
Sakyo-ku,Kyoto-city a fun music group for 0-15month old and baby&kids friendly cafe

music sessions at Keibunsha Ichijoji book store in Sakyo ward, Kyoto

ain't music adventure?

Everyone from all around the globe. Come join us at musicand, a fun music group at Keibunsha ichijoji book store in Sakyo-ku ,Kyoto.
We sing, we rhyme. We dance, we act. At musicand, your little one will jiggle, wiggle giggle with loads of fun experiences. Non-Japanese speakers are more than welcome, you needn't speak Japanese, all you need is joy for music and love for people. Let’s have fun together with musics from all over our blue planet! If you were interested, just DM me. Here are more details on the sessions.

musicand biography


- every 3rd Wed on even months -

Babies class

Baby from 2 months to 15 months

◉ 11:15-11:50 every 3rd Wed on even months

2024 schedule

17th April, 19th June, 16th October, 18th December

◉ 2500 yen / 1 session (reservation only)

+1000 yen for each additional person

◉ booking required

Email to : musicandkyoto@gmail.com

With below information

1. name (parents)
2. name (children)
3. age
4. gender
5. phone number
6.questions if any

※All sessions are given under proper infection control measures.

You can book and contact me via Official LINE account


ID search → @364cjzkc

musicand cafe

every 3 rd Wed on even months 11:30-16:00  (L.O 15:30)

baby&kids friendly , rainbow friendly

<About musicand cafe>
Ethnicity, gender, generation and more: our world is full of boundaries that separate us. Yet, the will to overcome such differences is also humane, and such spirit is what drives Musicand Cafe.
It began in May 2021, by Yumi Fukuda who runs a music and education outfit under the same name. Not only Yumi who has lived in Indonesia, UK and Rwanda, the members are all mothers, enriched with international experiences. We delightfully invite you to our delicious food, workshops, and live performances, full of warmth and gleam, open to differences and new encounters.

・Word lunch trip box 



Kaho kawaguchi

・Organic herbal teas

・Ikebana (Japanese flower arrangement)

Ken Kuwahara

・Aroma hand treatment



Keibunsha Ichijoji Store

10 Haraidonocho, Ichijoji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8184


京都市北区左京区  リトミック ピアノ 英語導入 知育 福田ゆみ
音楽教室を一旦閉めてから12年、紆余曲折2020年12月にルワンダより帰国してようやく自分と向かいあうことができ、新たなコンセプトのもとスタートさせました。 サポートしていただけましたらルワンダでのシングルマザーへのリトミック指導者講座へのサポート資金にさせていただきます。