
Tymoigne & Wray 『MMT批判に答える』の抜粋訳と、これを作成した理由
(拙著『図解入門ビジネス 最新 MMT[現代貨幣理論]がよくわかる本』(秀和システム)(2020/3/24 発売))
といっても、私自身もwankonyankoricky氏による翻訳(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6)を通じて最初に知ったもので、論争のまとめとして読むというより、MMTのポイントを理解するガイドとして利用したというのが実際のところである。
Epstein, Gerald著 徳永潤二、内藤敦之、小倉将志郎訳 『MMTは何が間違いなのか?: 進歩主義的なマクロ経済政策の可能性』, 東洋経済新報社
3/21(日)武蔵大学国際シンポジューム『現代貨幣理論(Modern Monetary Theory) の批判的検討』
しかしながら今回、恥ずかしながらようやくTymoigne & Wray (2013) の存在を思い出し、上述のような日本の状況を踏まえ、論文の中でも論争上重要であるだろう部分を抜粋訳してみせた次第である。
Critiques of MMT can be classified according to five categories: views about origins of money and the role of taxes in the acceptance of government currency, views about fiscal policy, views about monetary policy, the relevance of MMT conclusions for developing economies, and the validity of the policy recommendations of MMT.
This article addresses each of these categories using the circuit approach and national accounting identities, and by progressively adding additional economic sectors. The first section focuses on the government sector. The section shows the importance of taxes for the smooth working of a government-based monetary system, and starts to deal with the consolidation hypothesis. The second section focuses on the domestic private economy and draws some conclusions about the conduct of fiscal policy and the proper stance of the government fiscal balance. The third section adds the central bank and studies the interactions among the central bank, the Treasury and the domestic economy. The fourth section adds the foreign sector and studies the impact on fiscal policy, the role of exchange-rate regimes as well as the level of development of a country. The fifth section focuses on the policy framework and conclusions of MMT.
A central means to give value to a financial instrument is through the necessity of its issuer to take back that financial instrument in the future.6 Households promise to take back their mortgage notes (when they repay their mortgages), businesses promise to take back their bonds (repaying principal due when bonds mature). When your neighbor returns to you your “cup of sugar” IOU, you must accept it and provide the sugar or another mutually acceptable payment. The same applies to government monetary instruments: the currency issuer must promise to accept the currency in payments to itself. Households meet that reflux requirement by working and earning a monetary wage, companies do it by making a monetary profit, government does it by taxing (broadly speaking—other types of payments to authorities can also be important, such as fees, fines, tithes, and tribute). Each of these means creates a demand for the financial instrument of the specific economic unit. The broader the capacity of the domestic private sector to earn monetary earnings, the easier it is to take back its financial instruments, and so the more broadly their financial instruments will be accepted. Generally, the broader the capacity to tax, the broader the demand for the government’s currency.
マサチューセッツ湾岸植民地のthe bills of credit通貨
Thus, taxes are essential because they help the government currency to circulate at par (thereby making the payment system more efficient) and because they promote price stability by removing some purchasing power from domestic economic units. This lesson was learned rapidly by the Massachusetts Bay colonies--so much so that while residents of the colonies were first skeptical about the value of the bills of credit for economic and political reasons, bills rapidly were used as currency and circulated at par:
When the government first offered these bills to creditors in place of coin, they were received with distrust. […] their circulating value was at first impaired from twenty to thirty per cent. […] Many people being afraid that the government would in half a year be so overturned as to convert their bills of credit altogether into waste paper, […]. When, however, the complete recognition of the bills was effected by the new government and it was realized that no effort was being made to circulate more of them than was required to meet the immediate necessities of the situation, and further, that no attempt was made to postpone the period when they should be called in, they were accepted with confidence by the entire community […] [and] they continued to circulate at par. (Davis 1901, 10, 15, 18, 20)
『政府が初めて貨幣の代わりに信用状を債権者に提示したとき、信用状は不信感をもって迎えられた。[...] その流通価値は、最初は20%から30%にまで損なわれた。多くの人々は,半年後には政府がひっくり返って,信用状が完全に紙くずになってしまうのではないかと恐れていた。[...] しかし,新政府によって信用状の完全な承認がなされ,当面の必要性を満たすために必要な分以上に流通させようとする努力はなされていないことが理解され,さらに,信用状が償還されるべき時期を先延ばしにしようとする試みもなされていないことがわかると,信用状は社会全体に確信を持って受け入れられ[...],額面通りに流通し続けたのである。(Davis 1901, 10, 15, 18, 20)』
We can now address two points that Palley brings forward:
The central policy assertion of MMT is the non-existence of financial constraints on government spending below full employment. The claim is government can issue money to finance non-inflationary spending as long as the economy is below full employment. […] The only time expansionary fiscal policy pays for itself is with balanced budget fiscal policy, but that is ruled out by MMT which denies the need to finance deficits with taxes. In a static economy that means the money supply would keep growing relative to output, causing inflation that would tend to undermine the value of money. (Palley 2013, 14)
First, Palley’s critique that MMT’s “proposed” monetary financing of government spending is inflationary is wrong headed. His point rests on the view that tax and monetary creation are choices within the budget constraint of the Treasury. As we have argued above, “money creation” and taxing are not alternatives but rather come at different points in the financing process. In other words, we are providing a description of the financing process, not a policy recommendation. Palley does not understand the logic of the financing sequence: the “money creation” must occur before the “money” is redeemed in tax payment.
Second, MMT does make a clear difference between real and financial constraints; this is one of the crucial points of MMT. Inflation is a real constraint not a financial constraint, so inflation does not prevent the government from funding itself—as such the capacity of the government to fund itself is independent of the state of the economy. Indeed, as the currencyissuer, government can always outbid the private sector, which certainly is a concern of MMT. At full employment, increasing government spending will be inflationary; before full employment government can cause bottlenecks and inflation of the prices of key inputs. Further, and more surprisingly, Palley seems to adopt a simplistic monetarist view of the cause of inflation when he claims that money supply growth greater than growth of output would “undermine the value of money”. Like most heterodox approaches, MMT rejects the quantity equation explanation of inflation. In our view, inflation would result if the relation between government spending and taxing were wrong, not because the ratio of money supply (however measured) and GDP were wrong. In that, we follow the traditional “endogenous money” view that the ratio of money stock to national output is an uninteresting residual.
『MMTの中心的な政策主張は、完全雇用以下における政府支出に財政的制約が存在しないことだ。その主張とは、経済が完全雇用以下である限り、政府はインフレにならない支出のために貨幣を発行できるというものなのである。[...] 拡張的な財政政策が自らを賄うのは、均衡財政政策の場合だけだが、MMTでは赤字を税金で賄う必要性を否定しているため、それは除外されている。静的経済では、貨幣供給量が生産量に対して増加し続けることになり、貨幣の価値を損なう傾向のあるインフレを引き起こすことになる。(Palley 2013, 14) 』
十分条件としての租税貨幣論と例外の不在 / 「時間の霧」mists of timeと現代通貨
Palley, Rochon and Vernengo, find MMT to be extreme in its linking of money and taxes:
Unfortunately, MMT sets up unnecessary controversy by asserting that the obligation to pay taxes is the exclusive reason for the development of money (Palley 2013, 3) Sovereignty, understood as the power to tax and to collect in the token of choice, is not the main explanation for the existence of money, even if modern money is ultimately chartal money. (Rochon and Vernengo 2003, 57)
The word money is used too broadly in these quotes. To be more precise, MMT does argue that imposition by authorities of obligations (including taxes, fines, fees, tithes and tribute) is logically sufficient to “drive” acceptance of the government’s currency. Some who adopt MMT (including us) believe that the historical record, such as it exists, does point to these obligations as the origin of money: government currency was first made acceptable through the imposition of an obligation, and the creation of a monetary unit of account was also initiated by a government to denominate those obligations. Once these were established, government currency was used for other purposes as explained further in section 2. Over time financial instruments issued by others were denominated in the same money unit, and some of these also began to circulate.
But to be clear, MMT does not argue that taxes are necessary to drive a currency or money—critics conflate the logical argument that taxes are sufficient by jumping to the conclusion that MMT believes there can be no other possibility. In truth, MMT is agnostic as it waits for a logical argument or historical evidence in support of the belief of critics that there is an alternative to taxes (and other obligations). We have not seen any plausible alternative. The orthodox-Austrian Robinson Crusoe story is unacceptable as it contains several logical flaws (Gardiner 2004; Ingham 2000; Desan 2013). The other common explanation relies on an infinite regress story: Billy-Bob accepts currency because he thinks Buffy-Sue will accept it (Buchanan 2013). In our view, that is less than satisfying. If Palley, Rochon, or Vernengo has an alternative story, we would love to see it.
More importantly, as Rochon and Vernengo seem to agree, modern “chartal” currency is today “driven” by taxes. In other words, even if the “origins” of money are hidden in the “mists of time”, we can look around the modern world and note that almost without exception each national government adopts its own money of account, imposes tax obligations in that unit, and issues currency as well as central bank reserves also denominated in that unit. In turn, the government accepts (and hence “destroys” in redemption) high powered money (bank reserves) in tax payment. For government currency, it is not an oversimplification to state that taxes play a central role in the origins of today’s monetary systems. It is logical once one moves away from a commodity view of money and into the financial view of money in which the government plays a central role. Private money-denominated IOUs developed for other reasons than the imposition of taxes, but history suggests that government provided the foundation upon which modern monetary systems developed. When new countries are formed (for example, out of the disintegrating Soviet Union), their governments adopt a new money of account, impose tax and other obligations in that unit, issue a new currency in that unit, and accept their own liabilities in tax payment. Whatever might have been the case in prehistoric times, with few exceptions we observe a familiar pattern throughout recorded history.
