……) and Fuumin once again referred to Koma-chan as "The big person with the loud voice ww" Oh also it was Amehiko's bday that day so Kasama-san made us scream「おめでとう!!!」for Amehiko 🥹C First next and Iseyuu introduced themselves as "Chuukafirst" ah… The M weirdness is spreading to the new kids…. Also I still can't believe how young Iseyuu is, he really has it together he seems older? Like for the longest time I thought Miyatan was the youngest (he just gives me that feeling haha). Cafepara was last but I don't remember what they said ><
Ahhhh………….. Drive a Live… 私たちの始まりの曲😭
I tried to scream even louder today than yesterday (my throat regretted my stupid decisions later on but heh who cares), specially the 315!!! parts!! Oh also I didn't mention this yesterday, but despite having seen pretty much all M lives in existence I didn't know there were wota calls in Drive a Live during the「世界は動き出す」(and similar parts) ((I mean the「うーうーうーうー」wotagei)) like I watched some lives again after 8th (to keep bathing on M's light…) and I heard them so like… Past me what was going on lol But anyway what I wanted to say is, I did that properly louder on sunday since I now knew they were there lmao And then the final 「JUST KEEP ON GOING WE ARE 315!!!!!」ughhh it was truly over 😭😭😭😭
I couldn't let my throat die just yet though because of course I needed to scream「アイマス!!!」today too and I feel like everyone held it for a pretty long time today (Producers' have big lung capacity maybe…?)
Appeal camera time!! And C First did 来来美飯's silly dance (rairai meishi? rairai meshi? how do you romanize the name of this song…) they were so cute www There were some other units before them but Sai kicked off the heart making… Thank you Sai for my LIFE… Beit did it too… Frame too… Highjoker too (together with some weird dance too what was that ww) Then Kogado was gonna do it too but then Zunta and Shohei started fighting www OH AND THEN LEGENDERS and their messed up heart was super cute but Fuumin is small compared to both Kasama-san and Koma-chan so despite him being in the middle and kneeling the heart's shape was crooked www They did their best!!! Oh and Cafepara lastly did a star with their hands!
30. Final thoughts
Oh wait before I forget! I didn't mention this on the 1st day report because I wanted to mention it for this one but! Everyone, every single member of the cast sings SO WELL LIVE! I'd already seen Shugon live so I knew he sounded really good (fearing going a little bit off topic here, but Shugon's live show was so good I really thought at points that I was listening to the recordings haha despite him having a band and adding adlibs. He's crazy good. Ok gushing over Shugon over) but everyone else was just as good. The live vocals blew me away I am not exaggerating. They are all so good. Ok I got that out of the way lol I HAD to say it.
And the live, together with the 2 days I have had the most fun in a while, came to an end… It was so fast… If you'd asked me at that time how long the live was and I couldn't see the time, I probably would've answered like 2 and a half hours… What do you mean it was 4+ hours long 😭 I felt something similar when I went to Walküre's Last Mission live viewing but man this time was worse haha
Once again the advantage of level 7 is you get out pretty fast, so off the anpanman I went to meet up with oomfs! I am glad I found one of them pretty fast so we could chat for a bit ("So how was Saki's solo?" "Ahhhhhh" www) also Level 7 仲間 🤝 Since today's show ended later than saturday's it was already too late when we were all together so… Yes to the famima we went (and semi kinda almost got lost on the way… Yukihiro would be proud of us www). Bought some stuff for a small toast and somehow found the other Ps we were with the day before! (one of them being one of the TeruPs. TeruPs assemble) ahhh we talked about the show a lot… it was so much fun…
But again it was pretty late (the trains stopping at midnight in japan is so inconvenient ><) and Yokohama station is kinda far from K-Arena so we had to start walking to catch the train. I feel like we were panicking a little bit and google was being weird (sorry oomfie we didn't trust your sense of direction despite you actually living in Yokohama) but we made it in time and before the last train too yahoo! And again spent the entire train ride talking about the live 🥹… Got off, said goodbye to oomfie (both of you if you're reading this you were so nice thank you so much I'll never forget 😭😭😭), took one last picture (or so I thought because I can't find it orz), walked to the hotel… The 2 days were over in an instant…
