

Jan 9.2025

In the book that I read every morning with my sons, mumu wawa, there’s a story about “January 9th being Ikkyu-san’s Day.” It’s a pun based on the numbers “1” and “9,” which sound like “Ikkyu” in Japanese. We Japanese seem to love puns like this, don’t we? 😊

But as I was talking with mumu wawa, I started to think. These “puns” aren’t just playful, they might actually convey something deeper and more meaningful.

Ikkyu-san is known for solving difficult problems with a shift in perspective or a flexible way of thinking. For example, here’s a famous story.

One day, the lord told Ikkyu-san, “Trap the wind inside this jar.” At first glance, it seems impossible. But Ikkyu calmly said, “Please close the mouth of the jar.” When the lord did so, Ikkyu smiled and said,
“Now the wind is trapped inside the jar. Even the stillness of the wind is still wind.”

As a child, I used to think, “Ikkyu-san is amazing!”
But reading this story with mumu wawa, I began to feel the deeper meaning behind his wisdom.

We often hear the term “an unpredictable era” these days, and it seems to reflect the times we’re living in. When facing a problem, instead of thinking “it’s impossible,” we can change our perspective or think more flexibly. By doing so, we might find that our daily lives become a little easier and more enjoyable. It feels like a message from the past, urging us to embrace this kind of thinking.

Tonight, at dinner, we’ll reflect on “Ikkyu-san’s Day.” I’ll think together with mumu wawa and my husband about the deeper meaning behind the playful pun, and we’ll enjoy our family time.

I hope you all have a wonderful day! 😊✨🙏

#IkkyuSanDay #FlexibleThinking #ChangingPerspective

息子たちのmumu wawaと毎朝読んでいる本の中に、「1/9は一休さんの日」という話がありました。語呂合わせで「いっきゅう(1・9)」なんだそうです。日本人って、こういう語呂合わせが好きですよね😊

でも、mumu wawaと話しながらふと思ったんです。こういう「語呂合わせ」って、ただの遊び心だけじゃなくて、意外と大切なことを伝えてくれているのかもしれない、と。



でも、mumu wawaに本を読みながら、このとんちに深い意味を感じました。


今夜の晩御飯の時、「一休さんの日」。語呂合わせの遊び心に隠された、本当に大切なことを、mumu wawaと主人と一緒にもう一度考えながら、家族の団欒を過ごそうと思います。


#一休さんの日 #柔らかな思考 #視点を変える
