
“Dedication of Life”
A short documentary to question the meaning of life through activities of mankind.
4k video + audio / 10min 17sec / 2018

社会における人の役割を通じ、いのちの目的と意義を問う短編ドキュメンタリー映像。2017年12月、タイ・パタヤの寺院「サンクチュアリー・オブ・トゥ ルース」にて開催された、ラーマ9世(タイ王国・第9代プミポン前国王)の一周忌追悼式典では、世界中から来客が供養に訪れ、人種と宗教が混在した稀な空 間を生み出した。このめぐり合わせの中における、3つの職業【僧侶・華道家・仏像彫刻師】が向けるそれぞれの献身に焦点を当て、生きることのの本質を、人工知能のナレーションを通じて問いかける。

A short documentary to focus into the various aspects of life, connected by the death of a former Thai King Rama IX. The event took place on December 2017 in ‘Sanctuary of Truth’ Pattaya, Thailand, as a 1st year condolence ceremony of the King. The event created diverse mixture of religious and cultural backgrounds, connecting people through a common sympathy. Associating to the event, the film puts a focus on 3 occupations; flower artists, craftsmen, and monks. By giving an insight through the roles of their dedication, the film seeks a meaning toward what life is about. Along with the musical score, the narration is generated by artificial intelligence voice, creating an outer perspective to gaze the activities of mankind. 10min17sec / 4K single channel video + stereo audio / 2018 In collaboration with flower artist unit 'plantica'
