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screen position change to World 3D position
@param screenPos normalized screen position 0~1
@param cam change world to screen camera
@return world 3d position vec3
vec3 testApp::worldFromScreen( const vec2 screenPos, const CameraPersp *cam ) {
// generate a ray from the camera into our world
float u = screenPos.x;
float v = screenPos.y;
// because OpenGL and Cinder use a coordinate system
// where (0, 0) is in the LOWERleft corner, we have to flip the v-coordinate
Ray ray = cam->generateRay(u , 1.0f - v, cam->getAspectRatio() );
float result = 0.0f;
//vec3 planePos = this->mCamera.getEyePoint();
vec3 planePos = vec3(0.f,0.f,0.f);
vec3 normal = cam->getViewDirection();
if ( ray.calcPlaneIntersection( planePos, normal, &result ) ) {
return ray.calcPosition( result );
return vec3(0.f,0.f,0.f);
vec3 planePosとvec3 normalを変更することでプロット座標は操作可能。
vec3 planePos : プロット平面の中心点。
vec3 normal : プロット平面の姿勢。
参考元 : https://forum.libcinder.org/topic/glu-s-gluunproject-substitute