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1泊2日 盛岡・平泉満喫コース

1日目: 盛岡駅到着後、盛岡城跡公園、石割桜を観光。昼食はわんこそば、じゃじゃ麺、冷麺から選択。午後は小岩井農場を訪問。夜は盛岡市内泊。
2日目: 平泉へ移動し中尊寺、毛越寺を観光。昼食は平泉の郷土料理を堪能。午後は、厳美渓、猊鼻渓を散策。その後、帰路へ。

2泊3日 三陸海岸満喫コース

1日目: 盛岡駅到着後、レンタカーで宮古市へ。浄土ヶ浜、龍泉洞を観光。宮古市内泊。
2日目: 北山崎、鵜の巣断崖を観光。昼食は新鮮な海の幸を堪能。田野畑村、普代村の海岸線をドライブ。久慈市内泊。
3日目: 久慈市内で朝市を散策。小袖海岸で海女さんの実演を見学。その後、帰路へ。


中尊寺 (平泉町)             
龍泉洞 (岩泉町)
浄土ヶ浜 (宮古市)
小岩井農場 (雫石町)
盛岡城跡公園 (盛岡市)
石割桜 (盛岡市)
安比高原 (八幡平市)
八幡平 (八幡平市、鹿角市、仙北市)



  • 海岸線: リアス式海岸の三陸海岸は、断崖絶壁や奇岩が連なり、ダイナミックな景観を誇ります。 例えば、北山崎は高さ200mもの断崖絶壁が約8kmも続く、まさに「海のアルプス」と呼ぶにふさわしい景勝地です。 また、鵜の巣断崖は、島越の南に位置し、高さ200mの絶壁が5層に渡りそそり立つ、迫力満点の景観です。 碁石海岸は、大船渡市末崎半島の東南端に位置し、約6kmの海岸線に、変化に富んだ景観が広がっています。

  • 山岳: 奥羽山脈、北上山地には、岩手山、早池峰山、八幡平など、多くの山々がそびえ立ちます。 岩手山は、標高2,038mの、県内最高峰の山であり、登山愛好家にも人気です。 早池峰山は、標高1,917mで、高山植物の宝庫として知られています。 八幡平は、岩手県と秋田県にまたがる火山群で、湿原や湖沼など、変化に富んだ自然が広がっています。

  • 高原: 安比高原、平庭高原など、広大な高原が広がり、雄大な景色を満喫できます。 安比高原は、安比岳を中心とした、約3,500ヘクタールの高原で、スキーリゾートとしても有名です。 平庭高原は、標高800mの高原で、一年を通して大自然を満喫できます。

  • 湖沼: 岩洞湖、田瀬湖など、自然豊かな湖沼があり、釣りやボート遊びを楽しむことができます。 岩洞湖は、四季折々に美しい風景が広がる人造湖で、冬には氷上でのワカサギ釣りが楽しめます。 田瀬湖は、清流猿ケ石川をせき止めてできた人造湖で、周囲を山々に囲まれた静かな湖です。

  • 渓谷: 厳美渓、猊鼻渓など、美しい渓谷があり、四季折々の自然を楽しむことができます。 厳美渓は、磐井川中流にある渓谷で、国の名勝天然記念物に指定されています。 猊鼻渓は、北上川の支流である砂鉄川が流れる渓谷で、舟下りを楽しむことができます。

  • 湿原: 八幡平には、湿原が広がり、高山植物などの自然を満喫できます。

  • 国立公園: 三陸復興国立公園は、岩手県の沿岸全域を含む、青森県八戸市から宮城県石巻市までの地域が指定されています。 北部の海成段丘と南部のリアス海岸による、荘厳で美しい海岸線や自然景観が魅力です。



  • 世界遺産:

    • 平泉 - 仏国土(浄土)を表す建築・庭園及び考古学的遺跡群(中尊寺、毛越寺、観自在王院跡、無量光院跡、金鶏山) 平泉は、平安時代末期に奥州藤原氏が栄華を極めた地で、浄土思想に基づいて造られた寺院や庭園が良好な状態で保存されています。

    • 明治日本の産業革命遺産 製鉄・製鋼、造船、石炭産業の構成遺産 橋野鉄鉱山 橋野鉄鉱山は、釜石市にある、近代製鉄発祥の地として知られる場所で、現存する日本最古の洋式高炉跡です。

