FY2024 ニュースで学ぶ現代英語(5/16)北京モーターショー 新エネルギー車続々
New energy vehicles in spotlight at Beijing Motor Show
Auto industry reps and car lovers have descended on the Chinese capital for one of the world's biggest trade events.
The crowds at this year's Beijing Motor Show are excited about the latest new energy vehicles from across the world.
Roughly 1,500 auto and parts makers and other firms are taking part.
EVs and plug-in hybrid cars are among the new energy vehicles generating the most hype.
The sector now accounts for a third of all car sales in China, which is the world's biggest market.
Auto firms aren't the only businesses with a presence.
Chinese smartphone maker, Xiaomi, is giving the crowds a close-up look at an EV car it put on the market a few weeks ago.
EVs are enormously popular in China.
But the growth in sales is slowing, as consumers become more mindful of mileage limitations.
Motorists are increasingly turning to plug-in hybrid cars, which can travel longer distances.
reps: repの複数形、repはrepresentativeの略
with a presence: 存在感がある
hype: 誇大宣伝、広告、派手なプロモーション
build hype: 話題性を作る、注目を集めるように仕掛ける。盛り上げる。
live up to the hype: 騒がれているだけのことはある。