『遺憾ながら、MMTは、納税義務が貨幣の発展の唯一の理由であると主張することで、不必要な論争を引き起こしている(Palley 2013, 3)。選択した形で課税し、徴収する力として理解される主権は、たとえ現代の貨幣が究極的には表券貨幣であるとしても、貨幣の存在の主要な説明にはならない。(Rochon and Vernengo 2003, 57)』
しかし、念のために言っておくと、MMTは通貨や貨幣を動かすために税金が必要だと主張しているわけではない。批判者は、税金が十分条件であるという論理的な議論を混同して、MMTがそれ以外の可能性はないと考えているという結論に飛びついている。実際には、MMTは不可知論者であり、税金(やその他の義務)に代わるものがあるという批判者の信念を裏付ける論理的な議論や歴史的な証拠を待っている。我々は、これまで尤もらしい代替案を見たことがないが。オーソドックスなオーストリアのロビンソン・クルーソーの話は、いくつかの論理的欠陥を含んでいるため、受け入れられない(Gardiner 2004; Ingham 2000; Desan 2013)。もう一つの一般的な説明は、無限後退の物語に依存している:ビリー・ボブが通貨を受け入れるのは、バフィー・スーが受け入れると思っているからである、と(Buchanan 2013)。我々の考えでは、これは満足できるものではない。Palley、Rochon、Vernengoのいずれかが別のストーリーを持っているのであれば、それを見せていただきたいものである。
Palley, Fiebiger, Gnos, Rochon, and Lavoie complain that this is not descriptive of how fiscal operations work today. The Massachusetts colony experiment does not provide relevant insights about current fiscal operations. The contemporary Treasury is not a bank that can keystroke funds into existence, and it can run out of funds if it does not tax and issue bonds. While the U.S. Treasury can issue its own monetary instruments (coins), it typically does not operate that way and there are institutional and political constraints that prevent the Fed from directly funding the Treasury. Thus, they claim, one should interpret the accounting budgetary equation of the Treasury as a budget constraint with alternative choices. Lavoie argues that the consolidation hypothesis leads proponents of MMT to make counterintuitive and over-the-top logical conclusions that immediately put off new readers, and prevent the contributions of MMT from being accepted more widely:
The government budget restraint shows the accounting relationship whereby governments that issue sovereign money can, in principle, finance spending by printing money. However, that also requires a particular institutional arrangement between the fiscal authority and the central bank. […]. This is an important issue of political economy. MMT dismisses this political economy and assumes there is and should be full consolidation of the fiscal authority and central bank. (Palley 2013, 6)
Wray argues that the Treasury does not need to procure funds in order to spend but creates new funds as it spends such that in ‘theory’ fiscal receipts cannot be spent. This description of fiscal policy could perhaps be applied to monetary systems that existed centuries ago, for example, when the colonial government of Massachusetts issued the first fiat paper currency in America circa 1690. The bills of credit were spent into the economy and redeemable not for a precious metal but for tax liabilities. Does the US Treasury finance its expenses in the modern era in a way comparable to the colonial experiences of the 1690s-1700s? (Fiebiger 2012a, 3) In short there is no utility in depicting the “government” as financing all spending by net/new money creation when that claim applies only to the central bank (Fiebiger 2013, 66)
One problem with the MMT “benign neglect” / “do not worry” analyses of public finances is that the “keystroke” theme is non-descriptive. […] MMT gets fiscal policy back-to-front by supposing that the Treasury expends funds without first procuring funds. The Treasury is not a bank and if it does not collect fiscal receipts it cannot spend because it has no ‘money’ (Fiebiger 2013, 71).
While attempting to convince economists and the public that there are no financial constraints to expansionary fiscal policies (except artificially erected ones), neochartalists end up using arguments that become counter-productive. There is little or nothing to be gained from contending that government can spend by simply crediting a bank account; that the Treasury can act as if it were a bank; that government expenditures must precede tax collection; that the creation of high-powered money requires government deficits in the long run; that central bank advances can be called public spending; or that taxes and issues of securities do not finance government expenditures. This entire list of counter-intuitive claims follows a logic, premised on the consolidation of the government’s financial activities with the central bank’s operations, thereby modifying standard terminology. […] But MMT now brings itself to an end with a theory dependent on the counter-factual consolidation of the government and the central bank. This goes beyond a mere debate of (over-)simplification. The consolidation premise does not describe reality and it twists standard terminology (Lavoie 2013, 23)
『政府予算制約は、ソブリンマネーを発行する政府が、原則として貨幣を印刷することで支出を賄うことができるという会計上の関係を示している。しかし、そのためには、財政当局と中央銀行の間に特定の制度的な取り決めが必要となる。[...]. これは、政治経済学の重要な問題である。MMTはこの政治経済学を否定し、財政当局と中央銀行が完全に統合されていること、またそうすべきであることを前提としている。(Palley 2013, 6) 』
『Wray氏は、財務省は支出するために資金を調達する必要はなく、支出することで新たな資金を生み出すため、「理論上」は財政収入を支出することはできないと主張している。このような財政政策の説明は、例えば、1690年頃にマサチューセッツ州の植民地政府がアメリカで最初の不換紙幣を発行したような、何世紀も前に存在した通貨制度にも適用できるかもしれない。この信用状は経済に使われ、貴金属ではなく納税額と交換された。現代の米国財務省は、1690年代から1700年代の植民地時代の経験に匹敵するような方法で経費を調達しているのだろうか。Fiebiger 2012a, 3) 』
『要するに、「政府」がすべての支出を正味の/新規の貨幣創造によって賄っていると描くことには、その主張が中央銀行にしか適用されない場合には、何の役にも立たないのである(Fiebiger 2013, 66)。』
『MMTの「良心的な無視」/「心配しない」財政分析の問題点の一つは、「キーストローク」というテーマが記述的でないことである。MMTは、財務省が最初に資金を調達せずに資金を支出すると仮定することで、財政政策を前面に押し出している。財務省は銀行ではなく、財政収入を集めなければ、「お金」がないので使うことができない(Fiebiger 2013, 71)。』
『拡張的な財政政策には(人為的に作られたものを除いて)金融的な制約はないということを経済学者や国民に納得させようとする一方で、新表券主義者は結局、逆効果になるような議論を用いている。「政府は銀行口座に入金するだけで支出できる」「財務省はあたかも銀行のように行動できる」「政府の支出は徴税に先行しなければならない」「強力な貨幣創造は長期的には政府の赤字を必要とする」「中央銀行の前金は公共支出と呼べる」「税金や証券の発行は政府の支出を賄うものではない」などと主張しても、ほとんど何の得にもならない。このような直観に反する主張の数々は、政府の財務活動と中央銀行の業務を統合することを前提とした論理に従っており、それによって標準的な用語が変更されている。[...]しかし、MMTは現在、事実と異なる政府と中央銀行の統合に依存した理論で終止符を打っている。これは、単なる(過剰な)単純化の議論を超えている。連結の前提は現実を記述しておらず、標準的な用語を捻じ曲げている(Lavoie 2013, 23) 』
The critique of lack of descriptiveness misses the point. The consolidation hypothesis does not aim at describing current institutional arrangements, rather, it is a theoretical simplification to get to the bottom of the causalities at play in the current monetary system. It is correct that, under current institutional arrangements, Treasury must receive funds to its account at the central bank before it spends and that this is accomplished through taxes and bond auctions, but that is not the point of MMT when using the consolidation logic. The logic of the argument is about a government sector that combines the central bank and the Treasury into one entity that issues currency. This logic ignores current self-imposed institutional and political constraints on the Treasury and the central bank for three reasons that will be developed in more detail in Section 3: First, the balance sheet outcome is the same regardless of the institutional framework. Second, the impact of Treasury spending, taxing, and bond offering on interest rates and aggregate income is the same with or without consolidation. Third, ultimately, the central bank and the Treasury work together to ensure that the Treasury can always meet its obligations, and that the central bank can smooth interest rates. The central bank is involved in fiscal policy and the Treasury is involved in monetary policy.
Like all theories, MMT makes simplifications that aim at laying bare the foundation of our monetary system once all the political and institutional constraints that government imposes on itself are removed. The consolidation hypothesis and ensuing conclusions are not descriptive, they are logical conclusions. However, that logic was reached after an extensive analysis of the institutional framework of monetarily sovereign governments; it does not result from ivory tower thinking. The logic is important because it can be used to understand current debates about government, and to reframe them in order to provide relevant ways to solve problems for which government intervention may be needed. As shown in the last section, this provides means to cut through the current self-imposed constraints to deal directly with the issues at stake.
Second, going back to the Massachusetts dilemma, one can conclude that, as long as the domestic private sector desires to have a net accumulation of government currency, there is no need to retire all of the emitted currency through taxation, i.e. there is no need to have a balanced budget. The question about what the proper federal fiscal stance is at full employment, or other economic states, cannot be determined independently of the non-federal government sectors’ desire in terms of net accumulation of federal government financial assets. [……]
[……]The fiscal balance at full employment will depend on the desired net saving of the nongovernment sectors at full employment income. [……]
[……] However, as national income rises non-discretionary government spending will decline and taxes will rise. This will occur without changing the tax structure and without policy decisions aimed at lowering discretionary spending, but just due to automatic stabilizers. Thus, contrary to what Palley argues, there is no need to proactively raise taxes (i.e. raise tax rates or impose new taxes) and cut spending as the economy does better if strong enough automatic stabilizers are in place. But this does not mean that a surplus is needed during an expansion. To summarize, MMT certainly does not say that at full employment the fiscal position of the government cannot be balanced; it can, but that is not up to the government sector to decide.9
Third, the previous discussion does not mean that MMT is for a fiscal deficit, nor is it for a fiscal surplus or a balanced budget. MMT is agnostic regarding the fiscal position of a monetarily sovereign government per se. As Abba Lerner’s “functional finance” approach insists, the fiscal position of the government is not a relevant policy objective for a monetarilysovereign government. Price and financial stability, moderate growth of living standards, and full employment are the relevant macroeconomic objectives, and the fiscal position of the government has to be judged relative to these goals. If there is inflation that is demand-led, the fiscal position is too loose (surplus is too small or deficit is too large); if there is non-frictional unemployment, the fiscal position is too stringent. Also if financial fragility grows due to negative net saving by the domestic private sector, the government’s stance is probably too tight.
We do not mean to imply that government decisions have no impact. For example, a “trickle up” policy to move income to the rich might increase the private sector’s net saving desire, resulting in bigger budget deficits at full employment; a policy that uses New Deal-style job creation to achieve full employment might instead be consistent with a balanced budget. In other words, government policy can affect the private sector’s behavior.
