気になった英文記事(The Sun Malaysia)
※マレーシア証券取引所(マレー語:Bursa Malaysia)またはブルサ・マレーシア、クアラルンプール証券取引所(KLSE)は、マレーシアの証券取引所。
最近の世界経済見通し報告書に基づいて、国際通貨基金は、中国経済の更なる減速の可能性やリスクに起因する一次産品価格の変動を背景に、世界の国内総生産(GDP)成長率が2023年の3%から2024年には2.9%へと鈍化すると予測している。 異常気象や地政学的な衝撃、そして世界的な金融情勢の低迷。
CEOのダトゥク・ムハマド・ウマル・スウィフト氏は、世界的な予測にもかかわらず、インドネシア、マレーシア、フィリピン、シンガポール、タイからなるアセアン5カ国のGDPはより速いペースで成長すると予想されており、アセアンとマレーシアの見通しはより強気であると述べた。 2023 年の 4.2% と比較して、2024 年には 4.5% のペースになります。
「国内面では、マレーシア経済は 2024 年に改善する態勢が整っており、財務省は 2024 年の GDP 成長率を 2023 年の推定 4.0% 成長を上回る 4% ~ 5% と予測しています。この楽観的な見方は、堅調な個人消費と経済成長によって支えられています。 中国とインドからの訪問者に対する30日間のビザ免除政策も一部促進し、観光産業はさらなる回復が見込まれる」と同氏はSunBizに語った。
さらに同氏は、国家エネルギー移行ロードマップ(NETR)、新産業マスタープラン2030(NIMP 2030)、中間レビューなど、マダニ経済枠組みの下での触媒的取り組みとともに、複数年にわたる投資プロジェクトの進捗状況についても述べた。 第 12 次マレーシア計画の影響により、株式市場の活動が刺激されることが期待されています。
「これらの要因を考慮すると、2024 年のより強い経済成長予測は、
「これらの措置は、市場の安定を維持するためだけでなく、投資家に信頼を与える環境を醸成するためにも不可欠です。 私たちは、ダイナミックな世界経済情勢の中で、経済活動を推進し、投資家に堅牢なプラットフォームを提供するという役割に引き続き取り組んでいきます。」
「マレーシアブルサは、他の影響力のある団体とともに、企業競争力の向上と国の気候関連の取り組みとの連携に引き続き注力していきます。 NETR、NIMP 2030などの重要な青写真の継続的な実施を見据え、同証券取引所は国の低炭素経済への移行を支援する上で極めて重要な役割を果たす準備ができている」とムハマド・ウマル氏は述べた。
「一元的なサステナビリティ・インテリジェンス・プラットフォームや、中小・零細企業を指導するための投資貿易産業省のi-ESGフレームワークなどの取り組みにより、グリーン製品、サービス、投資の世界市場においてマレーシア企業がより有利な立場に立つことができるようになるでしょう」 、" 彼が追加した。
Bursa upbeat on corporate earnings, fundraising activities in 2024
PETALING JAYA: Bursa Malaysia Bhd foresees a trajectory towards higher corporate earnings and expanded fundraising activities in 2024, driven by a strengthened economic growth outlook for the year.
Based on a recent World Economic Outlook report, the International Monetary Fund has projected slower global gross domestic product (GDP) growth from 3% in 2023 to 2.9% in 2024, amid a possible further slowdown in China’s economy, volatile commodity prices stemming from risks of extreme climate and geopolitical shocks, as well as subdued global financial conditions.
Despite the global projections, CEO Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift said, the outlook for Asean and Malaysia appears more bullish, with the GDP of the Asean-5 countries, comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, expected to grow at a faster pace of 4.5% in 2024, compared with 4.2% in 2023.
“The accommodative policies implemented by central banks in advanced economies may positively impact emerging markets including Malaysia, where the lower borrowing costs in hard currencies are likely to bolster the emerging markets’ carry trade.
“On the domestic front, Malaysia’s economy is poised for improvement in 2024, with the Ministry of Finance projecting 2024 GDP growth at 4% to 5%, up from the estimated 4.0% growth in 2023. This optimism is supported by resilient consumer spending and an anticipated further recovery in the tourism industry, facilitated partly by the 30-day visa free policy for visitors from China and India,” he told SunBiz.
In addition, he said the progress of multiyear investment projects, along with catalytic initiatives under the Madani Economy framework – including the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), New Industrial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP 2030), as well as the mid-term review of the 12th Malaysia Plan – are expected to stimulate activities in the equity market.
“Considering these factors, the stronger economic growth forecast for 2024 will pave
the way for higher corporate earnings and fundraising activity expansion,” he said.
Muhamad Umar said the exchange is looking forward to the year albeit anticipating continued challenges in the global economic landscape, due to factors such as evolving trade dynamics, geopolitical shifts and potential commodity price volatility.
“Our hopes for 2024 are centered on navigating these uncertainties prudently and with resilience, leveraging our diversified portfolio of listed companies and implementing strategic initiatives to mitigate risks and capitalise on opportunities,” he added.
Specifically, he said Bursa Malaysia aims to adapt to changing market conditions by enhancing technological infrastructure and strengthening regulatory frameworks.
“These measures are essential not only for maintaining market stability, but also for fostering an environment that instills confidence among investors. We remain committed to our role in driving economic activities and providing a robust platform for investors amid the dynamic global economic landscape.”
Muhamad Umar reiterated that the exchange will continue with its ongoing initiatives to boost market vibrancy and will work closely with regulators to ensure market efficiency, accessibility, and liquidity in support of participants.
Moreover, the exchange remains committed in continuing its efforts to advance environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices in the local capital market.
To support companies at different stages of ESG maturity, it will continue to facilitate the upskilling of corporate leaders and employees through collaborations with relevant partners as the initiative aligns with the exchange's commitment to capacity building activities in accordance with its disclosure requirements.
“Bursa Malaysia, alongside other influential entities, will continue to focus on increasing corporate competitiveness and aligning with the nation's climate-related commitments. Anticipating the ongoing implementation of key blueprints such as NETR, NIMP 2030, the bourse is poised to play a pivotal role in supporting the nation's transition to a lower carbon economy,” said Muhamad Umar.
He said the exchange envisions a cohesive effort involving various stakeholders, including ministries, agencies, and other entities, to encourage ESG adoption across businesses of all sizes.
“Initiatives such as our Centralised Sustainability Intelligence Platform and the Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry’s i-ESG framework for guiding micro, small and medium enterprises are poised to better position Malaysian companies favourably in the global market for green products, services and investments,” he added.