
MBTI:判断と知覚が分からない ~慎重な判断型と大胆な知覚型?~



Otto KroegerとJanet M. Thuesenの"Type Talk"[1]には、ISTJ(内向·感覚·思考·判断)をESTP(外向·感覚·思考·知覚)やENTP(外向·直観·思考·知覚)と比較し、こう述べている箇所がある。

  • In a stockbrokerage firm we studied, for example, the ISTJs, year in and year out, had the most conservative portfolios, delivering a small but reliable return on investors' money. The company's ESTP and ENTP brokers were by far the highest rollers, with the biggest portfolios yielding the biggest returns. They clearly outsold the others, although they also recorded the biggest losses. It would be a great benefit to this and other brokerage firms and their investors if the national financial climate could be assessed in terms of how well ESTP and ENTP brokers would do in it, versus how well the ISTJs would do: they could then deploy their brokers accordingly.


"Type Talk"の続編である"Type Talk at Work"[2]にも、ENTJ(外向·直観·思考·判断)に関する説明に際して、こんな部分がある。

  • Another strength of ENTJs is their ability to balance a vision of the future with an ability to take risks. Because they are structure oriented, they make better intrapreneurs (working innovatively within an organization) than entrepreneurs (working on one's own). In any case their risk taking is buffered by their need to produce bottom-line results. Unlike their ENTP cousins, who are prone to take more extreme risks, and rewards, are more moderate. This makes for an acceptable level of instability for the conservative corporate culture of most larger companies.

ENTPがentrepreneurs即ち企業を飛び出す起業家に擬えられている一方、ENTJはより保守的な大企業文化に適応した、企業内起業家とされている。これまた、判断型が決断力に優れていると云うMBTIの公式論とは矛盾する。企業内にいるより、自力で無から起業するほうが、より決断力を要する、と考えるのが自然だし、また逆の立場で云えばENTJを受け入れ易い"conservative corporate culture"と云う表現は如何にも現状維持に窮々としている優柔不断な(=決断力のない)経営陣を連想させるからだ。だからMBTIの判断と知覚は良く分からない。

尤も、Otto KroegerとJanet M. Thuesenは、判断型を終始一貫してstructure orientedと解釈しているから、内的な矛盾はそれなりに解消されてはいるし、noteブログでも判断型=決断力≒大胆=risk takerとする意見は殆ど見ないのだが。綾紫の決断力≒自信=大胆=risk takerという解釈がそもそも間違いだろうか。

[1]Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen, Type Talk, Delacorte Press, 1988.

[2]Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen, Type Talk at Work, Delacorte Press, 1992.