国内民間部門の純貸出(net lending)の達成は、政府部門の純借入(net borrowing)を通常必要とする
A fourth conclusion is that for the stability of the economic system, it is usually important that the domestic private sector not be a net borrower. Indeed, if the domestic private sector is a net borrower, this implies that the amount of net financial assets held by the domestic private sector is declining because borrowing from other sectors grows faster than the gross accumulation of financial claims on other sectors. As a consequence net worth declines unless the nominal value of real asset grows fast enough through asset price appreciation. This is exactly what happened during the recent housing boom when the speculative boom of housing prices was rapid enough to sustain the wealth of households in spite of unprecedented borrowing. Of course, all this is in line with Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis (Tymoigne and Wray 2014). The implication of having a domestic private sector being a net lender is that the federal government sector has to be in deficit unless the foreign sector is willing to be in deficit.1
第4の結論は、経済システムの安定のためには、通常、国内民間部門が純借入をしないことが重要であるということだ。実際、国内民間部門が純借入である場合、国内民間部門が保有する純金融資産額が減少していることを意味する。これは、他部門からの借入が他部門に対する金融債権の総計累積よりも速く増加していることを意味する。その結果、資産価格の上昇によって実物資産の名目価値が十分に上昇しない限り、純資産は減少する。まさにこれが生じたのが直近の住宅ブームで、空前の借り入れにもかかわらず、住宅価格の投機的な上昇が家計の資産を維持するのに十分なほど急速だったのである。もちろん、これらはすべて、ミンスキーの金融不安定性仮説に沿ったものだ(Tymoigne and Wray 2014)。国内の民間部門が純貸出であることの意味するところは、海外部門が進んで赤字にならない限り、連邦政府部門は赤字にならざるを得ないということである1。
A fifth conclusion, is that, contrary to what Palley, Rochon and Vernengo state, MMT does not believe that the only reason for holding the government currency is because of taxes. Taxes are just a sufficient condition for acceptability of currency—not a necessary condition, however historically taxes and other obligations to authorities did play a central role in the development of modern currency going back at least to Ancient Egypt. Government currency can be held for other reasons as the Massachusetts experiment showed. This is actually why the government can run a deficit as people want to hold government financial instruments (in monetary form or not) beyond the purpose of paying taxes (Wray 2012).
5つ目の結論は、Palley、Rochon、Vernengoが述べているのとは異なり、MMTは政府通貨を保有する唯一の理由が税金であるとは考えていないということである。税金は通貨を受け入れるための十分条件に過ぎず、必要条件ではないが、歴史的には少なくとも古代エジプトまで遡って、税金やその他の政府当局への義務が近代通貨の発展に中心的な役割を果たしていた。マサチューセッツ州の実験が示したように、政府の通貨は他の理由で保有されることもある。それこそが、政府が赤字を出す理由である: 人々は納税の目的を超えて政府の金融商品を(貨幣の形であろうとなかろうと)保有したいと考えるのだ(Wray 2012)。
Sixth, Fiebiger is perfectly correct to state that the previous accounting framework is not enough to understand how financial fragility grows within a specific subsector of the domestic private sector because financial assets and liabilities held within that subsector are eliminated from the analysis above. However, the flow of funds identity helps greatly to conceptualize economic relationships between public and private sectors, which is one of the points of MMT. In addition, MMT does differentiate between saving (in the flow of funds it is the change in net worth: ΔNW) and net saving (saving less investment). Net saving shows how the accumulation of net worth occurs beyond the accumulation of real assets. For the domestic private sector, this comes from a net accumulation of financial claims against the government and foreign sectors. A central point here is that government deficits add to the saving and net saving of the private domestic sector. Lavoie notes:
While it would seem that government deficits in a growing environment are appropriate — as it provides the private sector with safe assets to grow in line with private, presumably less safe, assets — it is an entirely different matter to claim that government deficits are needed because there is a need for cash. Even if the government kept running balanced budgets, central bank money could be provided whenever the central bank makes advances to the private sector. (Lavoie 2013, 9)
This is correct but this is not the point made by MMT. Providing advances does not lead to net saving of government currency as financial assets of the domestic private sector increase by the size of the increase in financial liabilities. Stated another way, advances have to be repaid so the gain in government currency is only temporary. Only a government deficit induced by fiscal policy leads to net saving. Monetary policy can change the composition of net saving by substituting currency for other assets, but it cannot change the size of net saving, i.e. the net accumulation of financial assets. A central bank advances currency into existence while the Treasury spends currency into existence. The difference is important: fiscal policy creates net financial assets; monetary policy only “liquefies” financial assets.
『成長環境下での政府の赤字は適切であると思われる。民間部門に安全な資産を提供し、民間の、おそらく安全性の低い資産に合わせて成長させることができるからだ。しかし、現金が必要だから政府の赤字が必要だと主張するのは、まったく別の問題である。政府がバランスの取れた予算を実行し続けたとしても、中央銀行が民間部門に先行融資を行えば(make advances)、いつでも中央銀行の資金を供給することができるからだ。(Lavoie 2013, 9)』
Ultimately, the financial operations of the Treasury and the central bank are so intertwined that both of them are constantly in contact to make fiscal and monetary policy run smoothly. The Treasury gets involved in monetary policy and the central bank gets involved in fiscal policy. As such the independence of the central bank is rather limited and it must ultimately financially support the Treasury in one way or another (Tymoigne 2013). MacLaury from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis summarizes all these points quite nicely:
The central bank is in constant contact with the Treasury Department which, among other things, is responsible for the management of the public debt and its various cash accounts. Prior to the existence of the Federal Reserve System, the Treasury actually carried out many monetary functions. And even since, the Treasury has often been deeply involved in monetary functions, especially during the earlier years. […] Following the 1951 accord between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve System, the central bank was no longer required to support the securities market at any particular level. In effect, the accord established that the central bank would act independently and exercise its own judgment as to the most appropriate monetary policy. But it would also work closely with the Treasury and would be fully informed of and sympathetic to the Treasury's needs in managing and financing the public debt. […] The Treasury and the central bank also work closely in the Treasury's management of its substantial cash payments and withdrawals of Treasury Tax and Loan account balances deposited in commercial banks, since these cash flows affect bank reserves. (MacLaury 1977)
結局のところ、財務省と中央銀行の財務運営は非常に複雑に絡み合っており、財政政策と金融政策を円滑に進めるために、両者は常に連絡を取り合っている。財務省は金融政策に関わり、中央銀行は財政政策に関わる。そのため、中央銀行の独立性はかなり制限されており、最終的には何らかの形で財務省を財政的に支援しなければならない(Tymoigne 2013)。ミネアポリス連邦準備銀行のMacLaury氏は、これらの点を非常にうまくまとめている。
『中央銀行は財務省と常に連絡を取り合っており、財務省は特に、公的債務とその様々な現金勘定の管理に責任を負っている。連邦準備制度ができる前は、財務省が実際に多くの金融機能を担っていた。そして、その後も、特に初期の頃は、財務省はしばしば金融機能に深く関わってきた。1951年に財務省と連邦準備制度との間で結ばれた協定により、中央銀行はもはや証券市場を特定のレベルで支える必要はなくなった。この協定により、中央銀行は独立して行動し、最も適切な金融政策について独自の判断を下すことになったのである。しかし、中央銀行は財務省と緊密に協力し、公的債務の管理と資金調達における財務省のニーズを十分に把握し、同調することになった。財務省と中央銀行は、商業銀行に預けられている財務省の多額の現金支払いとTT&L(Tresury Tax and Loan)勘定の残高の引き出しを管理する際にも密接に協力する。(MacLaury 1977)』
The central bank and the Treasury must work together to support the monetary and financial systems because they are ultimately two sides of the same coin, the government sector. The most recent example occurred during the recent financial crisis when the Treasury issued bills at the request of the Fed to drain reserves (Tymoigne 2013). Thus, Fiebiger is correct when he notes that:
But it must be acknowledged that, in the modern era, the US Treasury sells bonds to acquire the funds it needs to finance deficit-spending and that without this financing operation would be short of “money” (Fiebiger 2012b, 31)
MMT does not deny this when one accounts for all of the institutional framework. The point is that, in that extreme case where nobody wants to buy bonds from the Treasury, the central bank will intervene, or the Treasury will finds ways to avoid having no funds in their coffers. They have done so for centuries now due to their privilege in the monetary system. They have done so not only to finance Treasury but also to avoid financial instability that results from a federal government that does not perform its monetary duties properly. Thus, if one wants to account for institutional aspects in order to be more descriptive, one should account for all of them, namely those that constrain Treasury-Central Bank operations, and those that allow Treasury to bypass these constraints (Tymoigne 2013). For example, in the US special dealer banks always stand by to purchase treasuries and the Fed ensures there are sufficient reserves to do so by supplying them through temporary repos (a matched purchase of Treasury debt with a requirement that the seller must repurchase later). While the Fed is not in that case directly buying the new issue directly from the Treasury, it uses the open market purchase to buy an existing bond in order to provide reserves needed for a private bank to buy the new security. The end result is exactly the same as if the central bank had bought directly from the Treasury.
中央銀行と財務省は、究極的には政府部門という同じコインの裏表の関係にあるため、金融・財務システムを支えるために協力しなければならない。最近の例では、最近の金融危機の際に、準備預金の除去のため、財務省がFRBの要請に応じて債券を発行したことがあった(Tymoigne 2013)。したがって、Fiebigerが次のように指摘しているのは正しい。
『しかし、現代においては、米国財務省は赤字支出を賄うために必要な資金を得るために債券を販売しており、この資金調達がなければ「貨幣」が不足することを認めなければならない(Fiebiger 2012b, 31)。』
MMTは、すべての制度的枠組みを考慮した場合、これを否定しない。重要なのは、誰も財務省から国債を買いたくないという極端なケースでは、中央銀行が介入するか、財務省が資金不足を回避する方法を見つけるということだ。中央銀行は何世紀にもわたってそうしてきたが、それは通貨システムにおける特権のためだ。中央銀行がそうしてきたのは、財務省に資金を供給するためだけではなく、金融業務を適切に遂行しない連邦政府から生じる金融不安を回避するためでもある。したがって、より記述的にするために制度的側面を考慮するのであれば、財務省と中央銀行のオペレーションを制約するものと、財務省がこれらの制約を迂回することを可能にするものと、すべてを考慮する必要がある(Tymoigne 2013)。例えば,米国ではスペシャルディーラーバンクが常に国債を購入するために待機しており,FRBは一時的なレポ(売り手が後で買い戻さなければならないという条件付きの国債買入)を通じて準備預金を供給することで,国債購入のための十分な準備預金があることを保証している。この場合,FRB は財務省から直接新規銘柄を購入しているわけではないが,民間銀行が新規証券を購入するのに必要な準備預金を提供するために,公開市場での買入を利用して既存の債券を買い入れている。最終的な結果は,中央銀行が財務省から直接購入した場合とまったく同じになる。
The reader may note that none of the preceding is a theoretical analysis. It is an analysis of balance-sheet accounting and the impact of government spending and taxes on the CB currency supply, as well as an analysis of the interaction between the central bank and the Treasury. However, MMT does draw some theoretical conclusions from the preceding. One of them is that consolidating the central bank and the Treasury in the government sector makes theoretical sense. One could separate the Treasury and central bank instead of consolidating, but this simply adds assumptions and intermediate steps without changing the nature of the operations. Indeed, it has the potential of masking the true nature of the operations, which makes it decidedly less useful as a starting point.
