
  1. 線維筋痛症の女性における心理的苦痛:身体評価、自己思いやり、自己批判の役割

  2. 胃不全麻痺と機能性ディスペプシアにおける不安、うつ、および胃腸症状の有病率と関連性の比較:系統的レビューとメタ分析

  3. 持続的な身体症状を持つ成人のためのオンラインアクセプタンス・アンド・コミットメント・セラピー(iACT) - ランダム化比較試験の3ヶ月フォローアップ研究

  4. 緩和ケアにおける心理的健康:精神科医とアートセラピストの臨床反省日誌のテーマ分析

  5. 進行がん患者における栄養影響症状とうつ病との関連

  6. がん性疼痛とオピオイド誘発性悪心・嘔吐の薬物治療:オンライン調査と現行ガイドラインとの比較

  7. がん診断前後のオピオイド使用の軌跡:集団ベースのコホート研究

  8. 痛みにおける苦痛の定義:自然言語処理を用いた痛み関連苦痛に関する系統的レビュー

  9. 痛みの強度の新しい測定法の説明と初期検証:鎮痛薬を使用しない場合の基礎的痛みの数値評価スケール

  10. 機能性神経障害(FND)におけるスティグマ - 系統的レビュー

  11. 抗うつ薬中止症状の発生率:系統的レビューとメタ分析

  12. コミュニケーションの不平等と不完全なデータが、ソーシャルメディアがワクチン接種に与える影響の理解を妨げている

  13. 消化性潰瘍疾患

  14. 医療専門家の注意力:スコーピングレビュー

  15. 持続的な身体症状:定義、発生、および管理

  16. 2型糖尿病

  17. 2型糖尿病と慢性腎臓病を持つこの患者をどのように管理しますか?ベス・イスラエル・ディーコネス・メディカル・センターからのグランドラウンドディスカッション

  18. 系統的レビューとメタ分析におけるタイトルと抄録のスクリーニングにGPT-3.5 Turboモデルを使用する感度と特異度

  19. ステージ5慢性腎臓病患者におけるナトリウム-グルコース共輸送体2阻害薬と透析および心血管疾患のリスク

  20. 「本当に機会がなかった」:長期疾患を持つ人々の事前ケア計画に対する視点、プライマリケアにおける質的インタビュー研究

  21. 日本のプライマリケア臨床医のための認知症に特化した事前ケア計画ツールキットの事前事後評価

  22. IgA腎症患者におけるCOVID-19ワクチンの有害反応と腎機能への影響

  23. 顕微鏡的多発血管炎の予後は治療開始後2週間で十分に予測可能

  24. 透析患者のフレイル

  25. 日本人生体腎ドナーにおける年齢別の腎提供の結果:単施設研究

  26. 外来血液透析センターにおける感染予防に寄与する人的要因:混合研究法による研究

  27. 血液透析患者におけるグリコアルブミンと突然死の関連

Items 1-27 of 27 (Display the 27 citations in PubMed)


Psychological Distress in Women with Fibromyalgia: The Roles of Body Appreciation, Self-Compassion, and Self-Criticism.

Levy S, Ohayon S, Avitsur R, Geller S.

Int J Behav Med. 2024 Jun 17. doi: 10.1007/s12529-024-10302-5. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38886330


Comparing the prevalence and association between anxiety, depression and gastrointestinal symptoms in gastroparesis versus functional dyspepsia: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Overs J, Morgan S, Apputhurai P, Tuck C, Knowles SR.

J Psychosom Res. 2024 Jun 15;183:111834. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2024.111834. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38896986


Online acceptance and commitment therapy (iACT) for adults with persistent physical symptoms - 3-month follow-up study of a randomized controlled trial.

Lappalainen P, Keinonen K, Lappalainen R, Selinheimo S, Vuokko A, Sainio M, Liesto S, Tolvanen A, Paunio T.

J Psychosom Res. 2024 Jun 13;183:111830. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2024.111830. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38878337


Psychological health in Palliative Care: Thematic analysis of a psychiatrist's and an art therapist's clinical reflexive journals.

