FY2024 ラジオビジネス英語Lesson(70)



Michio and Nicole are identifying issues related to the work process and foreign employees' relationships with Japanese managers.

Listening point

What do foreign staff really want from Japanese managers?

They want straightforward feedback on their work and performance.

Business scene

Regarding the work process, many non-Japanese staff seem stressed about consulting with different departments for example.

Actually, I understand that well. 
In my previous workplace, a foreign-affiliated firm, the reporting lines were clear, and authority was given to the head of each department, so most decisions were made quickly.

You're on the same page as them.
They may understand this cultural difference in theory, but in real life, they often find the process slow.

I see.
How about their relationships with their Japanese managers?

They appreciate Japanese managers politeness, but what they really want is straightforward feedback on their work and performance.

They want comments on areas for improvement, right?
This will be addressed in a training session for Japanese managers next month.

Words and phrases

foreign-affiliated firm: 外資系企業。
reporting line: 指揮命令系統。
authority: 権限。
be on the same page: 同じ考えを持っている。
in theory: 理論の上では。理屈では。
straightforward: 率直な。

Business phrase of the day

They may understand this cultural difference in theory.

I understand the concept of leadership in theory, but implementing it effectively requires real-world experience.

I know the importance of exercise in theory, but it's not easy to practice it.

Alternative expressions

in theoryの違う表現。

They know this cultural difference intellectually.
They understand this cultural difference in their head.

Upgrade your communication skills


Japanese managers tend to deliver criticism in a way that minimizes conflict. Some non-Japanese employees may interpret this as vague or unclear feedback.

Japanese managers may not have received sufficient training in providing feedback to a multicultural workforce. They need to be made aware of the importance of feedback in improving foreign employees' performance and motivation.