Thus, MMT recognizes that there are some self-imposed constraints on the financial operations of the government. Consider how operations are really done in the US—where the Treasury holds accounts in both private banks (TT&Ls) and the Fed (TGA), but can write checks only on its account at the Fed (it cannot spend bank currency, that is, its deposits at private banks). Further, the Fed is prohibited to be a net buyer of treasuries in the primary market (and is not supposed to allow overdrafts on the Treasury’s account) and thus the Treasury must have a positive balance in its account at the Fed before it spends. Thus, the Treasury must replenish its own account at the Fed either via balances collected from tax (and other) revenues or debt issuance to “the open market”. Fullwiler, Kelton and Wray (2012) have shown that these constraints do not change the end result of fiscal policy in terms of balance sheets, even though the order of financial transactions changes. One way or another, the Treasury gets goods and services in exchange for CB currency. Again the circuit approach improves our understanding of the logic at play. Figure 6 shows the circuit that includes all these institutional aspects.
The circuit is complicated now but, again, before the Treasury can tax and issue bonds, an injection of CB currency must occur first. This is so even though taxes and bond offerings are implemented through bank currency because the Treasury only spends using funds on its TGA. Thus, ultimately taxes and bond offerings drain CB currency when funds are moved from the TT&Ls and the TGA. Either the central bank advances the currency to the domestic private sector or it buys financial assets from that sector. In either case, the CB currency is then passed along to the Treasury, so the central bank is still involved in funding the fiscal operations of the Treasury, but it does so indirectly. In addition, the Federal Reserve provides a stable refinancing source of the Treasury by buying treasuries in the primary market to replace those maturing. To put it simply, the Fed is the monopoly supplier of CB currency, Treasury spends by using CB currency, and since the Treasury obtained CB currency by taxing and issuing treasuries, CB currency must be injected before taxes and bond offerings can occur.
また、MMTでは、政府の財務運営には自らに課した制約があることも認識している。財務省は民間銀行(TT&L)とFRB(TGA ……政府預金)の両方に口座を持っているが、小切手を切ることができるのはFRBの口座に対してのみである(銀行通貨、つまり民間銀行への預金を使うことはできない)。さらに,FRB は主要市場で国債を純購入することが禁止されており(また、財務省の口座への当座貸越を認めないことになっている),したがって財務省は,使用する前に FRB の口座にプラスの残高がなければならない。したがって,財務省は,税収(およびその他の)から徴収した残高か,「公開市場」での国債発行によって,FRBにある自分の口座を補充しなければならないのである。Fullwiler, Kelton and Wray (2012)は,金融取引の順序が変わっても,これらの制約がバランスシートの観点から見た財政政策の最終結果を変えることはないことを示している。いずれにしても、財務省は中央銀行通貨と引き換えに財やサービスを得るのである。ここでも回路的なアプローチによって、作用する論理の理解が深まる。図6は、こうした制度的側面をすべて含む回路を示している。
Lavoie is actually on the same page and recognizes that the fact that central bank cannot directly finance the Treasury does not change the logic at play. However, he prefers not to use the consolidated government:
In a nutshell, as long as the other characteristics of a “sovereign currency” are fulfilled, it makes little difference, as the cases of Canada and the USA illustrate, whether the central bank makes direct advances and direct purchases of government securities or whether it buys treasuries on secondary markets, as long as the central bank shows determination in controlling interest rates. […] But then, if it makes no difference, why do neochartalists insist on presenting their counter-intuitive stories, based on an abstract consolidation and an abstract sequential logic, deprived of operational and legal realism. (Lavoie 2013)
MMT argues that the added complexity is counter-productive because it leads to poor understanding among economists, poor modeling, and bad policy choices. Were economists and policy makers to understand that the MMT consolidated case explains the underlying nature of government debt operations, we suggest that all three could be markedly improved. Finally, MMT insists that there is nothing “natural” about the operating procedures (including restrictions) adopted—since in practice they make no difference they could be dropped to simplify procedures. So the difference with Lavoie is partly a strategic difference but also partly a way to look at—and possibly improve—policy making as shown in section 5.
In conclusion, Treasury spending always involves monetary creation as private bank accounts are credited, while taxation involves monetary destruction as bank accounts are debited. The question becomes how the Treasury acquired the deposits it has in its account at the central bank. In the current institutional framework, the apparent answer is through taxation and bond offerings. While usually economists stop here, MMT goes one step further and wonders where the receipts of taxation and bond purchases came from; the answer is from the central bank. This must be the case because taxes and bond offerings drain CB currency so the central bank had to provide the funds (as it is the only source). The logical conclusion is then that CB currency injection has to come before taxes and bond offerings. Close study of the operations involved reveals that the CB either advances them, or more commonly, provides them through open market purchases. More broadly, the theoretical insight that MMT draws is that government spending (by the Treasury or spending and lending by the central bank) must come first, i.e. it must come before taxes or bond offerings. Spending is done through monetary creation ex-nihilo in the same way a bank lends (buying financial assets) by crediting bank accounts; taxes and bond offerings lead to monetary destruction (L1 goes down) in the same way that loan repayments destroy bank deposits.
One may note that most of these conclusions also apply to the Eurozone but there are specific institutional aspects that make the Eurozone Treasuries non-monetarily sovereign (Figure 7). First, there is no direct coordination of Eurozone Treasuries with the ECB for monetary and fiscal policy purposes (indeed this is prohibited). Second, Eurozone Treasuries are not allowed to issue any monetary instrument whereas the US Treasury issues coins to the Federal Reserve in exchange for TGA crediting at par value.14 And the US Treasury can issue coins of any denomination. Third, the ECB does not perform unconditional outright purchases and sales of Eurozone Treasuries. At least, before the Securities Market Programme and Outright Market Transactions program, the ECB did not perform any outright transactions on Treasuries. Thus, if Eurozone Treasuries are in trouble, they have no means to bypass existing self-imposed constraints short of leaving the Eurozone. Finally, the ECB does not provide a refinancing source to the Eurozone Treasuries. This does not mean that the ECB is not involved indirectly, as the Target 2 clearing mechanism operates to provide euro reserve balances to member central banks. This has always provided something of a “relief valve” for member state fiscal operations because national central banks do purchases treasuries in secondary markets. While the ECB has been reluctant to buy treasuries, it deals with national central banks on demand so the ECB is again indirectly involved in the funding of national Treasuries, albeit in a more narrow and cumbersome way.
『一言で言えば、「主権通貨」の他の特徴が満たされている限り、カナダやアメリカの事例が示すように、中央銀行が金利をコントロールする決意を示している限り、中央銀行が国債を直接融資したり、直接購入したりしても、流通市場で国債を購入しても、ほとんど違いはないのである。しかし、もし違いがないのであれば、なぜ新表券主義者は、抽象的な連結と抽象的な順序論理に基づいて、運用上および法律上のリアリズムを欠いた、直感に反するストーリーを提示することにこだわるのだろうか。(Lavoie 2013)』
これらの結論のほとんどはユーロ圏にも当てはまるが、ユーロ圏の国債が非貨幣的主権であることを示す特定の制度的側面があることに注意してほしい(図7)。第一に,ユーロ圏の国債は,金融政策や財政政策のためにECBと直接連携することはない(実際に禁止されている)。第二に、ユーロ圏の財務省はいかなる金融商品も発行することができないが、米国財務省は同額の政府預金と引き換えに連邦準備制度理事会にコインを発行している14。第三に、ECBはユーロ圏の国債を無条件で買い取り、売り渡すことはしない。少なくとも、証券市場プログラムやアウトライト市場取引プログラムが導入される前は、ECBは国債のアウトライト取引を行っていなかった。そのため、ユーロ圏の国債に問題が発生した場合、ユーロ圏から離脱する以外に、既存の自己規制を回避する手段がない。最後に、ECBはユーロ圏の国債に借り換えの手段を提供していない。しかし、ECBが間接的に関与していないわけではない。Target 2の決済メカニズムは、加盟国の中央銀行にユーロの準備預金残高を提供するために機能している。各国の中央銀行が流通市場で国債を購入しているため、これは常に加盟国の財政運営に「救済弁」のようなものを提供してきた。ECBは国債の購入には消極的だが、各国の中央銀行とオンデマンドで取引しているため、より狭く煩雑な方法ではあるが、各国の国債の調達に間接的に関与してはいる。
Beyond the relevance of the consolidation of the central bank and Treasury for theoretical purpose, one can draw additional conclusions from the interaction between the central bank and Treasury in monetarily sovereign governments. First, Treasury has issued securities for purposes other than funding itself. One reason is to provide a means of payment to the country, another is to help the central bank in its interest-rate stabilization operations, and a third is to help financial institutions meet their capital requirements and to provide a foundation upon which all other securities are valued by providing a proxy for the risk-free rate. MMT argues that these reasons for issuing treasuries are much more relevant in a monetarily sovereign government, because they do not result from a self-imposed constraint. They respond to a genuine need of the economic system. Palley notes that bonds provide an important foundation for the financial system but does not seem to recognize that MMT agrees (Palley 2013, 22). Bond offerings by the Treasury are central to the stability of the financial system as long as the central bank does not pay interest on reserves. Interest-paying government liabilities are so important that Treasury may continue to issues treasuries for that purpose even if there is a fiscal surplus. Australia is a recent example of that case (Commonwealth of Australia 2003, 2011). China is an example of a case in which it is the central bank that issues interest-paying bonds when the Treasury runs a surplus.
中央銀行と財務省の統合が理論的に妥当であることはもちろんだが,貨幣主権政府における中央銀行と財務省の相互作用からは,さらに別の結論を導き出すことができる。まず,財務省は自らの資金調達以外の目的で証券を発行している。一つは国への支払い手段を提供するため、もう一つは中央銀行の金利安定化オペレーションを支援するため、もう一つは金融機関の自己資本規制を支援するため、そしてリスク・フリー・レートの代理を提供することで他のすべての証券が評価される基盤を提供するためである。MMTは、国債を発行するこれらの理由は、貨幣的主権を持つ政府ではより重要であると主張する。経済システムの真の必要性に応えるものだからだ。Palley氏は、債券が金融システムの重要な基盤となっていることを指摘しているが、MMTもそれに同意していることを認識していないようだ(Palley 2013, 22)。中央銀行が準備預金付利を行わない限り、財務省による債券の発行は金融システムの安定の中心となる。利子を支払う政府負債は非常に重要であるため、財務省は財政が黒字であってもその目的で国債を発行し続けることがある。最近では、オーストラリアがその例である(Commonwealth of Australia 2003, 2011)。中国は、財務省が黒字の時に中央銀行が利払い国債を発行する例である。
Fiebiger also takes issue with the exclusion of TGA from the definition of the money supply and argues that looking at L1 alone is not relevant. Net monetary creation would mean that the liability of the central bank goes up, when in fact when the Treasury spends L2 goes down by the same amount as L1 goes up.