    • 北海道・北東北の縄文遺跡群の構成資産 御所野遺跡 御所野遺跡は、一戸町にある縄文時代の遺跡で、当時の人々の生活の様子を垣間見ることができます。

  • 城郭: 盛岡城跡は、盛岡藩主の居城跡で、現在も石垣や堀が残っています。 鍋倉城址は、遠野市にある城跡で、阿曾沼氏の居城でした。

  • 遺跡: 志波城跡は、盛岡市にある古代の城柵跡で、約1200年前に築城された当時の姿が復元されています。

  • 建造物: 岩手銀行赤レンガ館は、明治時代に建設された銀行の建物で、国の重要文化財に指定されています。 石川啄木新婚の家は、盛岡市にある、歌人・石川啄木が新婚時代を過ごした家です。

  • 博物館・美術館: 岩手県立博物館は、盛岡市にある、岩手県の歴史や自然に関する資料を展示する博物館です。 盛岡市子ども科学館は、盛岡市にある、子供向けの科学館です。 石神の丘美術館は、岩手町にある、野外彫刻美術館です。

  • 伝統芸能: 早池峰神楽は、花巻市に伝わる神楽で、国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 鬼剣舞は、北上市や奥州市に伝わる郷土芸能で、勇壮な踊りが特徴です。 南部鉄器は、盛岡市を中心に作られている伝統工芸品です。 岩谷堂箪笥は、奥州市で作られている伝統工芸品で、精巧な彫刻が施されています。



備考:盛岡の奥座敷として知られる。 12軒の宿泊施設がある。
備考:岩手屈指の規模を誇る温泉リゾート。 3軒の大規模ホテルがある。
備考:湯治場の雰囲気が残る温泉地。 14軒ほどの旅館がある。
備考:古くから湯治場として親しまれている。 自炊旅館もある。
備考:十和田八幡平国立公園内。 3軒の温泉宿がある。



  • 麺類: わんこそばは、一口サイズのおそばを次々と食べる、岩手県を代表する麺料理です。 盛岡冷麺は、コシの強い麺と、冷たくてさっぱりとしたスープが特徴です。 じゃじゃ麺は、うどんのような太麺に、肉味噌とキュウリなどを混ぜて食べる、盛岡市発祥の麺料理です。

  • 肉料理: 前沢牛は、岩手県奥州市前沢区で育てられたブランド牛で、きめ細やかな霜降り肉が特徴です。 いわて牛は、岩手県内で育てられたブランド牛で、肉質等級4等級以上の牛肉のみが認定されます。

  • 魚介類: ほやは、独特の風味を持つ、三陸地方の特産品です。 5月から9月下旬が旬です。 うには、三陸海岸で獲れる、新鮮なうにを味わうことができます。

  • 郷土料理: まめぶ汁は、小麦粉で作った団子に、くるみや黒砂糖などを包んだものを、醤油味の汁で煮込んだ料理です。 ひっつみは、小麦粉を練って薄く伸ばし、手でちぎって、野菜やきのこなどと一緒に煮込んだ料理です。

  • その他: 福田パンは、盛岡市で人気の、コッペパン専門店です。 約50種類の具材から選ぶことができます。 銀河高原ビールは、岩手県沢内村で作られている地ビールです。 あんドーナツは、こしあんと揚げたドーナツ生地が絶妙にマッチした、どこか懐かしい味わいです。 奥の平泉 かりんとうまんじゅうは、かりんとうのようなカリッとした食感と、まんじゅうのしっとりとした食感が同時に楽しめるお菓子です。



  • スキー・スノーボード: 安比高原スキー場、夏油高原スキー場、岩手高原スノーパークなど、多くのスキー場があります。 安比高原スキー場は、岩手を代表するスキーリゾート地で、多彩なコースと良質な雪が魅力です。 夏油高原スキー場は、国内屈指の積雪量とパウダースノーが自慢です。 岩手高原スノーパークは、盛岡雫石エリア唯一のゴンドラを運行しており、山頂からのロングランが楽しめます。

  • 登山・トレッキング: 岩手山、早池峰山、八幡平など、登山やトレッキングに最適な山々が揃っています。 岩手山は、初心者から上級者まで楽しめる登山コースがあります。 早池峰山は、北上高地の最高峰で、高山植物の宝庫としても知られています。 八幡平は、火山活動によってできた地形を活かした、変化に富んだトレッキングコースがあります。

  • 温泉: 各温泉地で日帰り入浴や湯治を楽しむことができます。 多くの温泉宿では、日帰り入浴プランを用意しています。

  • 自然体験: 龍泉洞探検では、日本三大鍾乳洞の一つである龍泉洞の神秘的な世界を探検できます。 猊鼻渓舟下りでは、渓谷を舟で下りながら、美しい景色を堪能できます。 厳美渓散策では、国の名勝天然記念物に指定された厳美渓の渓谷美を、散策しながら楽しむことができます。 みちのくあじさい園では、400種4万株のアジサイが咲き誇る、美しい庭園を散策できます。

