

※ソース(Case 2024-CA-001616-O_Defendant Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc's Motion to Compel (ctfassets.net)

被告Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.による

  被告 Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc.(「WDPR」)は、連邦仲裁法(Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16、以下「FAA」)に基づき、次の命令を求めます:(1) 原告ジェフリー・ピッコロさん(故カノックポーン・タンガスアンの遺産の個人代表)がWDPRに対するすべての請求を仲裁に付することを強制すること、及び(2) 仲裁が進行中の間、この訴訟を休止すること。


 このケースでは、被害者がディズニー・スプリングスにあるレストラン「Raglan Road・アイリッシュ・パブ&レストラン」(以下「Raglan Road」)で食事をした後にアレルギー反応を起こしたとされる事案です。Raglan Roadは被告であるグレート・アイリッシュ・パブズ・フロリダ株式会社が所有および運営しており、WDPRはこの物件をグレート・アイリッシュ・パブズにリースしています。訴状では、家主と借主の間に代理関係があると主張されていますが、この理論を基礎づける唯一の事実は、ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールドのウェブサイト上でのRaglan Roadの「アレルゲンフリーの食事」に関する「表記」に過ぎないものの、ピッコロさんは、このウェブサイトを頼りにRaglan Roadで食事を選んだと主張しています。しかし、ピッコロさんは、彼が以前にディズニーアカウントを作成し、「契約、不法行為、保証、法令、規制、またはその他の法的または衡平法上の根拠」に基づく「ザ・ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーまたはその関連会社」に対する「すべての紛争」を仲裁することに同意したことを無視しています。この広範な文言(「契約、不法行為、保証、法令、規制、またはその他の法的または衡平法上の根拠」に基づく「ザ・ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーまたはその関連会社」に対する「すべての紛争」を仲裁すること)は、ピッコロさんのWDPRに対する請求を含むものです。したがって、当事者はこれらの請求を仲裁で解決することに同意しているため、裁判所は仲裁を強制し、訴訟手続きを一時停止すべきです。


 2024年2月、ピッコロさんは、被害者タンガスアンさん(以下、故人)がRaglan Roadで食事中にアレルギー反応を起こしたと主張してこの訴訟を提起しました。4つの主張からなる訴状は、両被告に対する過失(I・II)を主張し、WDPRに対しては代理(III)および表見代理(IV)を主張しています。
 ピッコロさんは、WDPRの「ウェブサイト」に掲載されたRaglan Roadに関するアレルギー関連の承認、表現、および広告に依存していたと主張しています。ウェブサイトには、Raglan Roadのメニューが表示されており、そこに問題となる表現が含まれています。Raglan Roadで食事をする前に、ピッコロさんはディズニーアカウントを作成し、そのアカウントでパークチケットを購入しました。その過程で、ピッコロさんは拘束力のある仲裁条項を含むディズニーの利用規約に同意しました。



2. 利用規約(The Terms of Use)には拘束力のある仲裁条項が含まれている

 利用規約には、加入契約書(Subscriber Agreement)と共に提供された、拘束力のある仲裁条項が含まれています。加入契約書の最初のページには、大文字で「あなたと私たちの間の紛争は、小額請求を除き、クラスアクションの権利放棄に従い、個別の拘束力のある仲裁によって解決されなければならない」と記載されています。また、加入契約書には同じフォントで「Disney+またはESPN+アカウントを作成する際には、www.disneytermsofuse.comおよびこの契約の末尾で利用可能なウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーの利用規約にも同意するものとします。これらの規約は他のディズニーサービスの利用を規定します」と記載されています。利用規約には、「拘束力のある仲裁およびクラスアクションの権利放棄」というタイトルのセクション7に仲裁条項が含まれており、これは「ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーまたはその関連会社」を含む「全ての紛争」に適用されます。WDPRはウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーの関連会社です。拘束力のある仲裁条項には、関連する部分として以下の内容が含まれています。

