FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(10)



James has started his pitch. After the introduction, he is moving on to explain the product.

Listening point

Who has the company collaborated with to bridge the psychological distance between people?

Renowned psychologists.

Business scene

In today's world, meetings often kick off with a virtual greeting.
In this hybrid working environment, the key question is how we can bring people closer together regardless of their location.
This is where our latest platform, 'Virtual Hello', comes into play.
First and foremost are the exceptional image quality of the camera lens and the remarkable sound quality of the speakers.
Take a moment to look at this screen, a virtual meeting room in Berlin. Experience the extraordinary 3-dimensional display quality and the exquisite sound.
You won't feel like you're in a virtual space.
We've also collaborated with renowned psychologists to implement various mechanisms to bridge the psychological distance between people. 

Words and phrases

regardless of …: …に関係なく。
come into play: 作用し始める。影響を与え始める。
first and foremost: 何よりも先ず。
remarkable: 顕著な。注目すべき。
3-dimentional display: 3次元ディスプレイ。
exquisite: 絶妙な。精巧な。
renown: 有名な。評判の高い。
implement: 導入する。

Business phrase of the day

This is where our latest platform, 'Virtual Hello', comes into play.
そこで登場するのが私たちの最新プラットホーム'Virtual Hello'です。

The backup generator comes into play during power outages.

Artificial Intelligence will increasingly come into play in various industries.

Alternative expressions

come into playの違う表現。

This is the point at which our newest platform, ' Virtual Hello', becomes essential.

Here's where our new platform, 'Virtual Hello' takes center stage.

Upgrade your communication skills


Well, many companies offering web meeting systems focus on improving needing efficiency. Our commitment is to create an environment where participants can experience a sense of in-person interaction.

Well, many companies offering web meeting systems focus on improving needing efficiency. Our unwavering commitment is to create a unique environment where participants can experience a genuine sense of in-person interaction.

unwavering: ゆるぎない、確固たる
unique: 唯一無二の、オンリーワンの
genuine: 本当の、本物の