  • その他: 花巻スポーツランドでは、スノーモービルやラフティングなどのアクティビティを楽しむことができます。 他にも、牧場体験、果物狩り、サイクリング、釣りなど、様々なアクティビティがあります。



チャグチャグ馬コ(6月第2土曜日) 滝沢市、盛岡市
約100頭の馬が、滝沢市の鬼越蒼前神社から盛岡市の盛岡八幡宮まで、約14kmの道のりを行進する、馬の祭典。 馬たちは、色鮮やかな装束を身につけ、たくさんの鈴を鳴らしながら行進します。
盛岡さんさ踊り(8月1日~4日) 盛岡市
岩手県を代表する祭りで、太鼓や笛の音に合わせて、踊り手が市内を練り歩きます。 踊り手の数は2万人以上、太鼓は世界一の1万個以上といわれています。
七夕まつり(8月4日~7日) 盛岡市
盛岡舟っこ流し(8月16日) 盛岡市
平安時代の歌遊びを再現したイベントで、毛越寺の浄土庭園で行われます。 参加者は、水路に流れてくる酒杯が自分の前を通り過ぎるまでに歌を詠みます。



  • お菓子: かもめの玉子は、カステラ生地で黄身餡を包み、ホワイトチョコでコーティングした、岩手県を代表するお菓子です。 おいも、紅茶、みかん、りんごなど、様々なフレーバーがあります。 南部せんべいは、小麦粉を原料とした、素朴な味わいのせんべいです。 黒ごま、落花生、醤油など、様々な種類があります。 岩谷堂羊羹は、上質な小豆と、大粒の栗を使った羊羹です。 黒糖を使った黒煉や、ごま、胡桃など、様々な味があります。 ごま摺り団子は、もちもちとした食感のお餅で、とろりとした胡麻のすり蜜を包んだお団子です。 口に入れると胡麻の香ばしい香りが広がります。 タルトタタンのアップルパイは、岩手県産の紅玉りんごを贅沢に使用したアップルパイです。 紅玉りんごの酸味と甘みが絶妙で、パイ生地はバターの風味が豊かです。

  • 食品: 弁慶のほろほろ漬けは、数種類の野菜を刻んで、じっくり漬け込んだ漬物です。 ご飯のお供に最適です。 三陸海宝漬は、三陸産の新鮮ないくら、あわび、めかぶを、醤油ベースの出汁に漬け込んだ、贅沢な漬物です。 前沢牛は、岩手県奥州市前沢区で育てられたブランド牛で、きめ細やかな霜降り肉と、しっとりとした食感が特徴です。