 いかなる裁判所における紛争の解決または訴訟手続きも、個別に行われます。あなたもDisney DTCも、紛争をクラスアクションやプライベート・アトーニー・ジェネラル・アクションとして、または一方の当事者が代表者として行動する、もしくは行動を提案する他の手続きで審理しようとすることはありません。仲裁や手続きは、すべての当事者の事前の書面による同意なしには他のものと結合できません。あなたとDisney DTCは、以下の規定に従って、所有権や知的財産権の執行に関する紛争を除き、非公式に解決されないすべての紛争(ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニーまたはその関連会社に関する関連紛争を含む)を仲裁することに同意します。「紛争」には、過去、現在、または将来の出来事に基づくか否かを問わず、契約、不法行為、保証、法令、規制、またはその他の法的または衡平法上の根拠に基づく、ディズニーサービスまたは本契約に関するあなたと私たちの間の紛争、訴訟、またはその他の論争が含まれます。


3. My Disney Experience 利用規約

 次に、2023年9月に、ピッコロさんはMy Disney Experienceの利用規約にも同意しました。この時点で、ピッコロさんは利用規約にも同意していました。その後、ピッコロさんは自身のディズニーアカウントにログイン。ディズニーアカウントを作成した際に使用したメールアドレスを入力した後、ピッコロさんは「ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールドの利用規約を確認して同意する」よう促されました。ウェブフォームには「My Disney Experienceの利用規約を読み、同意しました」と記載されたチェックボックスが含まれており、ピッコロさんはそのチェックボックスとその下にある「同意して続行」を選択しました。利用規約は青いフォントで下線が引かれ、ドキュメントへのハイパーリンクが提供されていました。ピッコロさんは、利用規約および利用条件に同意しなければログインを完了できませんでした。
 利用規約には「サイトやアプリを使用すること、またはMy Disney Experienceの利用規約に同意する旨のチェックボックスをクリックすることにより、あなた自身およびあなたが購入またはその他の方法で利益を確保し、権利を管理しているすべての人(未成年者を含む)について、これらの規約に同意することを意味します。あなたは、あなたのパーティーを代表してこれらの規約に同意するためのすべての必要な権利と同意を有していることを表明します」と説明されています。これらの利用規約は「ディズニー利用規約に加えて適用され、これに代わるものではありません」とされています。


I. FAAはピッコロさんの請求の仲裁を義務付ける

 FAA(連邦仲裁法)によれば、裁判所は以下の条件が示された場合、仲裁を強制しなければなりません:「(1) 有効な書面による仲裁合意が存在すること、(2) 仲裁可能な問題が存在すること、(3) 仲裁の権利が放棄されていないこと」。WDPR(ウォルト・ディズニー・パークス・アンド・リゾーツ)はこれらの要件を満たしています。


A. ピッコロさんはディズニー利用規約のもとで拘束力のある仲裁に同意した

次に、2023年9月にピッコロさんは利用規約に同意しました。ディズニーアカウントにログインした後、「ウォルト・ディズニー・ワールドの利用規約を確認して同意する」ように促され、さらに「My Disney Experienceの利用規約を読み、同意しました」と確認するチェックボックスを選択しました。その後、ピッコロさんは開示の直下にある「同意して続行」を選択しました。ピッコロさんには加入契約書、利用規約、および利用条件への青いハイパーリンクが提示されました。

B. ディズニー利用規約は仲裁可能性の問題を仲裁人に委任している




C. WDPRは仲裁の権利を放棄していない

たとえWDPRが積極的に訴訟を進めたとしても、ディズニーの契約条項には「本契約に基づく権利または条項を主張しないことは、当該権利または条項の放棄を構成しない」と述べる放棄無効条項も含まれており、フロリダの裁判所は一貫して、放棄無効条項を執行しています。また、Rybovich Boat Worksで述べられているように、「放棄および禁反言の抗弁は、契約自体の[放棄無効]条項によって法的に敗北する」とされています。

