
R-ACE/Rescue-ACE Cyberse Variant

    Hello everyone! Thank you for purchasing this Note. This is my first time writing a Yu-Gi-Oh! deck guideline. Let me introduce myself first, my name is Yuji, a player from Thailand. Most of Thai players are familiar with me as I participated in many tournaments and have been a strong contestant and participate in top-cut of many regional-national size tournaments in Thailand.

Today I will walk you through today deck of R-ACE or Rescue-ACE. As this deck has been getting a lot of attention and many players have been playing this deck for its Consistency, Power, Flexibility and Utilities. (Please be note this will be guide for OCG Format. Feel free to adapted to your local format)

In this note will feature a ground-up and explanation of each card and The Build and the Combo.

Build Type

Let’s talk about how’s each of the Build work and strengths and weaknesses of each build.

1.Pure Rescue-ACE Build
2.Mecha Phantom Beast Build
3.Cyberse Build

This is FIRE.

First of all, the Pure Build, among the three types, this type has the highest utilities among all as the extra deck is very flexible and work pretty much as the toolbox here. The main deck build is pretty much baseline for another variant to build on. For the weaknesses so far that this build has been facing is the lack of any kind of Spell and Trap negation. Thus is 2nd or 3rd Game it would pretty much confirm your opponent would side in back row many removals like Evenly Match, Harpies’ Feather Duster, or Lightning Storm. And we have to relied on drawing or searching for Solemn Judgment to stop those cards.

Who's the best boy? Definitely not you.

Next is the Mecha Phantom Beast Build which revolve around having "Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon" in the Extra Deck for making an explosive play on First Turn Board with back row protection such as "Borreload Savage Dragon" and other monsters with negation. As you can see by having Auroradon in the Extra Deck this build must include the "Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion" in your main deck which is a double-edge sword in this build. With less consistency and tenacity to draw it on the 1st hand. In Most of situation this have been marked as Brick hand and lead to more problem. But there’s always a silver lining in this build. Effect of O-lion is very useful when trying to go for a higher Link Monster as it helps to create a token for further option.

Cyberse? What's that?

Now today main star of this guide, the Cyberse Build. The Main Deck is pretty much the same as the Pure Build as this variant is lean more into the Extra Deck line-up. With the consistency of Pure build and explosive playstyle of the Mecha Phantom Beast Build this deck is a middle ground for both styles. Thus, making this deck's utilities lower than the other two as most of the Extra Deck would be filled with less utility Link Monster.

Deck List

Very Tight Line-up!

Cards in the Deck

  • Now Let's take a look at featured monsters in this deck!

Here comes DAT BOI!

Rescue-ACE Turbulence
The Boss monster of this deck. One of simplest card to play with. With high-stat and easy summoning effect and game-changing effect to set 4 cards from your deck. But due to being High-level monster I choose to run two of this.


Rescue-ACE Preventer
Best Card of this deck! Easy to summon, a walking “Book of Moon”, an extender and recovery in the same effect. But still this card is a High-level monster thus I run only two of this.

Also Definitely-Not-G*nd*m

Rescue-ACE Fire Engine
One of two of “Game Punisher” of this deck. Also act as an Extender to some of play and good target for Impulse to Special Summon. I run only One of this card as this act like to me an Extender.

Drone goes Brr~

Rescue-ACE Fire Attacker
One of two of “Game Punisher” of this deck. Also act as an Extender to some of play and good target for Impulse to Special Summon. Same reason as the Fire engine I run only one of this card.

Please let me search.

Rescue-ACE Air Lifter
Best Starter of this deck. This card can search the missing piece for breaking your opponent board and can be very useful Hand trap. Three is the only choice to run this card.

Good Job Red Havnis!

Rescue-ACE Impulse
One of the reason R-ACE is being in current meta. Very strong effect in both effect. Good to counter against Purrely and other deck to force out his 2nd effect. Three it is for Red Havnis!

I have no mouth, but I must search.

Rescue-ACE Hydrant
Heart and Soul of this deck. Easily no doubt about this card to be running at maximum.