  • お酒: 岩手蔵ビールは、岩手県一関市にある世嬉の一酒造が製造する地ビールです。 南部美人は、岩手県二戸市にある南部美人酒造が製造する日本酒です。

  • 工芸品: 南部鉄器は、岩手県を代表する伝統工芸品で、鉄瓶や風鈴など、様々な製品があります。 秀衡塗は、金箔をあしらった華麗な漆器です。



  • 岩手県への空の玄関口は花巻空港。

  • 東京(羽田空港)から約1時間10分。

  • 大阪(伊丹空港)から約1時間30分。

  • 名古屋(中部国際空港)から約1時間25分。


  • 東北新幹線で、東京駅から盛岡駅まで約2時間15分。


  • JR東北本線、JR山田線、IGRいわて銀河鉄道、三陸鉄道リアス線などが運行しています。


  • 東北自動車道、秋田自動車道、八戸自動車道などが通っています。

  • レンタカーを利用するのも便利です。


  • JR各線、バス、タクシーなどを利用できます。

  • 盛岡市では、循環バス「でんでんむし」が運行しています。



  • ホテル: 盛岡市や花巻市などの都市部には、シティホテルやビジネスホテルがあります。

  • 旅館: 温泉地には、温泉旅館が数多くあります。

  • ペンション: 高原リゾート地には、ペンションがあります。

  • 民宿: 海沿いの地域には、民宿があります。

  • ユースホステル: 格安で宿泊できるユースホステルもあります。

  • キャンプ場: 自然豊かな場所には、キャンプ場があります。


崖に建てられた毘沙門堂。 平安初期に坂上田村麻呂によって創建されたと伝えられています。
奇岩や洞窟が点在する海岸。 三陸復興国立公園に指定されています。
鬼剣舞のテーマ博物館。 世界の鬼面や、鬼にまつわる資料を展示しています。
3つの穴が空いた奇岩。 碁石海岸の代表的な景勝地です。
人造湖。ワカサギ釣りで有名。 冬には、氷上でのワカサギ釣りが楽しめます。
the campus(ザ キャンパス) ~トロイカの森~(北上市)
自然体験型キャンプ場。 手ぶらでキャンプを楽しむことができます。
古民家をリノベーションした地域文化創造拠点。 岩手県の食や工芸、芸能などを体験できます。
Water&Snow SPICE.(北上市)
夏油高原でアクティビティを楽しめる施設。 SUPやカヌー、ラフティングなどを体験できます。
400種4万株のアジサイが咲く。 6月下旬から約1ヶ月間が見頃です。
女神山にある滝。 30mの高さから水が流れ落ちます。




A complete guide to sightseeing in Iwate! A thorough introduction to everything from the classics to the hidden gems

Iwate Prefecture is a fascinating place where magnificent nature, history, and culture come together. There is a lot to see, such as Hiraizumi, a World Heritage Site; Ryusen-do Cave, one of Japan's three largest limestone caves; and places associated with Miyazawa Kenji.

In this article, we will thoroughly introduce the charms of Iwate Prefecture, from standard tourist spots to hidden gems.

The Charm of Iwate Prefecture

Located in the northern part of the Tohoku region, Iwate Prefecture is an area with magnificent nature and rich cultural heritage. The ria coast facing the Pacific Ocean boasts a variety of beautiful scenery, and inland, the Ou Mountains and Kitakami Mountains spread out, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful nature of the four seasons.

Historically, Hiraizumi was the place where the Oshu Fujiwara clan reached the height of their prosperity during the Heian period, and many cultural heritage sites remain, including the Golden Hall of Chusonji Temple. In addition, the Hashino Iron Mine has been registered as a World Heritage Site as a modernization heritage.

Model Course

2-Day, 1-Night Morioka/Hiraizumi Enjoyment Course

Day 1: After arriving at Morioka Station, visit Morioka Castle Ruins Park and Ishiwari Sakura. For lunch, choose from Wankosoba, Jajamen, or Reimen. In the afternoon, visit Koiwai Farm. Stay overnight in Morioka city.
Day 2: Move to Hiraizumi and visit Chusonji Temple and Motsuji Temple. Enjoy Hiraizumi's local cuisine for lunch. In the afternoon, stroll through Genbikei and Geibikei. Then head home.

2 nights, 3 days Sanriku Coast Enjoyment Course

Day 1: After arriving at Morioka Station, rent a car and head to Miyako City. Visit Jodogahama and Ryusendo Cave. Stay overnight in Miyako City.
Day 2: Visit Kitayamazaki and Unosu Cliffs. Enjoy fresh seafood for lunch. Drive along the coastline of Tanohata Village and Fudai Village. Stay overnight in Kuji City.
Day 3: Stroll through the morning market in Kuji City. Watch a female diver demonstrate her skills at Kosode Beach. Then head home.

Popular tourist spots

Chusonji Temple (Hiraizumi Town)              
 A temple built in the Heian period. The Golden Hall is a national treasure. Motsuji Temple Hiraizumi Town A temple built in the Heian period. The Pure Land Garden is a national special historic site and special place of scenic beauty. Ryusen-do (Iwaizumi Town)
One of the three major limestone caves in Japan. Genbikei A valley created by the Iwai River flowing from Mount Kurikoma in Ichinoseki City. A nationally designated place of scenic beauty and natural monument.
Jodogahama (Miyako City)
A scenic spot with a beautiful contrast between the white rocks and the blue sea.
Koiwai Farm (Shizukuishi Town)
A private comprehensive farm established in the Meiji era. Morioka Castle Ruins Park (Morioka City)The remains of the castle of the lord of Morioka. Ishiwari Sakura (Morioka City)
Sakura blossoms that split the rocks.
Appi Kogen (Hachimantai City)
A ski resort.
Hachimantai (Hachimantai City, Kazuno City, Semboku City)
A group of volcanoes that span Iwate Prefecture and Akita Prefecture.
SL Ginga (Hanamaki City, Tono City, Kamaishi City)
A steam locomotive that runs on the JR Kamaishi Line.

Natural Landscape

Iwate Prefecture is an area where you can enjoy a variety of natural landscapes.

Coastline: The Sanriku Coast, a ria coastline, boasts a dynamic landscape with cliffs and strange rocks. For example, Kitayamazaki is a scenic spot worthy of being called the "Alps of the Sea," with cliffs 200 meters high stretching for about 8 km. Also, Uonosu Cliffs, located south of Shimakoshi, are an impressive sight with five 200-meter-high cliffs towering over them. Goishi Coast is located at the southeastern tip of the Suezaki Peninsula in Ofunato City, and has a diverse landscape spread out over about 6 km of coastline.