II. 仲裁が完了するまで訴訟を停止するべきである

同様に、ピッコロさんのGreat Irish Pubsに対する残りの請求も停止されるべきです。あるケースが「仲裁可能な請求と非仲裁可能な請求の両方」を含む場合、裁判所には非仲裁可能な請求を停止する裁量があります。この際、裁判所は以下の点を考慮します:「(1) 並行訴訟の費用と不便さ、(2) 矛盾する判断の可能性、(3) 仲裁可能な請求と非仲裁可能な請求が同じ事実のセットから生じるかどうか」。これらの考慮事項は、全体の訴訟を停止することを支持しています。
ピッコロさんのWDPRおよびGreat Irish Pubsに対する請求が同じ事実に関係していることは明らかです。ピッコロさんの訴状は「ショットガン訴状」に相当します。実際、各カウントは前の事実セクション全体を参照によって取り入れています。そして、ピッコロさんのWDPRに対する代理請求は、完全にGreat Irish Pubsの不正行為に基づいています。事実および法律の問題が絡み合っているため、仲裁中の停止は正当化されます。

さらに重要なのは、このケースを進行させることが一貫性のない責任判断を生むリスクがあることです。たとえば、ピッコロさんの代理請求に到達する前に、Great Irish Pubsに対する責任が確立されなければなりません。そして、両方の手続きは同じ事実と法律の問題を含みます。したがって、各裁判所が異なる方法で問題を決定する可能性があるため、この訴訟が続行されることは問題となるでしょう。
いずれにせよ、Great Irish Pubsが仲裁に参加すれば、これらの手続きは最終的に停止される可能性があります。なお、WDPRはGreat Irish Pubsが仲裁に参加することに反対しません。



(1) ピッコロさんに対してWDPRに対するすべての請求を仲裁に付するよう強制すること。

(2) 仲裁が完了するまでこの訴訟を停止すること。




 Defendant Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. (“WDPR”), under the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16 (“FAA”), moves for an order: (1) compelling Plaintiff Jeffrey Piccolo, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Kanokporn Tangsuan, to arbitrate all claims against WDPR; and (2) staying this action pending arbitration.


 This case involves an allergic reaction the decedent allegedly experienced after dining at a restaurant called Raglan Road Irish Pub and Restaurant, located in Disney Springs. Raglan Road is owned and operated by Defendant Great Irish Pubs Florida, Inc. WDPR leases the property to Great Irish Pubs. The Complaint alleges an agency relationship between landlord and tenant. But the only facts supporting this theory are “representations” about Raglan Road’s “allergen free food” on the Walt Disney World website. Piccolo alleges that he relied on the website in choosing to dine at Raglan Road. But Piccolo ignores that he previously created a Disney account and agreed to arbitrate “all disputes” against “The Walt Disney Company or its affiliates” arising “in contract, tort, warranty, statute, regulation, or other legal or equitable basis.” This broad language covers Piccolo’s claims against WDPR. Because the parties agreed to arbitrate these claims, the Court should compel arbitration and stay the proceedings.


 In February 2024, Piccolo filed this action alleging that the decedent suffered an allergic reaction while dining at Raglan Road. The four-count Complaint alleges negligence as to both Defendants (Counts I and II) and separate claims against WDPR alleging agency (Count III) and apparent agency (Count IV). Piccolo alleges that he relied on allergy-related acknowledgements, representations, and advertisements about Raglan Road on WDPR’s “website”. The website displays Raglan Road’s menu, which includes the alleged representations.1[YM1]  Before eating at Raglan Road Piccolo created a Disney account. And purchased park tickets with that account before dining at Raglan Road. In the process, Piccolo agreed to the Disney Terms, which include a binding arbitration clause.

1. Piccolo Accepted the Disney+ Subscriber Agreement

 In November 2019, Piccolo initially created a Disney account through the Disney+ website.2
 Piccolo completed the registration webform by providing personal information, including his email address, and created a password. Before registering the account, Piccolo had to select “Agree & Continue”. Immediately above was a disclosure notifying Piccolo that “[b]y clicking Agree & Continue, you agree to our Subscriber Agreement” . Piccolo then selected “Agree and Continue”. The term “Subscriber Agreement” was underlined in blue font and provided a hyperlink directly to the document. Piccolo also agreed to the Disney Terms of Use. Piccolo could not have created a Disney account without doing so.