MMT description of the money supply process [involves] arbitrary accounting practices; in particular, [and leads] to the mislaid belief that the Treasury’s account at the central bank can be “ignored” because the deposits are not ‘counted’ in any money stock measure and ‘net out’ when the public sector’s books are consolidated. (Fiebiger 2012a, 2)
When the Treasury spends the transaction only alters the composition of central bank liabilities and, therefore, is not money creation. (Ibid, 3)
There are several points here. First, taxes and bond offerings drain CB currency as funds collected from them are moved into the Treasury’s account at the Fed. It does not matter that banks are not the main participants in the primary market. The important step is when the funds obtained are moved into the TGA because this leads to a drain of CB currency from the nonfederal sector, which normally leads to a higher FFR unless the central bank intervenes. Second, Treasury spending injects reserves and this is the important point; or put in Fiebiger’s words, the change in the composition of the central bank liabilities is what matters, not the amount of liabilities of the Fed (except in the case of consolidation). The amount of central bank liabilities held by the domestic private sector increases, while the amount of central bank liabilities held by the Treasury goes down. Thus, contrary to what Fiebiger states, it is not that MMT relies on statistical definitions of money to argue that a change in L2 is not the relevant variable to study. It is changes in L1 that matters for economic analysis of a domestic economy because they reflect the interactions between the federal and non-federal sectors.
『MMTによる貨幣供給プロセスの説明には、恣意的な会計処理が含まれている。特に、中央銀行に対する財務省の口座は「無視」できるという誤った信念につながっている。なぜなら、この預金はマネーストックの測定には「カウント」されず、公共部門の帳簿を連結する際に「相殺」されるからだと。(Fiebiger 2012a, 2)』
In the same vein of confusing the consolidation hypothesis with a descriptive approach, Fiebiger asks why the Treasury continued to emit bonds when the FFR was effectively zero after 2009:
Why then has the US Treasury continued to issue bonds in the period 2009-2011Q2 (equal to $3,377bn) even though it had no reason to do so – according to MMT – because the fed funds rate was effectively zero and the Federal Reserve acquired the power to pay interest on reserves? If bond sales are a ‘voluntary’ part of fiscal policy and not needed since late 2008 for the ‘designed’ purpose of ‘interest rate maintenance’ operations, then, why did the US Treasury still issue bonds even though it bumped into the congressional ‘debt ceiling’ and nearly defaulted on its financial obligations in August 2011? (Fiebiger 2012, 6)
The first part of the answer is because the Treasury needs to fund itself according to existing procedures that we have discussed in detail—procedures that can be changed or eliminated, and indeed, are occasionally changed. However, the second part, is that during the period of time that the Fed was operating a phase of Quantitative Easing, the Federal Reserve asked the Treasury to issue bills for the purpose of draining reserves and maintaining the FFR on target (which was near zero but positive)—and it used the Supplementary Financing Program (SFP) for such purposes. It did so even after the FFR was close to zero and even after the Fed began to pay interest on reserves because these bills helped to drain a large amount of reserves and because not all institutions with an excess of Federal Reserve currency could get a reserve account at the Fed (Tymoigne 2013). In other words, SFP bills were issued for monetary policy purpose. As stated above, treasuries have been issued for purposes other than financing spending, and MMT argues that these other purposes are more relevant. While we will not go into details, it appears that the US Treasury issues longer maturity debt because the private wealth managers want it in their portfolios. That could be a legitimate purpose for issuing long term Treasury debt.15
『MMTによれば、FFレートが事実上ゼロになり、連邦準備制度が準備金に利息を支払う権限を得たため、2009年から2011年のQ2の期間に米国財務省が債券を発行する理由がないにもかかわらず、財務省はなぜ債券を発行し続けたのだろうか(3兆3770億ドルに相当)。もし国債の売却が財政政策の「任意」の部分であり、「金利維持」操作という「意図された」目的のために2008年後半から必要とされていないのであれば、なぜ米国財務省は2011年8月に議会の「債務上限」にぶつかり、金融債務の不履行になりそうになったにもかかわらず、依然として国債を発行したのだろうか。(Fiebiger 2012, 6)』
答えの最初の部分は、財務省が、これまで詳細に説明してきた既存の手続きに従って資金を調達する必要があるからだ。この手続きは、変更や廃止が可能であり、実際に時折変更されている。しかしながら、第2の部分は、FRBが量的緩和を行っていた期間、FRBは準備預金を除去し、FFレートを目標値(ゼロに近いプラス)に維持する目的で財務省に債券の発行を要請し、補完的資金調達プログラム(SFP)のために利用していたということである。FFレートがゼロに近づいた後でも、FRBが準備預金に利子を支払うようになった後でもこのようなことをしたのは、これらの手形が大量の準備預金を除去するのに役立ち、また、連邦準備通貨が余っているすべての機関がFRBに準備預金口座を持てるわけではなかったからである(Tymoigne 2013)。言い換えれば,SFP 債券は金融政策目的で発行されたものである。前述のように、国債は支出の資金調達以外の目的で発行されており、MMTはこのような他の目的の方がより意味があると主張している。詳細は割愛するが、米国財務省が長期債を発行しているのは、プライベート・ウェルス・マネージャーがそれをポートフォリオに入れたいからだと思われる。これは、長期国債を発行する合理的な目的であると言えるだろう15。
While all these aspects relate to the fiscal and monetary policy impacts on reserves, it does not say anything about how private banks operate. Post Keynesians have worked extensively on that issue and so it is sufficient to say that the supply of bank currency is endogenous and is not based on a multiplier. The private banking sector, however, does leverage CB currency. In the world of finance, “to leverage” signifies being able to take a position in an asset without having to provide all or any funds for the position. Banks necessarily leverage CB currency, because they acquire asset position by issuing financial instruments that promise to deliver CB currency on demand or on some contingency at a later date. They do not have to have any CB currency now to make this promise. Thus statements like: “For chartalists, state money is exogenous, and credit money is a multiple of the former” (Rochon and Vernengo 2003, 61) is not correct and simply reflects a misunderstanding of the way that terms like “leverage” are used by financial markets participants.16 Fiscal operations result in exogenous fluctuations of CB currency, in the sense that they do not result from a demand from banks. In addition, all “state money” is also “credit money” so the difference is not relevant: all monetary instruments are financial instruments; they are all monetary claims that promise to do something. Government just promises to take back its currency on demand, while private currencies also promise to convert into government currency on demand or on some specified contingency.
これらの点はすべて、財政政策と金融政策が準備金に与える影響に関連しているが、民間銀行がどのように運営されているかについては何も述べていない。ポスト・ケインジアンはこの問題について広範囲に取り組んできたので、銀行通貨の供給は内生的であり、乗数に基づくものではないと言えば十分であろう。しかし、民間銀行セクターは中央銀行通貨にレバレッジをかけている。金融の世界では、「レバレッジをかける」とは、ある資産のポジションを取る際に、そのポジションのためにすべての資金を提供する必要がないことを意味する。銀行は、要求に応じて、あるいは将来の偶発的な状況に応じ中央銀行通貨を提供することを約束する金融商品を発行して資産ポジションを取得するのであり、これは必然的に中央銀行通貨のレバレッジということになる。この約定にあたり、今現時点で中央銀行通貨を保有している必要はない。したがって、次のような記述:「表券主義者にとって、国家貨幣は外生的であり、信用貨幣は前者の倍数である」(Rochon and Vernengo 2003, 61)というのは正しくなく、単に金融市場の参加者が用いている「レバレッジ」と混同して誤解していることを反映している16。また、すべての「国家貨幣」は「信用貨幣」でもあるので、その区別に意味はない。すべての貨幣代替物は金融商品であり、何かを約束する金融債権である。政府は要求に応じて自国の通貨を引き取ることを約束するだけであり、民間通貨も要求に応じて、あるいは特定の事態に応じて政府の通貨に交換することを約束するだけなのだ。
Palley notes that government currency is demanded for reasons other than paying taxes and that foreigners who may want to hold the domestic (foreign to them) currency do not pay taxes to the domestic government. In addition, in some countries the domestic private sector does not want to use the domestic government currency in many, or even most, economic transactions even though the government is imposing a tax; thus taxes do not drive currency.
MMT has always made both of these points, indeed, they are critical to understanding MMT. Note that even within a sovereign nation there are individuals who do not owe taxes but still accept the national currency, and foreign currencies can be accepted domestically even though there are no domestic taxes in those currencies. And in some countries there are things for sale only in foreign currencies. All of these situations have been discussed in length by MMT. (Wray 1998) None of this causes problems for MMT. The simple fact is that almost all monies of account are “state monies” and almost all government currencies do have taxes or other obligations standing behind them. Further, even if one can find a money of account and a currency that has no fee, fine, tax, tribute, or tithe backing it, that would not invalidate MMT. Perhaps Palley does not understand the difference between “necessary” and “sufficient” conditions: a tax (or other involuntary obligation) is sufficient to drive a currency; it might not be necessary. MMT theory relies on the sufficient condition, not the necessary condition. There is no part of MMT theory that relies on the necessary condition. Even if Palley could uncover dozens of currencies driven without fees, fines, tithes, tribute or taxes, it would in no way invalidate MMT. It is curious, however, that so far as we know, he has found none that is documented to the standard that a serious researcher would desire.
4. 海外部門の追加
MMTはこの2つの点を常に指摘しており、実際、MMTを理解する上で重要なポイントとなっている。注意してほしいのは、主権国家においても、税金を払っていないにも関わらず国の通貨を受け入れる個人はいるし、国内で税金として用いていなくても外国の通貨が国内で受け入れられることもある。また、国によっては、外貨でないと売れないものもある。これらの状況はすべて、MMTで長々と議論されてきた。(Wray 1998) これらはいずれもMMTにとって問題とはならない。単純な事実として、ほとんどすべての会計上の貨幣は「国家貨幣」であり、ほとんどすべての政府通貨はその背後に租税やその他の義務を負っている。さらに、たとえ手数料や罰金、租税、年貢、十分の一税などの裏付けがない貨幣や通貨を見つけたとしても、MMTが無効になるわけではない。おそらくパレー氏は、「必要条件」と「十分条件」の違いを理解していないのだろう。租税(またはその他の非自発的な義務)は、通貨を動かすのに十分ではあるが、必要ではないかもしれない。MMT理論は必要条件ではなく、十分条件に依存している。MMT理論には、必要条件に依存している部分はない。たとえPalleyが、手数料、罰金、十分の一税、年貢、税金なしで動いている何十もの通貨を発見したとしても、MMTが無効になることはないだろう。しかし、不思議なことに、私たちが知る限りでは、真面目な研究者が望む基準で文書化された形では、そうした通貨は一つも見つかっていない。
In this section operations with the foreign sector added are studied from the point of view of MMT. With the foreign sector added, we get the circuit in Figure 8. Some of the complexities presented in the previous section have been removed to get to the point.