Mountains: Many mountains, such as Mt. Iwate, Mt. Hayachine, and Mt. Hachimantai, stand in the Ou Mountains and Kitakami Mountains. Mt. Iwate is the highest mountain in the prefecture, at 2,038 meters above sea level, and is popular among mountain climbing enthusiasts. Mt. Hayachine is 1,917m above sea level and is known as a treasure trove of alpine plants. Hachimantai is a volcanic group that spans Iwate and Akita prefectures, and is home to a wide variety of natural scenery, including marshes and lakes.

Plateau: Vast plateaus such as Appi Plateau and Hiraniwa Plateau spread out, offering magnificent views. Appi Plateau is a plateau of about 3,500 hectares centered on Mt. Appi, and is also famous as a ski resort. Hiraniwa Plateau is a plateau at an altitude of 800m, where you can enjoy the great outdoors all year round.

Lakes: There are lakes and ponds rich in nature, such as Iwato Lake and Tase Lake, where you can enjoy fishing and boating. Iwato Lake is an artificial lake with beautiful scenery in every season, and in winter you can enjoy ice fishing for smelt. Lake Tase is an artificial lake created by damming the clear Sarugaishi River, and is a quiet lake surrounded by mountains.

Valleys: There are beautiful valleys such as Genbikei and Geibikei, where you can enjoy the nature of the four seasons. Genbikei is a valley in the middle reaches of the Iwai River, and is designated as a national scenic spot and natural monument. Geibikei is a valley where the Satetsu River, a tributary of the Kitakami River, flows, and you can enjoy boat rides.

Wetlands: Hachimantai is a vast marshland where you can enjoy nature such as alpine plants.

National Parks: Sanriku Fukko National Park is designated as an area from Hachinohe City in Aomori Prefecture to Ishinomaki City in Miyagi Prefecture, including the entire coast of Iwate Prefecture. The majestic and beautiful coastline and natural scenery of the marine terraces in the north and the ria coast in the south are attractive.

History and Cultural Heritage

Iwate Prefecture has many cultural heritage sites that have been cultivated over its long history.

World Heritage Sites:

Hiraizumi - Architecture, gardens and archaeological sites representing the Pure Land (Chusonji Temple, Motsuji Temple, Kanjizaio-in ruins, Muryoko-in ruins, Kinkei-san) Hiraizumi is the place where the Oshu Fujiwara clan flourished in the late Heian period, and temples and gardens built based on Pure Land Buddhism are well preserved.

Meiji Industrial Revolution Heritage Sites Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining Hashino Iron Mine Hashino Iron Mine is a place in Kamaishi City known as the birthplace of modern ironmaking, and is the oldest surviving site of a Western-style blast furnace in Japan.

Jomon Sites in Hokkaido and Northern Tohoku Goshono Site Goshono Site is a Jomon period site in Ichinohe Town that offers a glimpse into the life of the people at that time.

Castles: Morioka Castle is the former residence of the lord of Morioka, and its stone walls and moats still remain today. Nabekura Castle is a castle site in Tono City, which was the residence of the Asonuma clan.

Ruins: Shiba Castle is an ancient fortress site in Morioka City, which has been restored to its original appearance from about 1,200 years ago.

Buildings: The Iwate Bank Red Brick Building is a bank building built in the Meiji era, which is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan. Ishikawa Takuboku's Newlywed Home is the house in Morioka City where the poet Ishikawa Takuboku spent his newlywed years.

Museums: Iwate Prefectural Museum is a museum in Morioka City that exhibits materials related to the history and nature of Iwate Prefecture. Morioka Children's Science Museum is a science museum for children in Morioka City. Ishigami no Oka Museum is an outdoor sculpture museum in Iwate Town.

Traditional performing arts: Hayachine Kagura is a Kagura dance handed down in Hanamaki City, which is designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan. Onikenmai is a local performing art passed down in Kitakami City and Oshu City, characterized by its heroic dance. Nanbu ironware is a traditional craft made mainly in Morioka City. Iwayado chests are a traditional craft made in Oshu City, and are intricately carved.

Hot springs

Iwate Prefecture is also known as a hot spring resort. There are many unique hot springs with a variety of spring quality. Many facilities offer day-trip bathing, so you can enjoy hot springs casually.