2. The Terms of Use Contain a Binding Arbitration Provision

 The Terms of Use, which were provided with the Subscriber Agreement, include a binding arbitration clause. The first page of the Subscriber Agreement states, in all capital letters, that “any dispute between You and Us, Except for Small Claims, is subject to a class action waiver and must be resolved by individual binding arbitration”. The Subscriber Agreement also states, in the same font, that: “when you create a Disney+ or ESPN+ account, you also agree to the Walt Disney Company’s Terms of Use, available at www.disneytermsofuse.com and at the end of this agreement which govern your use of other Disney Services” . The Terms of Use include an arbitration clause in Section 7 – titled “Binding Arbitration and Class Action Waiver” – which applies to “all disputes” including those involving “The Walt Disney Company or its affiliates”. WDPR is an affiliate of The Walt Disney Company. The binding arbitration clause provides, in relevant part:

PROCEEDINGS TO RESOLVE OR LITIGATE A DISPUTE IN ANY FORUM WILL BE CONDUCTED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS. Neither you nor Disney DTC will seek to have a dispute heard as a class action or private attorney general action or in any other proceeding in which either party acts or proposes to act in a representative capacity. No arbitration or proceeding can be combined with another without the prior written consent of all parties to the arbitrations or proceedings. You and Disney DTC agree to arbitrate, as provided below, all disputes between you (including any related disputes involving The Walt Disney Company or its affiliates), that are not resolved informally, except disputes relating to the ownership or enforcement of intellectual property rights. “Dispute” includes any dispute, action, or other controversy, whether based on past, present, or future events, between you and us concerning the Disney Services or this Agreement, whether in contract, tort, warranty, statute, regulation, or other legal or equitable basis.

 The Terms of Use define “Disney Services” as “sites, software, applications, content, products and services”. This includes WDPR’s website.
 The arbitration clause also provides that the FAA governs the arbitrability of all disputes and “empower[s] the arbitrator with the exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation, applicability or enforceability of these terms or the formation of this contract, including the arbitrability of any dispute and any claim that all or any part of this Agreement are void or voidable”. The Terms of Use include a No Waiver clause stating that the “failure to assert any right or provision” will “not constitute a waiver”.

3. The My Disney Experience Terms and Conditions

 Then, in September 2023, Piccolo also agreed to the My Disney Experience Terms and Conditions. At that point, Piccolo had agreed to the Terms of Use. Piccolo logged into his Disney account. After entering the email address used to create his Disney account, Piccolo was prompted to “review & accept Walt Disney World terms”. The webform included a checkbox that states, “I have read and agree to the My Disney Experience Terms and Conditions”. Piccolo selected the checkbox and “Agree & Continue” directly below the disclosure. The Terms and Conditions were underlined in blue font and provided a hyperlink directly to the document. Piccolo could not have completed the login without agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use. The Terms and Conditions explain that “[b]y using the Site/App or by clicking a box that states that you accept or agree to the My Disney Experience Terms and Conditions, you signify your agreement to these Terms for yourself and for all persons (including minors) for whom you are purchasing or otherwise securing benefits and/or managing those benefits and entitlements such as tickets . . . . You represent that you have all necessary rights and consents to agree to these Terms on behalf of your Party”. The Terms and Conditions “apply in addition to, and not in lieu of, the Disney Terms of Use”. After agreeing to the Terms and Conditions, Piccolo purchased park tickets and registered the decedent as his“guest”. Piccolo could not have completed the purchase without agreeing to the Disney Terms.



 Under the FAA, courts must compel arbitration upon a showing that: “(1) a valid, written agreement to arbitrate exists; (2) an arbitrable issue exists; and (3) the right to arbitration has not been waived.” 3 WDPR satisfies these requirements.
 First, the Disney Terms amount to a valid and enforceable “clickwrap agreement”— which required Piccolo to assent by selecting “agree and continue” before proceeding. Florida courts recognize such agreements.  Second, the Disney Terms delegate all issues of arbitrability to the arbitrator. This means that the arbitrator determines nearly all challenges to an arbitration provision, including its scope and enforceability.
 Finally, WDPR has not waived the right to compel arbitration since it has barely participated in litigation. We explain each of these points below.

