
How to use nanakusa 1: Let's open MetaMask

MetaMask registration is required to become a nanakusa user

To become a nanakusa user, you will definitely need a wallet called MetaMask. 
Register for MetaMask to work as a crypto artist.

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is an Ethereum-based web wallet that you can use safely. It can be linked as an extension of Google.

In particular, MetaMask is a wallet that can handle account management and users' connections to the blockchain.

Click here for the link to download MetaMask

Now, I will explain the actual registration procedure.

MetaMask registration procedure

Step 1: Download MetaMask

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Step 2: Install with Google's browser "Chrome"

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Step 3: Press the "Add to Chrome" button


Step 4: Press Add Extension


Step 5: Press "Get Started"

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Step 6: Select Creating a Wallet

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Step 7: I Agree to help improve MetaMask

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Step 8: Set the password, check the terms of use, and click the "Create" button.

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Step 9: Back up your passphrase

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Note: You can see 12 English words by clicking the key mark, so make a note of it, not a screenshot. If it's difficult to make notes now, press "Remind me later" to continue.

Step 10: Registration completed

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When this screen appears, registration is complete. In addition, on this screen, there is a guide saying that various swaps can be done, but it is okay to close it once with a cross. It's very easy, isn't it?

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How to copy the receiving address (wallet address)

You can copy your own receiving address (wallet address) by clicking the account part.


Click here for a link to download MetaMask
