FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(30)
Now, Kaoru and Edwin have reached the stage of preparing consolidated financial statements. They're going over the points to be mindful of during preparation.
Listening point
What requires attention in preparing consolidated statements?
Intragroup transactions require attention.
Business scene
Now that the major issues are resolved, the next step is to consolidate the financial statements of all subsidiaries.
I've already double-checked the use of correct internal currency exchange rates for each item.
Also, what requires attention is intragroup transactions.
They can be a bit tricky.
In what sense?
Simply put, intragroup transactions cancel each other out.
Since we consider the entire group as one entity, buying and selling within the group must be treated as if it never happened.
Any lending or borrowing of money within the group is also disregarded.
I understand the concepts as I've read books on consolidated accounts.
However, this is the first time I'm putting it into practice.
I'm so excited.
Words and phrases
Now that: 今や~だから
intragroup transaction: グループ内取引、 (intra: 内部の)
tricky: 扱いにくい、やりにくい
simply put: 簡単に言えば
cancel out: 相殺する、帳消しにする
disregard: 無視する
put … into practice: ~を実践する
Business phrase of the day
Simply put, Intragroup transactions cancel each other out.
Simply put, the new procedure streamlines the operation.
Simply put, this seminar focuses on developing team collaboration.
Alternative expressions
Simply putに似た違う表現
In brief, intragroup transactions are set off against each other.
in brief: 簡潔に言うと、要するに
set off: 相殺する
In a nutshell, intragroup transactions are offset.
in a nutshell: 一言でいうと
nutshell: クルミなどの木の実の殻
Upgrade your communication skills
I've already double-checked the use of correct internal currency exchange rates for each item.
I've already reconciled the numbers for each account.
Now, all that's left is to aggregate the overall totals.
As a whole, it looks like I've reached a halfway point.
I expect to finish the work by the end of this week.
I took the liberty of reaching out to the relevant offices to confirm where explanations were insufficient, or details were incomplete.
I've completed the aggregation for the European offices, so the remaining tasks are in the Americas and Asia.
I took the liberty of ~: ~の自由を取った⇒つまり相手に聞かずに自分で判断で何かをしたときに事後承諾をする言い方