
2023年度SAKE DIPLOMA International対策問題集 Vol.42

昨年までAmazonのKindleで販売していた「Japanese SAKE QUIZ 250: SAKE DIPLOMA International 2022 support (English Edition)」を、今年からnoteにて無料公開することにしました。定期的に更新していきますので、受験する皆さんはぜひご活用ください。


Select one district to which Furuke, Tsuneda, and Saido belong in Hyogo Prefecture's Special A District.

  1. Yashiro

  2. Tojo

  3. Yokawa-cho

  4. Kuchiyokawa-cho


Select one municipality in Hyogo Prefecture that has two "Yashiro" districts in the Special A District.

  1. Ono-shi

  2. Kato-shi

  3. Kobe-shi

  4. Miki-shi


Select one district with 38 villages in Hyogo Prefecture, Special A District.

  1. Tojo

  2. Hosokawa-cho

  3. Yokawa-cho

  4. Kuchiyokawa-cho


Select one year when the construction of JA Minori Tojo Rice Center in Hyogo Prefecture was completed.

  1. 1956.

  2. 1963.

  3. 1964.

  4. 1977.


In the Hyogo Prefecture village rice system, select one appropriate name for the agency in charge of negotiations with sake brewers in the consumption area.

  1. Sake Nakatsugi

  2. Hama Nakatsugi

  3. Machi Nakatsugi

  4. Yama Nakatsugi




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