FY2024 英会話タイムトライアル「10月Day4」

Step1 Express

The water is boiling.
Let's put in the noodles now.
Nori is a kind of sea plant.
I made an Irish dish.
This is called Shepherd's Pie.

Step2 Create

Put in some chocolate chips.

Just don't overcook it.

I made a dish with cauliflower rice for lunch.

Step3 Reply

Do you often make Sushi at home in Japan?
Not really. We usually go to our neighborhood sushi restaurant.

What kind of fish are you gonna put in your sushi?
Fresh tuna, or Maguro, but actually, this is minced tuna. It's called Negitoro.

What do you call this?
It's called Nori. It's a kind of sea plant. It's grown and harvested in the ocean.
