
MBTI:感覚と直観が分からない ~Keirseyの感覚/直観軸=Myersの外向/内向軸!?~


MBTIから派生した理論 4気質説(最終的には16タイプ)を提唱しているKeirseyのS-N特性は、MBTIの開祖MyersのE-I特性に、少しだけ、似ている。こんな所も、S-N特性の難しさだ。


1月4日「MBTI:感覚と直観が分からない XI ~本当に直観型は晩熟か? ←例外あり!~」




♠Myers's E-I scale is badly flawed because she inherited Jung's error of confusing extraversion with observation (S) and introversion with introspection (N). And so to make the E-I distinction useful at all, we must define the two concepts, not in terms of mental focus or interest, but in terms of social address or social attitude.

Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II (English Edition) (p.421). Prometheus Nemesis Book Company. Kindle 版.


♥This [SN] preference is entirely independent of the EI preference. Intuitives do not have to be introverts. Their possibilities can be external possibilities, pursued in the outer world of people and things. Sensing types do not have to be extraverts. They can be just as matter-of-fact in the world of ideas.

Myers, Isabel Briggs; Myers, Peter B.. Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type - The original book behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test (English Edition) (p.90). John Murray Press. Kindle 版.



♠Carl Jung used the words 'sensation' and 'sensing' (S) to mean paying attention to what is going on outside ourselves, that is, external attention. Thus 'sensation' may be used synonymously with three words pertaining to external attention, 'observation,' 'externalization,' and 'exteroception.'

Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II (English Edition) (pp.422-423). Prometheus Nemesis Book Company. Kindle 版.


♠In contrast, Jung gave us two engaging metaphors to convey how he used the word 'intuition' (N). Intuition, he said, is "listening to the inner voice" or "heeding the promptings from within." The word 'intuition' is engaging because it literally means "internal attention." We pay attention to what is going on inside ourselves with our mind's eye and our mind's ear, these promptings coming as thoughts and feelings. Thus 'intuition' can be used synonymously with three other terms pertaining to internal attention, 'introspection,' 'internalization,' and 'interoception.'

Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II (English Edition) (pp.422-423). Prometheus Nemesis Book Company. Kindle 版.

にあるように、inner、within、internal、introspection、internalization、mind eye、mind ear等の言葉が示すように、内側に注意を向ける事とされている。対するMyersの感覚/直観は似ているだろうか。感覚は

♥The sensing types, by definition, depend on their five senses for perception. Whatever comes directly from the senses is part of the sensing types’ own experience and is therefore trustworthy. What comes from other people indirectly through the spoken or written word is less trustworthy. Words are merely symbols that have to be translated into reality before they mean anything, and therefore they carry less conviction than experience.

Myers, Isabel Briggs; Myers, Peter B.. Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type - The original book behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test (English Edition) (p.90). John Murray Press. Kindle 版.


♥The intuitives are comparatively uninterested in sensory reports of things as they are. Instead, intuitives listen for the intuitions that come up from their unconscious with enticing visions of possibilities. As stated earlier, these contributions from the unconscious processes vary from the merest masculine “hunch” and “woman’s intuition,” through the whole range of original ideas, projects, enterprises, and inventions, to the crowning examples of creative art, religious inspiration, and scientific discovery.

Myers, Isabel Briggs; Myers, Peter B.. Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type - The original book behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test (English Edition) (p.90). John Murray Press. Kindle 版.


  • unconscious=見えない=internal


♥The conduct of extraverts is based on the outer situation. If they are thinkers, they tend to criticize or analyze or organize it; feeling types may champion it, protest against it, or try to mitigate it; sensing types may enjoy it, use it, or good naturedly put up with it; and intuitives tend to try to change it. In any case, the extravert starts with the outer situation.

Myers, Isabel Briggs; Myers, Peter B.. Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type - The original book behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test (English Edition) (p.85). John Murray Press. Kindle 版.

にあるようにouter situationという言葉を含んでおり、これはKeirseyの感覚を形容する言葉outsideやobervation、external、externalization等に近い。内向はその説明

♥The introvert, however, starts farther back—with the inner ideas, the mental concepts, derived from what Jung calls the archetypes. Type theory holds that the archetypes are inborn in us all. They do not have their origin in our own experience, though personal experience may activate them. They are the abstract essence of the experience and aspiration of humanity. They are the universals, the shapes of thought, which bring pattern and meaning out of the overwhelming multiplicity of life.

Myers, Isabel Briggs; Myers, Peter B.. Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type - The original book behind the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test (English Edition) (p.85). John Murray Press. Kindle 版.

に於けるinner ideasという言葉が、inner、within、internal、introspection、internalization等といった表現で彩られたKeriseyの直観を思い起こさせている。archetypeもその神秘的な響きが内面性を醸している。翻ってKeirseyの外向/内向は、

♠And so to make the E-I distinction useful at all, we must define the two concepts, not in terms of mental focus or interest, but in terms of social address or social attitude. Thus when someone is observed to be talkative and sociable (the so-called "extravert") he or she can be described as "expressive." In contrast, people who are more quiet and private (the so-called "introverts") can be described as "reserved." Interestingly, because Reserved persons tend to hold their fire verbally, they tend to listen carefully to what others say, while Expressive persons tend not to listen very well, so eager are they to tell others of what they have on their minds. So in general, the Expressive are quick to speak and slow to listen, while the Reserved are quick to listen and slow to speak.

Of course, everyone is expressive in some degree, but not in the same degree. Those who are more expressive appear more comfortable around groups of people than they are when alone. Thus they can also be thought of as socially gregarious or outgoing. On the other hand, those who are more reserved seem to be more comfortable when alone than when in a crowd. And thus they can be thought of as socially seclusive or retiring. Remember, however, that these distinctions are not clear cut: each individual surely varies from time to time in his or her desire to be expressive and in company or reserved and in seclusion.

Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II (English Edition) (p.421). Prometheus Nemesis Book Company. Kindle 版.

にあるようにsocial address or social attitudeのみによって規定されている。そこにはtalkative、sociable、expressive、reserved、around groups of people、alone、gregarious、outgoing、seclusive、retiring等の言葉も並ぶが、S-N特性ほどには内向き、外向きを明示する要素はない。


♠So we can contrast 'introspection' with 'observation,' 'internalization' with 'externalization,' and 'interoception' with 'exteroception.' For the purposes of describing personality types, I have found the easiest and most accurate terms to be 'introspection' and 'observation.' Very simply, we observe objects through our senses. Thus we look at objects to see them, listen to sounds to hear them, touch surfaces to feel them, sniff odors to smell them, and mouth substances to taste them. We can observe what is present, but not what isn't present. Whatever isn't present to our senses we can only imagine by means of introspection. Naturally, all of us do both observation and introspection, but it is a rare individual who does an equal amount of each. The vast majority of us, maybe 85%, spend most of our waking hours looking at, listening to, and touching objects in our immediate presence, and very little of our time introspecting, that is, making inferences, imagining, daydreaming, musing, or wondering about things not in our presence.

Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II (English Edition) (pp.422-423). Prometheus Nemesis Book Company. Kindle 版.
