FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Interview(1-4)

亀田製菓CEO ジュネジャ・レカ・ラジュ[Lekh Raj Juneja]

Listening point

What are the three important words that describe Dr. Juneja's strategy?

They are people, innovation, profitability.


Now that I understand your big vision for the world. Could you tell us a bit about your specific strategy for overseas businesses?

The three words, I always say, ぶれない。I don't …

consistent, consistent.

The three words are people, innovation, and profitability. Why I say people, you know, because the first stakeholder is my employees, my team. Unless they're happy, they are not happy, That makes the difference. So, I want to make our employees very happy. That はたらきがい that they should feel our company is so good, you know, have a pride on working there, you now. They make the product. They sell the product. They were going to make it global. And if they are working hard, all the stakeholders will be very happy. They can make good products for our customers.  They can make my stakeholders happy because we make a profit out of that, new products, good products, you know. And we cannot do unless that craftsmanship gets into innovation, you know. So you have to keep on innovating, you know, keep having new things, you know. If we just compete on prices, we'll never be profitable. Price is one thing, but the most important thing is to put the value on that. I call it WTP willingness to pay from the customers. So change from just competing prices to the value to the WTP for the customer.

Appreciate for the products from other …

If we make good profit, I can do anything, I can make my employees happy, I can make my stakeholders happy, I can spend more on social needs, you know, and work for the society doing. So it's all related. You cannot do anything unless you are profitable. So three words are very important. People, Innovation, Profitability. So for that, so we are doing, okay, let's do future price cracker, let's do future food, let's do international. All are related to that you know.

Words and phrases

specific: 具体的な。明確な。
consistent: 一貫した。ぶれない。
stakeholder: 利害関係者。
willingness: 快く…すること。

Enhance your vocabulary

at the core of …: …の中心にある。…の根幹にある。
Customer satisfaction is at the core of our business strategy.

stay ahead of …: …の先頭に立ち続ける。
Innovation is a key element in our business strategy for staying ahead of the competition.

prioritize: 優先する。
We prioritize employee training and development to enhance overall team performance.

integral to …: …に不可欠な。…に欠かせない。
Digital transformation is integral to our business strategy for improved efficiency.

emphasize: 力を入れる。重視する。強調する。
We emphasize a customer-centric approach to guide our business strategy.

Your turn

We aim to increase maket share through strategic partnership and acquisitions.


You cannot do anything unless you're profitable.