Tsunagi Onsen (Morioka City) Effects: Simple sulfur spring, alkaline simple hot spring Neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue recovery, etc. Access: About 20 minutes by car from JR Morioka Station Remarks: Known as the inner sanctum of Morioka. There are 12 accommodations. Hanamaki Onsen (Hanamaki City) Effects: Simple hot spring Neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue recovery, etc. Access: About 30 minutes by car from JR Shin-Hanamaki Station Remarks: One of the largest hot spring resorts in Iwate. There are three large hotels. Dai Onsen (Hanamaki City) Effects: Hydrogen sulfide springs, rheumatism, neuralgia, gastrointestinal disorders, skin disorders, etc. Access: Approximately 20 minutes by bus from JR Hanamaki Station Notes: A hot spring area that retains the atmosphere of a hot spring resort. There are about 14 inns. Osawa Onsen (Hanamaki City) Effects: Simple hot springs, alkaline simple hot springs, rheumatism, neuralgia, gastrointestinal disorders, skin disorders, etc. Access: Approximately 30 minutes by bus from JR Hanamaki Station Notes: A hot spring area that has been popular as a hot spring resort since ancient times. There are also self-catering inns. Namida Onsen (Hanamaki City) Effects: Simple hot springs, alkaline simple hot springs, joint pain, skin disorders, hemorrhoids, neuralgia, muscle pain, etc. Access: Approximately 35 minutes by bus from JR Hanamaki Station Notes: A deep bathtub is a distinctive feature. Uguisujuku Onsen (Shizukuishi Town) Effects: Simple hot spring, alkaline simple hot spring Neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue recovery, etc. Access: About 40 minutes by bus from JR Morioka Station Remarks: Boasts a history of 450 years. Geto Onsen (Kitakami City) Effects: Chloride spring, sulfate spring Cuts, skin diseases, burns, etc. Access: About 50 minutes by bus from JR Kitakami Station Remarks: Secret hot spring atmosphere. Sugawa Kogen Onsen (Ichinoseki City) Effects: Strongly acidic alum green spring Rheumatic diseases, chronic poisoning, etc. Access: About 90 minutes by car from JR Ichinoseki Station Remarks: Located at an altitude of 1,125m. Matsukawa Onsen (Hachimantai City) Effects: Simple hot spring, simple spring Atopy, skin diseases, neuralgia, etc. Access: About 90 minutes by bus from JR Morioka Station Remarks: Located in Towada-Hachimantai National Park. There are three hot spring inns. Kunimi Onsen (Shizukuishi Town) Effects: Chloride spring, sulfur spring Joint pain, skin disease, gynecological diseases, neuralgia, etc. Access: About 60 minutes by bus from JR Morioka Station Remarks: Milky white cloudy water. Amihari Onsen (Shizukuishi Town) Effects: Acid spring, sulfur spring, simple hot spring Diabetes, skin disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, etc. Access: About 40 minutes by car from JR Morioka Station Remarks: There are two facilities, and day-trip bathing is also possible.


Iwate Prefecture is also a treasure trove of food blessed by the rich natural environment. There are various gourmet foods such as noodles, meat dishes, seafood, and local dishes.

Noodles: Wankosoba is a noodle dish that represents Iwate Prefecture, where you eat bite-sized soba noodles one after another. Morioka cold noodles are characterized by their chewy noodles and cold, refreshing soup. Jajamen is a noodle dish originating from Morioka City, where thick noodles like udon are mixed with meat miso and cucumber.

Meat dishes: Maesawa beef is a brand of beef raised in Maesawa Ward, Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture, and is characterized by its finely marbled meat. Iwate beef is a brand of beef raised in Iwate Prefecture, and only beef with a meat quality grade of 4 or higher is certified.

Seafood: Sea squirt is a specialty of the Sanriku region with a unique flavor. It is in season from May to late September. You can taste fresh sea urchin caught on the Sanriku coast.

Local dishes: Mamebu soup is a dish of wheat flour dumplings wrapped in walnuts and brown sugar and simmered in soy sauce-flavored soup. Hittsumi is a dish of wheat flour kneaded and rolled out thinly, torn by hand, and simmered with vegetables and mushrooms.

Other: Fukuda Pan is a popular bread shop in Morioka City that specializes in koppepan. You can choose from about 50 different fillings. Ginga Kogen Beer is a local beer made in Sawauchi Village, Iwate Prefecture. The An Donut has a nostalgic taste, with the perfect combination of smooth bean paste and deep fried dough. Oku no Hiraizumi Karinto Manju is a snack that allows you to enjoy the crispy texture of karinto and the moist texture of manju at the same time.


