FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Interview(1-3)

亀田製菓CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ[Lekh Raj Juneja]

Listening point

What is an important for a company to be global?

You have to have your core competency.


※聞き取りにくくて曖昧なところ多数あり。(you knowが多すぎる。)

Your vision for the company is described as a rice innovation company. Could you provide more details on how you intend to leverage your company's technological expertise to realize the full potential of rice, thereby, creating new value and markets worldwide.

So after I became the CEO, I was thinking how to put a vision of the company to my employees fist, you know. I always tell, you know, that I don't want just to focus on Japan. There're 8 billion people in the world, right?

Yeah, that's right.

So for that, we need to be global. First thing I need, that my employees are ready to do that or not, you know. So the mindset. The, what is the purpose of our company. So I told you that we have very good taste, but environment and nutrition, it should help the lifestyle of the society of the people. That was a  purpose. Second thing I told was , you know, we should become rice innovation company. Because we don't want to do many things. if you want to become global, you have to have your core competency, you right? What is your strengh? So my strenght was, you know, that we are the best in the world for rice cracker, you know. And good thing was, you know, I always say, nobody can beat Japanese in Monozukuri. I think we are so good still. Still No.1 made in Japan brand. And food in Japan is so good. Nobody can still beat, you know. I think we need to be bold. We need to have guts. We need to go global. We need to convery to the people it's so good, you know. And also put value on that, you know. I put it like the Kamada's craftsmanship that we have so much cradftsmanship in our group, you now. So many textures we can create. Many texutre we can create for any type of age. Any flavor we could create. This is our value of the company we should convey.  I also told them, enjoy the challenge, you know. So that was pupose vision and value.

Words and phrases

leverage: テコ入れする。利用する。活用する。
core competency: 中核となる強み。
guts: 勇気。度胸。
convey: 伝える。知らせる。
craftsmanship: 職人技。匠の技。

Enhance your vocabulary

be committed to …: …にコミットしている。…に取り組んでいる。
We are committed to creating a future where technology enhances lives seamlessly.

empower: 強化する。
Our vision is to empower communities through education and equal opportunities.

strive to …: …することを目指す。…する努力をする。
We strive to be the go-to solution provider for our customers evolving needs.

envision: 目論む。思い描く。
We envison a world where environmental conservation is at the forefront of every business decision.

foster: 育む。
Our goal is to foster a workplace that encourages creativity, diversity, and collaboration.

Your turn

Our vision is to become a catalyst for positive social change.


We have very good taste, but environment and nutrition, it should help the lifestyle of the society of the people.