Lim WP, Chew RJY, O'Callaghan C.

Palliat Med. 2024 Jun 19:2692163241259632. doi: 10.1177/02692163241259632. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38898650


Associations of nutrition impact symptoms with depression in patients with advanced cancer.

Amano K, Okamura S, Matsuda Y, Baracos VE, Mori N, Miura T, Tatara R, Kessoku T, Tagami K, Otani H, Mori M, Taniyama T, Nakajima N, Nakanishi E, Kako J, Morita T, Miyashita M.

Support Care Cancer. 2024 Jun 19;32(7):445. doi: 10.1007/s00520-024-08645-6.

PMID: 38896133


Pharmacological treatment of cancer pain and opioid induced nausea and vomiting: online survey and comparison with current guidelines.

Gaertner J, Boehlke C, Kreye G, Fusi-Schmidhauser T, Mueller E, Roch C.

Support Care Cancer. 2024 Jun 15;32(7):436. doi: 10.1007/s00520-024-08628-7.

PMID: 38879720 Free PMC article.


Trajectories of opioid use before and after cancer diagnosis: A population-based cohort study.

Daniels B, Luckett T, Liauw W, Falster MO, Gisev N, Blyth FM, Pearson SA.

J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024 Jun 13:S0885-3924(24)00809-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2024.06.006. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38878910


Defining suffering in pain: a systematic review on pain-related suffering using natural language processing.

Noe-Steinmüller N, Scherbakov D, Zhuravlyova A, Wager TD, Goldstein P, Tesarz J.

Pain. 2024 Jul 1;165(7):1434-1449. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003195. Epub 2024 Mar 5.

PMID: 38452202 Free PMC article.


Description and initial validation of a novel measure of pain intensity: the Numeric Rating Scale of Underlying Pain without concurrent Analgesic use.

Suri P, Heagerty PJ, Timmons A, Jensen MP.

Pain. 2024 Jul 1;165(7):1482-1492. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003150. Epub 2024 Jan 2.

PMID: 38189184


Stigma in functional neurological disorder (FND) - A systematic review.

McLoughlin C, McWhirter L, Pisegna K, Tijssen MAJ, Tak LM, Carson A, Stone J.

Clin Psychol Rev. 2024 Jun 13;112:102460. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2024.102460. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38905960 Review.


Incidence of antidepressant discontinuation symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Henssler J, Schmidt Y, Schmidt U, Schwarzer G, Bschor T, Baethge C.

Lancet Psychiatry. 2024 Jul;11(7):526-535. doi: 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00133-0. Epub 2024 Jun 5.

PMID: 38851198


Communication inequalities and incomplete data hinder understanding of how social media affect vaccine uptake.

Viswanath K, Lee EJ, Dryer E.

BMJ. 2024 Jun 20;385:e076478. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-076478.

PMID: 38901868 Free PMC article.


Peptic ulcer disease.

Almadi MA, Lu Y, Alali AA, Barkun AN.

Lancet. 2024 Jun 14:S0140-6736(24)00155-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00155-7. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38885678 Review.


Attention Among Health Care Professionals : A Scoping Review.

Kissler MJ, Porter S, Knees M, Kissler K, Keniston A, Burden M.

Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jun 18. doi: 10.7326/M23-3229. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38885508 Review.


Persistent physical symptoms: definition, genesis, and management.

Löwe B, Toussaint A, Rosmalen JGM, Huang WL, Burton C, Weigel A, Levenson JL, Henningsen P.

Lancet. 2024 Jun 15;403(10444):2649-2662. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00623-8.

PMID: 38879263 Review.


Type 2 Diabetes.

Crawford AL, Laiteerapong N.

Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jun;177(6):ITC81-ITC96. doi: 10.7326/AITC202406180. Epub 2024 Jun 11.

PMID: 38857502 Review.


How Would You Manage This Patient With Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease? Grand Rounds Discussion From Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Smetana GW, Romeo GR, Rosas SE, Burns RB.

Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jun;177(6):800-811. doi: 10.7326/M24-0764. Epub 2024 Jun 11.

PMID: 38857499


Sensitivity and Specificity of Using GPT-3.5 Turbo Models for Title and Abstract Screening in Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses.

Tran VT, Gartlehner G, Yaacoub S, Boutron I, Schwingshackl L, Stadelmaier J, Sommer I, Alebouyeh F, Afach S, Meerpohl J, Ravaud P.

Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jun;177(6):791-799. doi: 10.7326/M23-3389. Epub 2024 May 21.

PMID: 38768452


Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter-2 Inhibitors and the Risk for Dialysis and Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease.

Yen FS, Hwu CM, Liu JS, Wu YL, Chong K, Hsu CC.

Ann Intern Med. 2024 Jun;177(6):693-700. doi: 10.7326/M23-1874. Epub 2024 Apr 30.

PMID: 38684099


'There's never really been an opportunity': perspectives of those with long-term conditions on advance care planning, a qualitative interview study in primary care.

Bushell S, Murtagh F.

Br J Gen Pract. 2024 Jun 20;74(suppl 1):bjgp24X737565. doi: 10.3399/bjgp24X737565.

PMID: 38902065


Pre-post-evaluation of a dementia-specific advance care planning toolkit for Japanese primary care clinicians.

Kistler CE, Inoue M, Matsui T, Abe M, Le Donne M, Kiyota A, Lin FC, Yang Y, Hanson LC.

J Am Geriatr Soc. 2024 Jun 19. doi: 10.1111/jgs.19040. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38895937


Adverse reactions and effects on renal function of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with IgA nephropathy.

Nagatsuji K, Morikawa T, Ide N, Kunishige R, Takahata S, Matsuki A, Kadosawa K, Sakata Y, Yamazaki D, Shibata M, Hamada M, Kitabayashi C, Nishiyama A, Konishi Y.

Clin Exp Nephrol. 2024 Jun 15. doi: 10.1007/s10157-024-02521-7. Online ahead of print.

PMID: 38879735


Prognosis of microscopic polyangiitis is well predictable in the first 2 weeks of treatment.

Owaki A, Tanaka A, Furuhashi K, Watanabe Y, Koshi-Ito E, Imaizumi T, Maruyama S.

Clin Exp Nephrol. 2024 Jul;28(7):701-706. doi: 10.1007/s10157-024-02522-6. Epub 2024 Jun 8.

PMID: 38851645 Free PMC article.


Frailty in patients on dialysis.

Chan GC, Kalantar-Zadeh K, Ng JK, Tian N, Burns A, Chow KM, Szeto CC, Li PK.

Kidney Int. 2024 Jul;106(1):35-49. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2024.02.026. Epub 2024 May 3.

PMID: 38705274 Review.


Consequences of kidney donation by age in Japanese living kidney donors: a single-center study.

Ogata M, Osako K, Terashita M, Miyauchi T, Sakurai Y, Shinoda K, Sasaki H, Shibagaki Y, Yazawa M.

Clin Exp Nephrol. 2024 Jul;28(7):664-673. doi: 10.1007/s10157-024-02476-9. Epub 2024 Mar 4.

PMID: 38436901


Human Factors Contributing to Infection Prevention in Outpatient Hemodialysis Centers: A Mixed Methods Study.

Parker SH, Jesso MN, Wolf LD, Leigh KA, Booth S, Gualandi N, Garrick RE, Kliger AS, Patel PR.

Am J Kidney Dis. 2024 Jul;84(1):18-27. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2023.12.024. Epub 2024 Mar 4.

PMID: 38447708


Association between glycated albumin and sudden death in patients undergoing hemodialysis.

Kaizu Y, Nagata M, Kaizu S, Qie Y, Kaizu K, Tanaka S, Nakano T, Kitazono T.

Clin Exp Nephrol. 2024 Jul;28(7):656-663. doi: 10.1007/s10157-024-02475-w. Epub 2024 Mar 4.

PMID: 38436900 Free PMC article.