Iwate Prefecture offers a wide range of activities to enjoy in nature. You can enjoy skiing and snowboarding in winter, swimming in the sea and mountain climbing in summer, and more throughout the year.

Skiing and snowboarding: There are many ski resorts, including Appi Kogen Ski Resort, Geto Kogen Ski Resort, and Iwate Kogen Snow Park. Appi Kogen Ski Resort is a ski resort that represents Iwate, and is known for its diverse courses and high-quality snow. Geto Kogen Ski Resort boasts one of the largest snowfalls and powder snow in the country. Iwate Kogen Snow Park operates the only gondola in the Morioka Shizukuishi area, and you can enjoy long runs from the summit.

Mountain climbing and trekking: There are many mountains that are perfect for mountain climbing and trekking, including Mt. Iwate, Mt. Hayachine, and Mt. Hachimantai. Mt. Iwate has hiking courses that can be enjoyed by beginners and advanced climbers alike. Mt. Hayachine is the highest peak in the Kitakami Highlands and is also known as a treasure trove of alpine plants. Hachimantai has a variety of trekking courses that take advantage of the terrain created by volcanic activity.

Hot Springs: You can enjoy day trip bathing and hot spring therapy at each hot spring resort. Many hot spring inns offer day trip bathing plans.

Nature Experiences: At Ryusen Cave Exploration, you can explore the mysterious world of Ryusen Cave, one of the three largest limestone caves in Japan. At Geibikei Gorge Boat Trip, you can enjoy beautiful scenery while boating down the valley. At Genbikei Gorge Walk, you can enjoy the beauty of the valley of Genbikei Gorge, which has been designated as a national scenic natural monument, while strolling. At Michinoku Hydrangea Garden, you can stroll through a beautiful garden where 40,000 hydrangeas of 400 varieties bloom.

Other: At Hanamaki Sports Land, you can enjoy activities such as snowmobiling and rafting. There are also various other activities such as ranch experiences, fruit picking, cycling, and fishing.

Festivals and Events

Iwate Prefecture holds various festivals and events throughout the seasons. You can enjoy a wide range of events, from traditional festivals to modern events.

Chagu Chagu Umakko (2nd Saturday of June) Takizawa City, Morioka City A horse festival where about 100 horses march about 14km from Onikoshi Sozen Shrine in Takizawa City to Morioka Hachiman Shrine in Morioka City. The horses march wearing colorful costumes and ringing many bells. Morioka Sansa Odori (August 1st to 4th) Morioka City This is a festival representing Iwate Prefecture, where dancers parade through the city to the sound of drums and flutes. There are more than 20,000 dancers, and it is said that there are more than 10,000 drums, the most in the world. Tanabata Festival (August 4th to 7th) This is the Tanabata Festival in Sakanamachi Shopping Street in Morioka City, and the arcade is decorated with Tanabata decorations handmade by each shop. Morioka Funakko Nagashi (August 16th) A traditional event in which lanterns are floated down the Kitakami River in Morioka City to send off the spirits of ancestors and pray for good health. Morioka Autumn Festival (September 14th-16th) A float festival at Morioka Hachimangu Shrine in Morioka City, where each neighborhood donates elaborate floats to the shrine and parades through the city. Kitakami Tenshochi Sakura Festival (April) Various events are held in Kitakami Tenshochi, which has been selected as one of Kitakami City's "100 Best Sakura Spots," with approximately 10,000 cherry trees in full bloom. Spring Fujiwara Festival (May) A spring festival in Hiraizumi, Hiraizumi Town, featuring local performing arts, Chusonji Noh, and Motsuji Ennen no Mai. Sanriku Fireworks Festival (October) Rikuzentakata City A fireworks festival to pray for the reconstruction of Sanriku, one of the largest in Japan. National Crying Sumo Tournament (September) Hanamaki City This unique tournament is a competition to see who can make the loudest baby cry, and is the main event of the Bishamon Festival. Motsuji Kyokusui no Utage (4th Sunday in May) Hiraizumi Town This event recreates the singing games of the Heian period, and takes place in the Pure Land Garden of Motsuji Temple. Participants recite a poem before the sake cups that flow down the waterway pass in front of them.


Iwate Prefecture has many attractive souvenirs. There is a wide variety of souvenirs available, including sweets, food, alcohol, and crafts.

