
オンライン英会話(Native Camp)で洋書 (カズオ・イシグロ『夜想曲』)を先生と一緒に読む"Book Club"をやってみました



いくつか案が出た中から、カズオ・イシグロ『夜想曲集』(Nocturnes by Kazuo Ishiguro)に決定。イギリス在住、日本人の両親を持つイシグロ、母語が英語で、英語で書かれた小説。 イギリス人の先生と、日本人生徒が一緒に読むにはよい選択かと。2週間に1度程度のペースでレッスンを受け、やっていくことに。


早速本を読み始めました。私はkindle 愛用しているのですが、洋書をkindle で読むメリットは沢山。わからない単語を長押しするだけで辞書やwikiで調べられますし、色でハイライトできてます。調べた単語の一覧表もさっと作れますよ。

参照↓ https://appllio.com/kindle-books-highlight-memo

わからない単語、辞書で調べた単語は、青でハイライト、などと色を自分で決めて、ハイライトします。 青いハイライトの単語の一覧を作れば、自分専用の新出単語表があっという間に完成します。






By The Time I Get To Phoenix
Chet Baker - I fall in love too easily
Frank Sinatra - One For My Baby







Noteにその文章を掲載しようかと思っていましたが、ふと、書き終えてから、このアウトラインと感想は、ネタバレになってしまうなあ。。。と。ただし、先生にもみてもらい、推敲を重ねた英語の文章を、ネタバレなしにすらっと書き換えるほど私は器用でなく。。。そうだ!とChat GPTにこんなお願いをしてみました。

「この文章は、私がKazuo Ishiguroの"Nocturnes"の第一話 ”Cronner"を読み書いた、OutlineとCommentです。ただし、このままでは"spoil alert"になってしまうため、そうならないように文章を変えてください。私は英語の学習者ですので、あまり難しい言葉は使わないでください。」


Set in the enchanting city of Venice, Italy, Crooner follows the story of Jan, a talented guitarist from Poland who performs in local bands. One day, while playing at a café, Jan spots Tony Gardner, a famous American singer who his mother adored. Excited by the chance to meet a legend, Jan approaches Tony, and this encounter leads him into the lives of Tony and his wife, Lindy.
Though Tony and Lindy have shared a long and meaningful relationship, there are tensions beneath the surface. During their time in Venice, Tony asks Jan for a special favor—one that involves music, emotions, and a heartfelt gesture. What unfolds is a touching and bittersweet journey, where Jan hopes to see something beautiful come from the couple's complicated bond.
If you love stories about music, love, and the complexities of relationships, Crooner offers a memorable experience set against the stunning backdrop of Venice.

The characters and scenes in Crooner are described in such a detailed and beautiful way that it’s easy to visualize everything. The emotions of the characters are often expressed through subtle gestures, which makes the story feel very real and relatable. As someone who has been married for long years, I found myself reflecting on the complexity of long-term relationships. The story made me wonder about the dynamics between Tony and Lindy, and the challenges they faced.

One of the most memorable parts of the story for me was a scene involving a gondola, which felt symbolic of the flow of life and the passage of time. Music plays a big role in the story, and after looking up some of the songs mentioned, I found that listening to them added even more depth to the scenes. I could really understand why certain songs were chosen and how they connected to the characters’ emotions.

Overall, Crooner left me thinking about love, marriage, and the choices we make. It’s a story that could easily be adapted into a drama or movie because of its rich atmosphere and emotional depth. I highly recommend it, especially if you enjoy stories that explore relationships in a thoughtful way.

いかがでしょう。Chat GPT賢すぎる。。。。もはや、人間が自分でアウトラインやコメントを書く意味があるのかとさえ思ってしまうほどの賢さですが、それは、もう、ただ自分が楽しみで本を読み、書いているのだからと納得するしかありません。笑

さらに、Chat GPTを色々使ってみることに。

イシグロの故郷である日本あるいは、母親 の象徴

イシグロの生まれ育ったイギリスあるいは、父親 の象徴

であるという説についてどう思うかをChat GPTと対話してみました。

Dialogue between Chat GPT and me

There is a theory that in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Nocturnes, Jan’s mother represents Ishiguro’s own mother and her homeland of Japan, while Tony Gardner represents Ishiguro’s father and his father’s homeland of England. What do you think about this?

Chat GPT
The interpretation that Jan’s mother symbolizes Ishiguro’s own mother and her homeland of Japan, and that Tony Gardner represents Ishiguro’s father and England, is a very intriguing idea. In many of his works, Ishiguro deals with his immigrant experience and the identity that straddles two cultures, so it is possible to view his personal background as being projected onto the characters and the story.
Let’s explore this interpretation from several angles.

1. Jan’s mother as a symbol of Ishiguro’s mother and Japan

The interpretation of Jan’s mother as a symbol of Ishiguro’s own mother or his mother’s homeland, Japan, offers an interesting perspective. Born in Japan and moving to England as a child, Ishiguro was always between two different cultures. The fact that Jan’s mother is an incredibly important figure to him may resonate with the idea that Japan holds a special place in Ishiguro’s memories and emotions, particularly from his early years. There could be a reflection of Ishiguro’s nostalgia for Japan in the relationship between Jan and his mother.

2. Tony Gardner as a symbol of Ishiguro’s father and England

Similarly, the idea that Tony Gardner represents Ishiguro’s father or his father’s homeland, England, is also persuasive. Tony is portrayed as a successful singer, a figure of authority and dignity, which could symbolize the father figure that England represents. Ishiguro’s father built a career as a scientist in England, and Ishiguro grew up in a setting influenced by both Japanese and English cultures. The authoritative and successful traits of Tony’s character could reflect aspects of Ishiguro’s father or the cultural background of England.

3. The contrast and fusion of two cultures

Ishiguro’s works often depict internal conflicts or blends of different cultural and personal identities. In this interpretation, Jan’s mother (Japan) and Tony (England) symbolize two different influences that shape Jan’s life and struggles. Jan’s oscillation between these two figures may mirror Ishiguro’s own exploration of his roots and identity, caught between two worlds.


This theory offers a unique approach to reinterpreting Nocturnes through Ishiguro’s personal background, particularly the cultural influences of Japan and England. The presence of characters symbolizing his parents and their respective homelands adds further depth to the themes and narrative of Ishiguro’s works. By adopting this perspective, the motivations and emotions of the characters become more clearly connected to the complex identity of the author himself.

Chat GPT 賢い。

さてさて、Chat GPTの賢さに感動するのはこれくらいにして、、、まだ短編集の1話目ですから、次のレッスンでは2話目を読んでいこうと思います。

