
2023年度SAKE DIPLOMA International対策問題集 Vol.44

昨年までAmazonのKindleで販売していた「Japanese SAKE QUIZ 250: SAKE DIPLOMA International 2022 support (English Edition)」を、今年からnoteにて無料公開することにしました。定期的に更新していきますので、受験する皆さんはぜひご活用ください。


Select one toji group that has been remarkably active since the beginning of the Heisei era.

  1. Echigo toji

  2. Tanba toji

  3. Nanbu toji

  4. Hiroshima toji


Select one polishing method that uses a rotating axis and grinding method to polish rice grains so that the length, width, and thickness of the rice grains are all X% for X% polishing.

  1. Round shaped polishing

  2. Original shape polishing

  3. Equal-ranked shape polishing

  4. Flat shape rice-polishing


Select one polishing method in which rice grains tend to rotate turbulently around a short axis, resulting in the grinding of length rather than thickness or width of elongated grains of rice, and the rice is ground round.

  1. Round shaped polishing

  2. Original shape polishing

  3. Equal-ranked shape polishing

  4. Flat shape rice-polishing


Select one time period when bodai-moto is said to have been practiced.

  1. 13th century

  2. 14th century

  3. 15th century

  4. 16th century


Select one year in which Awamori is recorded as being presented to the Tokugawa Shogun under the name "Awamori.

  1. 1559.

  2. 1609.

  3. 1671.

  4. 1705.




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