The 1st card to be on banlist for sure if Konami plan to nerf this deck. As this card is super versatile and easy to use there’s no reason not to run this at Three.

Report Please

Rescue-ACE HQ
Very versatile card. Adding power to going over some of boss monsters and mainly would feature in recycling the used Rescue-ACE cards from either banished or in Graveyard. One is enough for this card.

Do not proceed. It's a trap.

Very straight forward card but it act as Extender for Cyberse variant. Run only One for Turbulence to set it.

Called amberlance

Extender for Cyberse build. Run only One for Turbulence to set it.


Run only one for Turbulence to set it. You can use this card with Hydrant to break some board the turn it was set too. 

You have right to remain silence.

Run only one for Turbulence to set it. You can use this card with Hydrant to break some board the turn it was set too. 

Good Ol' Stable

Maxx “C”, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Called by The Grave, Crossout Designator
Good ol’ stable. As this deck play into more of Combo-heavy. I run all of these at max for each of them.

I love you. I hate you.

Infinite Impermanence
This deck mortal enemy but you have run it for mirror match, Purrely, and other decks. Two is max of this build.

No Ash Please I'm broke.

One for One, Pot of Prosperity, Reinforcement of the Army
Starter search or searching for the missing piece of your combo. Run all of them max for the consistency.

  • Other Tech cards slot.

Nice a c****

Kurikara Divincarnate
With Purrely still in high number, this card is very effective to counter them.

Lemme see your hand.

Triple Tactics Talent
Universal card. Can be use for both going 1st and 2nd. Very good for mirror match.

Nice another C--

Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
Universal hand trap. This card can be used to counter the like of Super Heavy Samurai, Runicks, Rikka, Vanquish Soul and other many decks. 

Wait , you're not Bird?!

Droll & Lock Bird
Local preferences as in Thailand, players here tend to go for combo-heavy based deck. Sometime can even use for stopping your opponent drawing from Maxx C!

You need protection son.

Sauvaris , the Ancient and the Ascended
If you plan to have an extra protection for your cards. I suggest this card would be very useful to protect your Turbulence.

  • Now let’s move to Extra Deck:

Time to eat **** and dies.

Firewall Dragon Darkfluid - Neo Tempest Terahertz
The one and only. The whole reason to run all of other Cyberse extra deck. If your opponent cannot clear this card out you are almost guaranteed to win this game.

The Squad

Firewall Dragon, Protect Code Talker, Link Decoder, Reprodocus
Only to be use for Climbing for Neo Tempest or maybe link for Accesscode Talker for.

Best Waifu Card

I:P Masquerena
At first, I thought I'd not running this card as how tight the Extra deck has become but I believe in some dire situation this card would still be the best option. 

This horse kickin'!

Knightmare Unicorn
Nice removal for any kind of cards and good I:P target to Link summon to.


Starter link monster to send your Hydrant to graveyard and one of the keys to climb for Neo Tempest

Can I have your Ash?

Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze
Generic Fire Link monster very useful against Mirror Match and among the easiest of Link charmers as most people run Ash Blossum.

Ain't Salad here!

Salamangreat Sunlight Wolf 
Another candidate for smaller board very good card for recovery and bridge to other Link Monster.

Draw 2? Pff

Decode Talker Heatsoul
Best monster for Small-to-medium board. Easily one of the best for a longer game like facing Runick or Labyrinth.

5300 + 3000 = GG

Accesscode Talker
Best Finisher in terms of simplicity. Can easily going for the game with Turbulence. 


Salamangreat Almiraj 
Best option when Normal Summoning Hydrant. With synergy of being FIRE monster it can be used for summoning Sunlight Wolf.

"How do you summon these?"

Cyberse DesavewurmMereologic Aggregator
Neo Tempest
best choice to be send from Extra Deck. Negating backrow removals and negate any face-up card what a deal!

Now let's go to next part of this note! The Combo!

The Combo

Finally, we're here in the combo section, in this section I will teach you how to run your deck from soft board to your biggest play. (Please be noted that further here will contain A LOT OF TEXT)


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