A. Piccolo Agreed to Binding Arbitration Under the Disney Terms
In addressing a motion to compel arbitration under the FAA, the Court must first determine “if a valid arbitration agreement exists” between the parties. Florida state law governs the formation inquiry. In Florida, to determine whether a valid arbitration agreement exists, “courts resort to traditional rules of contract interpretation.” Piccolo cannot credibly dispute that a valid arbitration agreement exists. Piccolo entered into a “clickwrap” agreement by selecting both a “checkbox” and “agree and continue” to create a Disney account. And again when logging into the account in September 2023. Clickwrap agreements are enforceable because they “require the user to physically manifest assent,” and supply “inquiry notice of the terms agreed to.”
 Piccolo also received inquiry notice of the Disney Terms, including the agreement to arbitrate potential claims, through disclosures and hyperlinks. First, when creating the Disney account he was notified that “[b]y clicking Agree & Continue, you agree to our Subscriber Agreement”. Piccolo affirmed by selecting “Agree and Continue”. And Piccolo also agreed to the Terms of Use.
 Then, in September 2023, Piccolo agreed to the Terms and Conditions. After Piccolo logged into his Disney account he was prompted to “review & accept Walt Disney World terms.” He also selected a checkbox confirming “I have read and agree to the My Disney Experience Terms and Conditions.” Piccolo then selected “Agree & Continue” directly below the disclosure. Piccolo was presented with blue hyperlinks to the Subscriber Agreement, Terms of Use, and Terms and Conditions.
 The Disney account and Disney+ registration page, the clear hyperlinks to the Disney Terms, and the fact that Piccolo could not move forward in the registration process without selecting “Agree and Continue” are design features that track the factors outlined in cases upholding clickwrap agreements.
 Whether Piccolo actually reviewed the Disney Terms is also immaterial. These clickwrap agreements, like the Disney Terms, provide users with inquiry notice.
 This conclusion is strengthened because Piccolo kept using WDPR’s website and purchased tickets after receiving the Disney Terms. Under Florida law, valid contracts are also formed by a party continuing to use services. For all these reasons, a valid arbitration agreement exists.

B. The Disney Terms Delegate Arbitrability Issues to the Arbitrator

 In deciding whether to compel arbitration, a court must next determine whether an arbitrable issue exists. The Court must defer to “federal substantive law” when construing a contract under the FAA. But before analyzing whether Piccolo’s claims fall within the scope of the arbitration clause, the Court must decide whether the parties delegated that responsibility to the arbitrator. When “clear and unmistakable evidence” shows that the parties agreed that an arbitrator would decide issues of arbitrability, such provisions must be enforced. Indeed, the United States Supreme Court has explained that “[w]hen the parties’ contract delegates the arbitrability question to an arbitrator, a court may not override the contract” and “possesses no power to decide the arbitrability issue.” Florida courts regularly enforce delegation provisions.
 Piccolo agreed to delegate arbitrability issues to the arbitrator. The Disney Terms delegate to the arbitrator—not to a court—“exclusive authority” to resolve “any dispute relating to” the arbitration clause’s “interpretation, applicability or enforceability” and whether “any part” is “void or voidable” . It is hard to imagine a more expansive delegation clause. The Disney Terms also incorporate the “JAMS Rules,” which provide that “[j]urisdictional and arbitrability disputes, including disputes over the formation, existence, validity, interpretation or scope of the agreement . . . be submitted to and ruled on by the Arbitrator” JAMS Rule.4[YM4]  The language is “clear and unmistakable” and unequivocally delegates the question of arbitrability to the arbitrator, not the court.
 Even without the delegation clause, Piccolo’s claims are subject to arbitration under the Disney Terms. “Whether a claim falls within the scope of an arbitration agreement turns on the factual allegations in the complaint rather than the legal causes of action asserted.” And unless “the arbitration clause is not susceptible of an interpretation that covers the asserted dispute,” enforcement is proper. The arbitration provision covers “all disputes” including “disputes involving The Walt Disney Company or its affiliates”. Because the term “Dispute” includes claims related to WDPR’s “website,” Piccolo’s negligence and agency counts fall within the arbitration agreement.