Foreigners can create financial instruments denominated in the domestic unit of account that promise to deliver domestic (foreign to them) government currencies, but they cannot legally create that currency. All domestic currencies come from the domestic economy either from the federal government (government currency) or from the non-federal government (for example, bank deposits). It makes no sense to argue that foreigners supply US dollars to the US government. As foreigners cannot create US dollar currency, they must obtain it from the US. While it is true that a foreign bank can create US dollar deposits (which is done in the “Eurodollar” market), these must obtain “real US dollars” for cash withdrawals and clearing, which can only come from the US Fed or Treasury. Most of the time, when a foreigner provides US dollars to the US government (that is, by purchasing a treasury) the payment is made by debiting the foreigner’s reserve account at the Fed. The foreigner’s holding of the purchased treasury is really just a different electronic entry, also at the Fed. The “borrowing” of dollars is just a shift on the Fed’s balance sheet.
Again the causality goes from spending by the domestic economy to saving by foreigners. Thus, a monetarily sovereign government does not need foreigners to fund itself. While the Treasury sells bonds to obtain CB currency, the central bank is the entity that ultimately issues the currency, not foreigners. “China” does not finance the “US.” It is the “US” that provides the dollars that “China” wants. Because China has accumulated so many dollar reserves (reserve accounts at the Fed plus holdings of US treasuries), it is true that she can buy new issues of US Treasuries using accumulated dollar reserve holdings. But that cannot be a net source of US government finance, rather, it represents a portfolio change—perhaps an exchange of reserve deposits at the Fed for US treasuries. US indebtedness does not change by this portfolio adjustment, although since the term structure of interest rates is usually positive, this transaction would increases payment commitments. However, those interest payments will be made—in the future—in the same way that all other government spending is made, through credits to the foreigner’s account at the Fed. There is nothing “special” about payments to foreigners, because the US government makes commitments in its own currency.
For a monetarily sovereign government, a debt crisis is a choice to default not an inability to make a promised payment. A debt crisis for economic reasons can occur if a government promises to deliver a foreign currency or if a government has to defend a currency peg. For a sovereign nation that does not promise to peg, there is no process that can lead to involuntary default, although as the US Congress is proving, default by choice remains a possibility. Now, none of this applies if a national government issues financial instruments denominated in a foreign currency—a point we have always made (indeed, it was the main reason why we criticized the formation of the EMU from inception (Wray 2003b)). Fiebiger does not seem to understand that this is a point made by MMT:
Those crises strongly support an alternative view that the critical issue when it comes to macro policy autonomy is not adoption of a “flexible exchange rate” but the currency denomination of external liabilities; and, the extent to which a nation’s currency is utilized by other nations as international money. (Fiebiger 2013, 72)
This is exactly what MMT says. MMT goes further by noting that some governments, like Hungary, can issue their own currency and have control over the interest rate but may choose to issue foreign-denominated debt, which creates problems (Mitchell 2012). Indeed, some who advocate MMT—including Wray—have argued that no sovereign government should be allowed (by its citizenry) to issue IOUs denominated in foreign currency. The position should be clear: MMT argues that sovereign currency increases policy space, so issuing debts in foreign currencies should be avoided. Fiebiger has apparently misunderstood the MMT position. However, the Palley-Fiebiger critique certainly could be applied to others—even if it cannot be applied to MMT. The exchange rate regime also plays a role in a debt crisis, because countries that only issue financial instruments denominated in the domestic unit of account may default if they feel their currency peg is threatened: Russia did so in the early 2000s.
貨幣的主権を持つ政府にとって、債務危機とはデフォルト(債務不履行)を選択することであり、約束した支払いができないことではない。経済的理由による債務危機は、政府が外国通貨の交付を約束した場合や、政府が通貨ペッグを守らなければならない場合に起こりうる。ペッグを約束していない主権国家には、非自発的なデフォルトにつながるプロセスはないが、米国議会が証明しているように、選択によるデフォルトは依然として可能性がある。しかし、政府が外国通貨建ての金融商品を発行している場合には、上記の説明はあてはまらない。この点については、我々は常に指摘してきた(実際、私たちが経済通貨同盟の形成を当初から批判していた主な理由はこの点であった(Wray 2003b))。Fiebigerは、この点がMMTの指摘であることを理解していないようだ。
『これらの危機は、マクロ政策の自律性に関する重要な問題は、「変動為替レート」の採用ではなく、対外負債の通貨表記であり、一国の通貨が国際通貨として他国に利用される程度であるという代替的な見解を強く支持している。(Fiebiger 2013, 72)』
これはまさにMMTが主張していることだ。MMTはさらに、ハンガリーのように、自国通貨を発行して金利をコントロールできるにも関わらず、外国建ての債務を発行することを選択する政府の場合もあり、それが問題を引き起こすと指摘している(Mitchell 2012)。実際、WrayをはじめとするMMTの提唱者は、いかなる主権政府も(その国民によって)外貨建てのIOUを発行することを許されるべきではないと主張している。MMTは主権通貨が政策スペースを拡大すると主張しており、外貨建ての債務を発行することは避けるべきだという立場を明確にしている。Fiebiger氏は明らかにMMTの立場を誤解している。しかし、Palley-Fiebigerの批判は、MMTには適用できなくても、他の人々には適用できるであろう。為替レート体制もまた、債務危機にて重要となる。なぜなら、国内の通貨単位でしか金融商品を発行していない国であっても、通貨ペッグが脅かされていると感じると、デフォルトに陥る可能性があるからである。2000年代初頭のロシアがそうだった。
Credit rating agencies provide a rating for the national government of all countries regardless of the monetary system in place. In its 2007 Sovereign Debt Primer, Standard and Poor’s explains how the rating is determined.
A sovereign rating is a forward-looking estimate of default probability. […] The key determinants of credit risk [are economic risk and political risk]. Economic risk addresses the government’s ability to repay its obligations on time and is a function of both quantitative and qualitative factors. Political risk addresses the sovereign’s willingness to repay debt. Willingness to pay is a qualitative issue that distinguishes sovereigns from most other types of issuers. Partly because creditors have only limited legal redress, a government can (and sometimes does) default selectively on its obligations, even when it possesses the financial capacity for timely debt service. (Standard and Poor’s 2007, 1, 3-4)
MMT agrees that a monetarily sovereign government can willingly default on its currency for both economic and political reasons. Cantor and Parker (1995) provide examples of governments that defaulted on debts denominated in their own unit of account, and note that “Domestic currency defaults have usually been the result of an overthrow of an old political order—as in Russia and Vietnam—or the byproduct of dramatic economic adjustment programs aimed at curbing hyperinflation—as in Argentina and Brazil” (Cantor and Parker 1995, 3). However, Cantor and Parker also note that this type of default is rare. If one had to estimate a default probability on monetarily sovereign governments, it would be much lower than the historical 0.02 percent five-year median default probability used for AAA corporate bonds. One could argue that it would be so low as to make it irrelevant, which is what MMT argues.17
『ソブリン格付けは、デフォルト確率の将来的な推定値である。信用リスクの主な決定要因は、経済的リスクと政治的リスクである。経済的リスクは、政府が債務を期限内に返済する能力を示すもので、量的および質的な要因の両方の機能を持っている。政治的リスクは、政府が債務を返済する意思があるかどうかを示すものだ。支払い意思は質的な問題であり、ソブリンは他の多くのタイプの発行体とは異なる。債権者の法的救済手段が限られていることもあり、政府はタイムリーに債務を返済する財政能力を持っていても、選択的に債務不履行に陥る可能性がある(実際にそうなることもある)。(Standard and Poor's 2007, 1, 3-4)。』
MMTは、貨幣的主権を持つ政府が、経済的・政治的な理由で進んで通貨の不履行を行うことができるという点に同意している。Cantor and Parker (1995)は、自国通貨建ての債務不履行に陥った政府の例を挙げ、「自国通貨建ての債務不履行は、通常、ロシアやベトナムのような古い政治秩序の転覆や、アルゼンチンやブラジルのようなハイパーインフレの抑制を目的とした劇的な経済調整プログラムの副産物である」と指摘している(Cantor and Parker 1995, 3)。しかし、CantorとParkerは、この種のデフォルトはまれであるとも述べている。仮に貨幣主権政府のデフォルト確率を見積もるとすれば、過去のAAA社債の5年間のデフォルト確率の中央値である0.02%よりもはるかに低い値になるだろう。これは、MMTが主張しているように、無意味と思われるほど低いものであると言えるであろう17。
Defaults for technical reasons may also have occurred but these are irrelevant because they are resolved quickly. Venezuela is counted by Moody’s as having defaulted because “the person who was supposed to sign the checks was unavailable at the time” (Moody’s 2003; 22). The U.S. also defaulted in 1979 due to “unanticipated failure of word processing equipment used to prepare check schedules” (Zivney and Marcus 1989). We would not count that as evidence that MMT is wrong.
技術的な理由によるデフォルトも発生するかもしれないが、これらはすぐに解決されるので意味がない。ムーディーズでは、ベネズエラは「小切手に署名するはずだった人がその時にはいなかった」という理由でデフォルトになったとカウントされている(Moody's 2003; 22)。米国も1979年に「小切手の予定表を作成するためのワープロ機器の予期せぬ故障」が原因でデフォルトに陥っている(Zivney and Marcus 1989)。我々は、これをMMTが間違っているという証拠とは見做さない。
In the worst case, some countries have limited real and external financial resources so their policy space is highly constrained as unskilled labor and unproductive land are the only resources they may have, and their government currency might not be accepted externally. In that case, foreign aid is crucial but some improvements can be made by using the labor force for specific public purposes that require limited external physical and financial resources. Payments in kind may also be necessary (to make sure to create a demand for the domestic production and to avoid imports of foreign products that are similar). In the most favorable case, a country provides the international currency and the rest of the world desires to save the international reserve currency. In that case, desired net saving by foreigners is positive because they want to accumulate net worth beyond physical accumulation, and so a current account deficit by the country supplying the reserve currency is needed.
Open economies are more sensitive to fluctuations in exchange rates and may desire to curb exchange-rate fluctuations by pegging a currency. MMT notes that there are different degrees in this type of policy that influence the policy space available to a government. A crawling peg provides some policy space that varies according to the exchange rate band. A currency board, the last step before completely giving up monetary sovereignty (“dollarization”), provides almost no policy space and so makes it difficult for a government to set its own policy agenda. Palley argues that dollarization contradicts MMT.
