
Choices and Sacrifices

Today marks the start of October. It feels like I just started university, but six months have already passed, and at the same time, I’m starting to feel anxious about having accomplished nothing. Before enrolling, I had so many things I wanted to do: starting a golf club, working part-time at Starbucks, getting a medium-sized motorcycle license, starting a business, reading books, establishing the perfect morning routine, and more. That’s when I realized something.

It’s impossible to accomplish everything.

Of course, this seems obvious, but before starting university, I thought it would be possible as a college student. The reason I entered university in the first place was to gain an abundance of free time. I thought I had done everything I could, but the examples I mentioned earlier are things I haven’t been able to achieve. Looking at the list like this makes it visually clear that time is limited. But that's not the point—the question is whether I’ve gotten closer to achieving my goals.

In conclusion, I’ve only gotten about one ten-thousandth of the way there. That’s really bad. If it’s one ten-thousandth in six months, then to reach my goal, I’d need to repeat the same process 1,666 times. In other words, I don’t have enough lifespan.

What I want to say is not that it’s impossible to have everything. Rather, to achieve a goal, you need to have determination. There’s a saying that to gain something, you must sacrifice something else, and for me, what I need to give up is alcohol, friends, and some of the communities I belong to. That means leading a boring college life.

In high school, after being accepted into university, I became incredibly lonely. Compared to that, my current life could be described as the ideal situation I had dreamed of. Giving that up and relentlessly pursuing my goals seems impossible for me at this point. Why? The conclusion is simple: I don’t have the necessary determination.

In any case, time is already running out. The four years I thought I had are now down to three, or more accurately, just about a year and a half. There’s no more time to waste. For now, I’ll try my best to translate this English text in preparation for my upcoming trip abroad.
