FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「6月Day15」

You’re together with some children, and they want to play in the park.
You will talk to one child about games, like tag, and hide-and-seek.
But there are other people in the park, so don't let the child disturb other people.

Do you wanna play together in the park?
Sure. What do you wanna play?

Do you know how to play tag?
Yeah. In Japan, it's called Onigokko. Something like the devil is chasing you.

I wanna play tag. I'm it. Ready.
Well, we don't wanna disturb other people in the park, so let's play a different game. Any ideas?

How about hide-and-seek? Do you know how to play hide-and-seek?
Yeah. We don't wanna go too far away, though.

Okay. Who's gonna hide? and who's gonna count?
I'll count and you hide.

Let's do rock-paper-scissors. The winner hides, the loser seeks. Ready, rock, paper, scissors, shoot. I win. I'll hide. Go ahead and count.
Okay, just promise, you will not hide somewhere far away. one, two, three…