The fact that I went to this live is still so crazy to me. So many years watching M lives from my home (sadly and alone ww) and the conclusion is I get to go to the biggest M live yet in the opening for a new venue and it sold out like wow… Sounds like the perfect ending www And actually, when they announced 8th and with everything else that was happening with M around the time, I thought I for sure had to go to this live 100% because I had some dark feeling that this might be the last one… Like the situation was THAT dire what with Saisuta closing and all of us feeling like we were sort of hanging off from a cliff… So before the live I sort of was like "If this ends like this for M then it's ok" but I don't think that at all anymore! I don't think this'll be the last M live anymore, not one bit! The seiyuu still have so much passion for M (and they are so strong for standing on that huge stage and giving their best despite everything surrounding M being in this sort of weird state where you can't see what's in the future) and we have a new CD series that looks really fun and new stories so M is still here! In another shape that maybe it's not ideal, but despite everything I want to believe that M still has things to offer so I want to keep supporting it to the best of my abilities. Next year is the 10th anniversary and I know I'll be super busy with my uni life probably properly kicking off but I'll do my upmost best to go 9th! ("Angie they haven't announced it yet" I know but I cannot help but think about it!!!) ずっと、ずっとその先へ!
And for real I have regrets from this live! I wanna make a P card to exchange, I wanna bring even more omiyage to give to people, I wish I'd arrived earlier to the venue so I could hang out with more people, I want to eat Touma's curry bread even if I have to wake up at 5am!!, I WANNA BREAK MY UOs!, I wish I'd taken the bullet and subscribed to Asobikun so I could have a better seat, I wish I'd taken more pictures! I WISH UMEME WAS THERE!!!!!!!! (though I can't personally do anything about this but www please Umehara…….) So SideM cannot end I will not let it end 😤 I'll support M forever!!!!
And with this conclude my live report! It's so long 😭 I feel like I wrote everything I wanted to write I feel like I could've possibly written more stuff (Angie no please…) I'm so happy my first ever idol live genchi (would love to say first ever genchi live but that was actually Shugon's 3rd Tour Noise live in Osaka haha ((Shugon's solo songs are really good too おすすめです!sorry my seiyuu wota just came out)) which is somehow fitting? I can't believe I saw Shugon twice this year wow… I have been blessed by god… The sun keeps shining on me…) was a SideM live 🥹I will go to 9th for sure!!! I hope I can meet everyone at 9th too!!!
Before I end the report I just wanna say I went to the 315 shop on monday!!!!!! Waaahhh I actually was in Sunshine City the very first day I arrived in Japan to go to the Pokecen and I regret deeply not going to the 315 shop because I didn't know it was there >< We have an Idolm@ster shop in Osaka but it's kinda lame since it doesn't have lots of things inside (the coolest thing they have is the original im@s arcade game) so I was really excited to go!
So many Ps lining up outside (the store opens at 1pm on weekdays, it was around 11:30) and I'm sure every single one of them went to the live concert too ahh… 8th Stage All Hands Together 3rd day am I right… But anyway we were all sort of seeing the MVs looping on the screen and side note when I arrived they were playing Change to Chance it felt like fate (dramatic) ((stars….)). I took lots of pictures around the store it felt truly like I was inside 315pro.
The store opened and the line was sooooo long I'm telling you, so many Ps! I ended up buying the Drastars tote bag because it was so cute 😭I feel like I can use it on my daily life to bring my laptop around or to go shopping, the design is really nice and it doesn't stand out too much! Also I didn't notice they had photo spots inside the store for the nuis so I didn't take a picture of Teru nui there, crying. If I'm around Ikebukuro in the future I'll make sure to drop by again!
And with this (this time for real for real) I'll end my live report! Once again IT'S TOO DAMN LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you to whoever is reading this!!!!!! Let's keep walking alongside SideM in the future!! One step at a time!! (we're like 50% back)