Small open economies with histories of high inflation have also shown themselves prone to the phenomenon of currency substitution or “dollarization” whereby domestic economic agents abandon the national money in favor of a more stable store of value. Dollarization shows that the store of value property is an important property of money, contrary to MMT denials of the significance of this property. (Palley 2013, 21)
This is a very strange claim by Palley; we know of no place where MMT denies the importance of stores of value, although like Keynes we wonder who would be sufficiently “insane” to hold cash balances if there are better alternatives. In addition, MMT does recognize that some small open economies may benefit from dollarization given that almost none of their economic activity is driven by the domestic private sector and government spending. MMT just states that the demand for the government currency is determined at minimum by the tax levy and the capacity to enforce it. In a highly open economy, residents may not use the government currency for purposes other than making legal payments to the government (“taxes”). If the government has limited means to enforce legal payments, the demand for the currency will be even smaller and so the capacity to spend without generating inflationary pressures will be even more limited.
Assuming that tax enforcement is perfect and that government currency is only demanded for tax purposes, then the equilibrium for the government will be a balanced budget. In that case, the equilibrium external balance will be determined by the desired net saving of foreign currency by the domestic private sector. Achieving that desire, however, is much harder than in the case of a monetarily sovereign government, because domestic private economic units have to rely on the desires of foreigners, and domestic economic units have limited capacity to influence this. The desired net saving of the domestic private sector and the foreign sector may not be compatible, which could lead to a painful adjustment process.
最悪の場合、一部の国では、実物的資源および対外的財源が限られている場合、政策スペースが非常に制約される: 非熟練労働者と非生産的な土地しか資源がなく、また政府通貨が対外的に通用しない可能性があるためだ。このような場合、外国からの援助が不可欠となるが、外部の物理的・財政的資源をあまり必要としない特定の公共目的のために労働力を利用することで、ある程度の改善が可能である。また、現物支給が必要な場合もありうる(国内生産物の需要を確実に生み出し、類似した外国製品の輸入を避けるため)。最も好ましいケースは、ある国が国際通貨を提供し、世界の他の国々が国際基軸通貨の貯蓄を望む場合である。この場合、外国人が望む純貯蓄は、物理的な蓄積を超えた純資産の蓄積を望むためプラスとなり、基軸通貨を供給する国による経常収支赤字が必要となる。
『高インフレの歴史を持つ小規模開放経済圏では、国内の経済主体が国の貨幣を捨てて、より安定した価値のあるものを選ぶという通貨代替現象、すなわち「ドル化」が起こりやすいこともわかっている。ドル化は、MMTが否定していた価値貯蔵性が貨幣の重要な特性であることを示している。(Palley 2013, 21)』
Palleyの主張は極めて奇妙だ: 我々は、MMTが価値貯蔵の重要性を否定している箇所など知らないからだ。ケインズのように、より良い代替手段があるにも関わらず、現金残高を保持するほど「狂気」的な人が存在するのかは疑問に思ってはいるが。付け加えると、MMTは、国内の民間部門や政府支出によって経済活動がほとんど行われていない小規模開放経済においては、ドル化によって利益を得られる場合があることを認識している。MMTは、政府通貨に対する需要は、最低限、課税額とそれを執行する能力によって決まると述べているだけである。開放度の高い経済では、住民は政府への合法的な支払い(「租税」)以外の目的で政府通貨を使用しないかもしれない。政府が合法的な支払いを執行する手段が限られている場合、通貨に対する需要はさらに小さくなるため、インフレ圧力を発生させずに支出する能力はさらに制限されることになる。
MMT draws specific policy conclusions about fiscal, monetary and financial policy. In line with Keynes and Minsky, MMT recognizes that unemployment, arbitrary distribution of income, price instability and financial instability are central problems of market economies that require some government involvement for resolution. The nature of this involvement is, however, very different from the Bastard/IS-LM Keynesian approach that focuses on fine-tuning. That fine tuning takes the form of discretionary, temporary, and limited fiscal and monetary policies to deal with slumps and booms through proactive change in government spending, tax rate, and interest rate. This approach of government intervention aims at avoiding direct intervention to achieve the goal (e.g. hiring to achieve full employment, or price controls to achieve low inflation), but rather using indirect “tools” while letting market participants push the economy toward desired goals by tweaking their incentives.
MMT does not agree with this approach. The government should be directly involved continuously over the cycle, by putting in place structural macroeconomic programs that directly manage the labor force, pricing mechanisms, and investment projects, and constantly monitoring financial developments. Because those programs would be permanent and structural, rather than discretionary and specific to one Administration, they would be isolated from the political cycle and political deliberations. All this eliminates problems of lags, credibility, and time inconsistency that Friedman and others have complained about.
However, this does not mean that the government should apply a rule blindly when implementing its policy; discretion is still possible within each program to make sure that it works. For example, Social Security is a structural program but government employees still have large discretion to determine if someone qualifies for benefits. Human discretion is still possible within the set of rules and structures. The Job Guarantee program is another example of this type of policy. But MMT goes beyond full employment policy as it also promotes capital controls for open economies, credit controls, and socialization of investment. Wage rates and interest rate management are also important.
It is not correct to associate MMT with textbook Keynesianism of the 1960s as Palley does.
MMT discards the interest rate as an instrument of policy and relies on fine tuning of government spending to maintain full employment and taxes to maintain budget balance [...] Yet long ago, Milton Friedman (1961) raised the problem of inside and outside policy lags. The former represent lags regarding time taken to decide and enact policy change (Palley 2013, 27)
MMT does not promote fine tuning, but rather recognizes the role of a “rightly distributed” demand in addition to the right level of aggregate demand (Keynes 1937), and aims at combating the inherent instability of market mechanisms. More importantly, MMT does not rely on increasing aggregate demand in order to reach full employment; it disconnects full employment from economic growth. The following discussion focuses on two specific aspects of policy advocated by most proponents of MMT, the Job Guarantee program and the central bank policy of a permanently zero or near-zero overnight interest rate.
MMT’s JG/ELR18 proposal is not the Bastard Keynesian fine-tuning policy to which Palley refers. We are surprised that Palley still promotes a rather orthodox version of the Phillips Curve trade-off. Yet, his belief that full employment must generate rising inflation cannot apply to the JG program. Let us first look at the “labor market” effects of putting in place a JG program. We then turn to the “aggregate demand” effects.
5. MMTの政策的側面
『MMTは、政策手段としての金利を捨て、完全雇用を維持するための政府支出と財政均衡を維持するための税金のファイン・チューニングに依存している。[...] 遥か前、ミルトン・フリードマン(1962)は内的政策ラグおよび外的政策ラグの問題を提起している。前者は、政策変更の決定と実施にかかる時間の遅れを表している。』(Palley 2013, 27)
MMTはファイン・チューニングを促すのではなく、適切なレベルの総需要に加えて「適切に分配された」需要の役割を認識し(Keynes 1937)、市場メカニズムに内在する不安定性に対処することを目指している。さらに重要なことは、MMTは完全雇用に到達するために総需要の増加に頼るのではなく、完全雇用と経済成長を切り離していることである。以下の議論では、MMTのほとんどの支持者が提唱する2つの具体的な政策の側面、すなわち、ジョブ・ギャランティ・プログラムと中央銀行の恒久的なゼロまたはゼロに近い翌日物金利の政策に焦点を当てる。
MMTのJG/ELR提案は、Palley氏が言及しているBastard Keynesianのファイン・チューニング政策ではない。私たちは、Palley氏がフィリップス曲線のトレードオフのかなりオーソドックスなバージョンをいまだに推進していることに驚いている。しかし、完全雇用はインフレ率の上昇を必ずもたらすという彼の信念は、JGプログラムには当てはまらない。まず、JGプログラムの導入による「労働市場」への影響を見てみよう。次に、「総需要」の効果を見てみることにしよう。
JG≠総需要刺激による完全雇用、Targeted SpendingとしてのJG
According to Palley, MMT believes
MMT proponents can be labeled “fiscal policy optimists”. The same holds for neoKeynesians. Both believe that expansionary fiscal can shift the economy to full employment and keep it there, regardless of such outside factors as the distribution of income. This fiscal policy optimism is open to question. […] In the short-term, as in the Keynesian model, expansionary fiscal policy can increase demand and remedy the problem because government spending is a perfect substitute for private spending. However, higher government spending implies higher taxes to balance the full employment budget and that may have adverse supply-side tax effects that are not present in either Keynesian or Kaleckian models. […] The argument is full employment requires not just Keynesian demand management, but also structural policies that address labor market bargaining power concerns. (Palley 2013, 23-24)
As we will show, the JG program does not focus on stimulating aggregate demand to move the economy to full employment. Nor does it see government spending as a “perfect substitute” for private spending. Rather, the JG is targeted spending that is designed to improve the structure of the labor market by developing a pool of employable labor while at the same time ensuring continuous employment of those ready and willing to work. While it might be a policy option to increase taxes in step with government spending on wages in the JG program, this should be done only if inflation pressures arise. Inflationary pressures will already be dampened by the rise in taxes that occurs through the automatic stabilizers so a further increase of taxes (i.e. raising tax rates and/or imposing new taxes) may not be necessary.
『MMTの提唱者は「財政政策の楽観主義者」とラベリングすることができる。また、ネオケインジアンも同様である。どちらも、所得分配などの外部要因にかかわらず、拡張的な財政によって経済を完全雇用に移行させ、それを維持できると考えている。この財政政策の楽観主義には疑問がある。短期的には、ケインズモデルのように、政府支出は民間支出の完全な代替となるため、拡張的な財政政策は需要を増加させ、問題を解決することができる。しかし、政府支出の増加は、完全雇用予算を均衡させるための増税を意味し、ケインジアン・モデルやカレツキー・モデルにはない、供給側の税の悪影響を及ぼす可能性がある。完全雇用には、ケインズ主義的な需要管理だけでなく、労働市場の交渉力に関する懸念に対処する構造的な政策が必要であるという議論だ。』 (Palley 2013, 23-24)
これから示すように、JGプログラムは経済を完全雇用に移行させるために総需要を刺激することに焦点を当ててはいない。また、政府支出を民間支出の「完全な代替品」とは考えてもいない。むしろ、JGは、雇用可能な労働力のプールを開発することで労働市場の構造を改善し、同時に、働く準備と意思のある人々の継続的な雇用を確保することを目的とした、対象を絞った支出(targeted spending)である。JGプログラム賃金に対する政府支出に合わせて増税することは政策オプションの一つかもしれないが、これはインフレ圧力が生じた場合にのみ行うべきであろう。インフレ圧力は、自動安定装置による税収増ですでに緩和されているため、さらなる増税(税率の引き上げや新税の導入)は必要ないかもしれない。
JGの総需要的影響とその対処、より公平な購買力調整としてのJGとPalleyによるJG批判の奇妙さ [「ハンバーガー・フリッパー」との同質性]
Turning to effects on aggregate demand, many critics worry that if, say, 10 million people obtain jobs and thereby increase their incomes above their pre-employment levels, consumption would increase and drive up inflation. This seems to be a major concern of our critics. By logical extension, they would also worry about a private-sector led expansion that created minimum wage jobs in the fast food sector. We find such a position to be overly defeatist—a “let the poor eat cake” response to unemployment and poverty. This criticism is also often combined with the claim that workers in the JG would just “dig holes”, adding nothing to national output. Again, we see that as overly pessimistic—since a jobs program can be designed to produce desirable output, as the New Deal’s jobs programs did. However, let us imagine that the JG program is extremely successful at creating jobs and income, so much so that the economy moves from slack to full employment of all productive capacity, resulting in rising prices. The presumed problem is that while JG workers get wages (and thus consume) they do not contribute any production that is sold (hence, does not absorb wages). The “excess” wages from newly employed workers induces spending to rise.
