FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(69)
The topic of the discussion shifts to the work environment.
Michio asks how Nicole feels about it.
Listening point
In what kind of situation in particular does Nicole feel tense?
During meetings.
Business scene
So, on to the next topic, the work environment.
The results of our recent survey left me somewhat uncertain.
In what way?
Despite our efforts to arrange Japanese language and culture courses for non-Japanese staff, they feel pressure to conform to Japanese business customs.
Can I ask how you personally feel?
Well, I can relate to that feeling.
For example, I still find myself feeling tense, especially during meetings.
Meetings make everyone nervous.
You don't have many language issues, do you?
I think the nervousness is more about my social proficiency rather than my Japanese ability.
Foreign employees try hard to adapt to unwritten rules, but they're often confused by the differences in communication styles.
The fear of offending people is big for foreigners in Japan.
Words and phrases
conform to …: …に従う。
relate to …: …に共感する。
tense: 緊張した。
nervous: 緊張した。神経質な。 (名詞:nervousness)
proficiency: 熟練。熟練度。習熟度。
unwritten rule: 不文律。暗黙のルール。
offend: 人の感情を害する。人の気分を害する。
Business phrase of the day
The results of our recent survey left me somewhat uncertain.
The ambiguous response from the manager left the team uncertain.
The sudden change in plans left us uncertain.
Alternative expressions
leave … uncertain の違う表現
The results of the recent survey made me feel a touch unsettled.
The results of the recent survey left me feeling a bit unsure.
Upgrade your communication skills
Step 1:共感を示す。
I understand that feeling well. When I worked in the U.S., I encountered many situations where things were done differently from in Japan. So, I was always worried about whether my words and actions were making the other person feel uncomfortable.
Step 2:相手にヒントを与える。
At one point, I thought it would be bad unless something changed. So, I switched to a mindset of enjoying different cultures. Since then, I started to enjoy discovering the differences. I think this mindset might be the key to working in a different culture. What do you think?