C. WDPR Has Not Waived It’s Right to Arbitrate

 Finally, a court deciding whether to compel arbitration must consider whether the right to arbitrate has been waived. When interpreting arbitration agreements under the FAA, waiver is controlled solely by federal law. WDPR has not waived its right to arbitrate. Waiver “is the intentional relinquishment or abandonment of a known right.” To find waiver, a party must “substantially invoke[] the litigation machinery prior to demanding arbitration.” Because federal law favors arbitration, waiver arguments require “a heavy burden of proof.” WDPR has certainly not waived its right to arbitrate this matter. About three months have passed since Piccolo filed this lawsuit. During that time, WDPR has answered the Complaint, amended that answer by right without leave of court, and requested copies. WDPR has not propounded discovery or sought affirmative relief. In cases with even more litigation activity, courts have declined to find waiver.
 Even if WDPR had actively litigated the case, the Disney Terms also include a No Waiver clause which states that “[WDPR’s] failure to assert any right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision”. Florida courts have consistently enforced anti-waiver clauses. As stated in Rybovich Boat Works, the “defenses of waiver and estoppel [are] defeated as a matter of law by the [anti-waiver] provisions of the contract itself.”


Under Section 3 of the FAA, in any lawsuit “referable to arbitration,” the court “shall on application of one of the parties stay the trial of the action until such arbitration has been had in accordance with the terms of the agreement.” Because the arbitration clause covers Piccolo’s claims against WDPR, the Court must stay this action as to WDPR.

Likewise, Piccolo’s remaining claims against Great Irish Pubs should be stayed as well. When a case presents “both arbitrable and nonarbitrable claims, courts have discretion to stay nonarbitrable claims.” In doing so, courts have considered: “(1) the expense and inconvenience of parallel litigation, (2) the possibility of inconsistent determinations, and (3) whether arbitrable and nonarbitrable claims arise out of the same set of facts.” These considerations support staying the entire case.

There’s no question that Piccolo’s claims against WDPR and Great Irish Pubs involve the same facts. Piccolo’s Complaint amounts to a “shotgun pleading.” Indeed, each count incorporates the entire preceding fact section by reference. And Piccolo’s agency claims against WDPR are based entirely on Great Irish Pubs’s alleged misconduct. Because the factual and legal questions are intertwined, entering a stay during arbitration is warranted.

More importantly, allowing this case to move forward risks creating inconsistent liability determinations. For instance, liability against Great Irish Pubs must be established before reaching Piccolo’s agency claims. And both proceedings will involve the same facts and legal questions. Thus, it would be problematic for this litigation to continue since each tribunal may decide the issues differently.

In any event, these proceedings might ultimately be stayed should Great Irish Pubs join the arbitration. WDPR would not oppose Great Irish Pubs doing so.


For these reasons, WDPR asks the Court to enter an order:

(1) compelling Piccolo to arbitrate all claims against WDPR;

(2) and staying this action pending arbitration.

 1 . The alleged statements appear on both www.disneyworld.disney.go.com and www.disneysprings.com.

 2. The Subscriber Agreement, Terms of Use, and Terms and Conditions (together “Disney Terms”) were in effect when Piccolo created a Disney account and purchased park tickets (Morgan Decl. ¶¶ 8, 13); (Varnes Decl. ¶¶ 3-4); (Streit Decl. ¶¶ 10-11).

 3. The Disney Terms are governed under “New York” law and “the laws of the United States” (Streit Decl. Ex. D at 14). But there is no meaningful difference between Florida and New York law on these issues. See Worthington v. JetSmarter, Inc., 2019 WL 4933635, at *4 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 7, 2019); Falcon v. TelevisaUnivision Digit., Inc., 2024 WL 1492831, at *2 n.2 (M.D. Fla. Mar. 29, 2024).

 4. See JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures, www.jamsadr.com/rules[1]comprehensive-arbitration/
