
I finally understood that our thoughts conduct each other and influence the Earth.

Inspiration struck after watching Abema TV's "Genius Mathematician × Hiroyuki Discussing! 

On a desk, two beer cans are lined up and a board is placed on top of them with two metronomes on it. If they swing at different speeds, directions, and rhythms, they eventually synchronize and move with the same rhythm and amplitude:tempo (although it doesn't always happen). Genius mathematician, Professor Hayato Chiba from Tohoku University, mathematically clarified the conditions.

According to the law of cause and effect, when the stand sways to one side, the metronome's pointer will want to face the opposite direction to cancel out the momentum. However, since the stand is overwhelmingly larger than the metronome's needle, all the needles work together in the opposite direction to cancel the stand's momentum and energy.

This theory went unsolved for 40 years. When Professor Chiba tackled the theory, it took him 8 years to prove. The initial idea came out in the first two years, followed by four years of checking, and finally, two years when mathematics experts checked, taking a total of eight years.

A female guest asked, "Even if we understand that metronomes synchronize, how is that useful in society?" To which Professor Chiba answered, "I talk about metronomes because they are easy to understand, but if I talk about the technical details, this synchronization phenomenon is used in human brain cells when they emit alpha waves or gamma waves. Brain cells synchronize to create a large current that translates into 'Move!' commands to our limbs(arms & legs). It is used to analyze such things."

The Abema TV content ends here. And looking at the image below, I had a moment of deep insight:

It occurred to me that the metronomes in the demonstration were humanity, that the board was the Earth's crust, and that the cans and desk below resembled the inner mechanisms of the Earth.

We live on Earth and the Earth itself is alive! Given this perspective, magma and oil could be seen as close to Earth's very blood.

That's it! This must be the phenomenon through which humanity’s thoughts communicate! We don't synchronize with people we dislike because we strongly push them away. When it comes to people that we do like, our thinking gradually becomes similar. Lastly, when a large number of our thoughts are in unison, they become powerful enough to influence Mother Earth. I finally understood this meaning.

On Earth today, there is rampant (=lots of) war, killings due to religious differences, great selfishness and people who only care for themselves, economic disparity, jealousy, hatred, sadness, anxiety, and despair. Such evil thoughts must wound our land, Mother Earth, very deeply.

Consequently, the evil thoughts of humanity accumulate until the point Earth can no longer bear it, leading it to shake violently and cause natural disasters such as Earthquakes, floods, erratic(=crazy) weather, volcanic eruptions, etc. Covid is also one of such disasters.

Finally, While writing this note in 2021, a strong earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 (=magnitude 5 earthquake) occurred in Miyagi Prefecture.
Professor Chiba's tweet at that time was interesting:

the P-wave and S-wave

Hayato Chiba @HayatoChiba
When I went to check on my family's safety after the earthquake, I accidentally passed gas. So I explained to be careful because after the P-wave and S-wave, a "Poo" wave might come.

”Poo wave”