Sweets: Kamome no Tamago is a representative sweet of Iwate Prefecture, made of castella dough wrapped around a yolk paste and coated with white chocolate. It comes in a variety of flavors, including sweet potato, tea, mandarin orange, and apple. Nanbu Senbei is a rice cracker made from wheat flour, with a simple taste. It comes in a variety of flavors, including black sesame, peanut, and soy sauce. Iwayado Yokan is made with high-quality red beans and large chestnuts. It comes in a variety of flavors, including black sugar, sesame, and walnut. Gomashuri Dango is a chewy rice cake wrapped in thick sesame syrup. The fragrant aroma of sesame spreads when you put it in your mouth. Tarte Tatin's apple pie is an apple pie made with a generous amount of Iwate Prefecture-grown red apples. The red apples have an exquisite balance of sourness and sweetness, and the pie crust has a rich buttery flavor.

Food: Benkei's Horohorozuke is a pickle made by chopping several types of vegetables and slowly pickling them. It is perfect as a side dish with rice. Sanriku Kaihozuke is a luxurious pickle made with fresh Sanriku salmon roe, abalone, and mekabu seaweed pickled in soy sauce-based broth. Maesawa beef is a brand of beef raised in Maesawa-ku, Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture, and is characterized by its finely marbled meat and moist texture.

Alcohol: Iwate Kura Beer is a local beer produced by Sekinoichi Brewery in Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture. Nanbu Bijin is a Japanese sake produced by Nanbu Bijin Brewery in Ninohe City, Iwate Prefecture.

Crafts: Nanbu ironware is a traditional craft that represents Iwate Prefecture, and there are various products such as iron kettles and wind chimes. Hidehira-nuri is a gorgeous lacquerware decorated with gold leaf.

Access information


Hanamaki Airport is the gateway to Iwate Prefecture by air.

About 1 hour and 10 minutes from Tokyo (Haneda Airport).

About 1 hour and 30 minutes from Osaka (Itami Airport).

About 1 hour and 25 minutes from Nagoya (Chubu Centrair International Airport).


The Tohoku Shinkansen takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes from Tokyo Station to Morioka Station.


JR Tohoku Main Line, JR Yamada Line, IGR Iwate Galaxy Railway, Sanriku Railway Rias Line, etc. are in operation.


The Tohoku Expressway, Akita Expressway, Hachinohe Expressway, etc. pass through the area.

Renting a car is also convenient.

Prefectural Transportation:

JR lines, buses, taxis, etc. are available.

Morioka City operates the circular bus "Dendenmushi".


There are various types of accommodation in Iwate Prefecture.

Hotels: In urban areas such as Morioka City and Hanamaki City, there are city hotels and business hotels.

Ryokan: There are many hot spring ryokans in hot spring areas.

Pensions: There are pensions in highland resort areas.

Minshuku: There are minshuku in areas along the coast.

Youth hostels: There are youth hostels where you can stay cheaply.

Campsites: There are campsites in places rich in nature.

Hidden gems

Takkoku-no-Iwaya Bishamon-do (Hiraizumi Town) Bishamon-do built on a cliff. It is said to have been founded by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro in the early Heian period. Goishi Coast (Ofunato City) A coast dotted with strange rocks and caves. It is designated as Sanriku Fukkou National Park. Kitakami City Oni-no-Yakata (Kitakami City) A museum themed on Onikenbu. Demon masks from around the world and materials related to demons are on display. Anatoiso (Ofunato City) A strange rock with three holes. A representative scenic spot of Goishi Coast. Iwato Lake (Iwate Town) An artificial lake. Famous for smelt fishing. In winter, you can enjoy smelt fishing on the ice. The Campus ~Troika no Mori~ (Kitakami City) A nature experience campsite. You can enjoy camping without bringing anything. Ennichi (Ichinoseki City) A regional cultural creation center renovated from an old house. You can experience Iwate Prefecture's food, crafts, and performing arts. Water & Snow SPICE. (Kitakami City) A facility where you can enjoy activities on the Geto Plateau. You can experience SUP, canoeing, rafting, and more. Michinoku Hydrangea Garden (Ichinoseki City) 40,000 hydrangeas of 400 varieties bloom. The best time to see them is about one month from late June. Shiraito Falls (Nishiwaga Town) A waterfall on Mt. Megami. Water falls from a height of 30 meters.

Summary of Iwate Tourism

Iwate Prefecture is a region where you can enjoy various attractions such as magnificent nature, rich history, deep culture, delicious food and hot springs. There are many tourist spots that you will want to visit at least once, such as Hiraizumi, a World Heritage Site, Ryusen-do Cave, one of Japan's three largest limestone caves, and places associated with Miyazawa Kenji.

Iwate Prefecture is recommended for everyone, including nature lovers, people interested in history and culture, people who love delicious food, and people who want to relax in hot springs. Please visit Iwate Prefecture and experience its charms for yourself.