What could government do? It would have at its disposal the usual macroeconomic policy tools: raise taxes, lower government spending on programs other than the JG, and tighten monetary policy. Indeed, this is what it would do in the absence of the JG if the private sector achieved full employment through creation of 10 million new minimum wage jobs in the private sector. The only difference is that government would not be able to fight inflation by increasing unemployment—because the macro policies used to fight inflation would dampen demand but any worker losing a job could turn to the JG program for work. What this means is that with a JG in place, the inflation-fighting adjustments to spending will occur among the employed rather than by causing unemployment and poverty. In other words, the costs of fighting inflation can be made to be borne at higher income levels. We are surprised that our critics appear to prefer to use unemployment and poverty to fight inflation, which forces the least able to bear more of the costs.19
Our position is similar to Keynes’s: “No one has a legitimate vested interest in being able to buy at prices which are only low because output is low.” (Keynes 1964 p. 318) So while Palley argues against creating jobs on the argument that those with jobs would have more income, and this could cause what Keynes called “semi-inflation” (increased demand drives up prices in those sectors with an elasticity of output below one), that is not a defensible position. Normally, as Keynes said, a rise of effective demand “spends itself, partly in affecting output and partly in affecting price” and only if the elasticity of output approaches zero does a rise of effective demand cause “true inflation”. (Ibid p. 285) Below that point, there is no “legitimate vested interest” in keeping labor unemployed. Instead, inflation must be fought by alternative means. It must be recognized that increasing the number of private sector workers in the fast food industry will cause the same sort of “semi-inflation”, raising prices in the same sectors that consumption by new workers in the JG program would affect. It does no good to argue that hamburger flippers are “productive” (they flip burgers) while JG workers are not (they provide, for example, public services to the aged), because the “semi-inflation” will occur in all sectors where increased spending faces anything less than perfect output elasticity. Hence, if Palley were consistent, he would always fight against job creation if any sectors that would experience increased sales to workers had less than perfect output elasticity. His argument against the JG is a red herring.
Note also that with a JG, the government’s budget would be made more strongly countercyclical, as government spending increases in the slump when workers move from higher-paid employment to the JG; the process is reversed in a robust expansion, where when the private sector hires out of the JG pool. These stabilizers might be enough to stabilize aggregate demand. After all, most unemployment in developed countries is cyclical in nature so unemployment is due to a lack of aggregate demand. The JG pool raises this demand and will encourage hiring. If not, government can use discretionary policy interventions.
我々の立場は、ケインズの立場と似ている:『生産量が少ないという理由だけで安い価格で買えることに、誰も正当な既得権を持っていない』(Keynes 1964 p.318)。 したがって、Palleyは、仕事を得た人は収入が増え、それがケインズの言う「半インフレーション」(需要の増加により、生産の弾力性が1以下の部門の価格が上昇する)を引き起こす可能性があるという主張で雇用の創出に反対しているが、それは擁護できる立場ではない。通常、ケインズが述べているように、有効需要の増加は「一部は生産高に影響を与え、一部は価格に影響を与えて消費される」ものであり、生産高の弾力性がゼロに近づいた場合にのみ、有効需要の増加は「真性インフレ」を引き起こす。(同書285頁) その時点以下では、労働者を失業させておく「正当な既得権」は存在しない。むしろ、インフレには別の手段で対抗しなければならない。ファーストフード業界の民間労働者の数を増やすことは、JGプログラムの新労働者による消費が影響を与えるのと同じ分野で価格を上げ、同じような「半インフレ」を引き起こすことを認識しなければならない。ハンバーガー・フリッパーは「生産的」(ハンバーガーを焼く)で、JG労働者は「生産的」ではない(例えば、高齢者への公共サービスを提供する)と主張しても意味がない。なぜなら、「半インフレ」は、支出の増加が完全に産出弾力的ではない場合に、直面する全ての部門で起こるからだ。したがって、もしPalleyの主張を一貫させるなら、労働者への売上が増加する部門が完全に産出弾力的ではない場合、彼は常に雇用創出に反対することになるだろう。JGに対する彼の批判は本題から逸れた目くらましだ。
MMTにおける中央銀行の役割は金融安定化 [金利政策の限界 or 逆効果、直接的規制の必要性]
In terms of the central bank policy, MMT does see a role for a central bank, not in terms of fine tuning the economy but rather in terms of promoting financial stability. Using interestrate manipulations to influence economic activity is problematic for at least three reasons. First, the sensitivity of economic activity to interest rates is low overall, and declines as an economic boom emerges. This sensitivity is even lower now that gradualism and transparency have made it much easier for economic units to anticipate adverse changes in interest rates and to protect themselves against them. Second, as Minsky notes, using the central bank for fine tuning and for financial stability are two incompatible purposes. Increasing interest rates during an expansion promotes financial fragility, and moving interest rates widely up and down to fine tune the economy creates instability in the refinancing operations of banks. The ultimate example of this is the Volcker experiment that killed the thrifts and promoted the growth of securitization and the originate-to-distribute model. Third, changes in the policy rate affect the cost of borrowing, which affects costs of production and so prices. As such rising interest rates may lead to inflation if their growth is too rapid. Thus, MMT does not believe in the stability of financial market as Palley asserts:
Analytically, MMT’s “park it” approach to interest rates implicitly lets finance call the tune. In financial booms fiscal policy must turn contractionary, and the reverse holds in busts. This interest rate policy passivity is tantamount to believing that financial markets are stable and set interest rates and asset prices appropriately. The same belief is reflected in MMT’s confidence about freely floating exchange rates. This view is inconsistent with the assessments of both Keynes’ (1936) and Minsky’s (1992, [1993]) regarding financial markets, although MMT claims to represent a Keynes-Minsky perspective. (Palley 2013, 29)
Rather MMT argues that to promote financial stability via interest-rate manipulations is of limited effectiveness and can actually be destabilizing. Instead, government has a role to play through the promotion of safe underwriting (promote what Minsky called hedge financing), the establishment of a banking structure that promotes long-term recurring relationships, and the regulation of financial innovations toward safe financial products. Loans made by private banks should be limited to creditworthy20 borrowers who are scarce (but banks should be encouraged to look for them wherever they are and to avoid redlining). We do, however, believe that direct credit controls can be useful to control lending for speculative behaviors, or to more generally fight inflation pressures. This is far more effective than trying to use rate hikes to reduce lending to speculators.
『分析的には、MMTの金利に対する"park it"アプローチは、暗黙のうちに金融部門に決定権を委ねてしまっている。金融好況時には、財政政策は収縮的にならざるを得ず、不況時にはその逆になる。このような金利政策の消極性は、金融市場が安定していて、金利や資産価格が適切に設定されると信じていることと同じである。MMTが自由に変動する為替レートに自信を持っているのも、この信念に基づいている。この見解は、MMTがケインズ・ミンスキーの視点を代表していると主張しているものの、金融市場に関するケインズ(1936年)とミンスキー(1992年、[1993年])の両方の評価とは矛盾している。(Palley 2013, 29)』
むしろMMTは、金利操作によって金融の安定を図ることは効果が限定的であり、実際には不安定化させる可能性があると主張している。その代わりに、政府が果たすべき役割は、安全な引き受けを促進すること(ミンスキーがヘッジファイナンスと呼んだものを促進すること)、長期的な経常関係を促進する銀行構造を確立すること、安全な金融商品に向けた金融イノベーションを規制することである。民間銀行が行う融資は、(希少ではあるが)信用力のある20 借り手に限られるべきである(ただし、銀行は、どこにいても借り手を探すようにし、レッドライン化 [訳注:特定地域の融資対象除外のこと] を避けるべきである)。 しかし我々は、投機的な行動を目的とした融資を抑制したり、より一般的にインフレ圧力に対抗するためには、直接的な信用コントロールが有効であると考えている。これは、投機家への貸し出しを減らすために金利引き上げを利用しようとするよりも、はるかに効果的である。
開発政策における外貨債権発行の回避の必要性 / 物理的資源による政策スペース制約
In terms of development policy, the Treasury and the central bank of a country should avoid issuing financial claims that promise the delivery of a foreign currency. That would include prohibition of “bailing-out” domestic financial institutions that have issued liabilities in foreign currency. Let private sector firms go through the bankruptcy process if needed. Governments have the means to use their financial power for internal development and to promote activities that employ local resources. As stated in the previous section, the limited availability of physical resources may limit what can be done by government policies.
Fiebiger and Lavoie are worried that using MMT leads to ill-suited policy advice given that the use of the consolidation hypothesis does not fit current institutional framework.
It must be accepted that most federal spending is financed by taking money from people within society (non-voluntarily for taxes) creating winners and losers. That is not an “illusion” and to insist otherwise is counterproductive. (Fiebiger 2013, 77)
If sales of Treasury securities do not “finance” spending but are issued “voluntarily” after spending to “stabilise interest rates”, then, the “fiscal cliff” should be a non-issue as according to MMT the Treasury deficit-spends first and then “voluntarily” issues bonds later as a part of monetary policy (to set the overnight federal funds rate target). (Fiebiger 2013, 71)
The counterpoint to this new MMT position is that one cannot start from the general case, based on consolidation, because it is antinomic to the real world and to existing institutions, and it would lead to mistaken advice and confusion […] For instance, as recalled by Fiebiger (2012A, 6), based on the consolidation assumption, one could argue that public-debt limits pose no threat to economic stability. (Lavoie 2013, 23)
We would argue instead that MMT reframes the nature of important economic debates. For example, most of the debates surrounding Social Security and Medicare are framed in terms of insolvency. Once one accepts that solvency is not an economic issue—government can always pay—one can reframe the debate in another way (Eisner 1998; Wray 2006). There is a potential problem with Social Security but it is a demographic problem not a financial problem. Payments can be made at the time they are due just by crediting bank accounts, but the needed goods and services may not be available. The financial side and real side of the Social-Security problem are solved very differently, and putting funds in a locked box or a trust fund is not necessary, confuses the issue, and actually can make the real production problem worse.
As long as Congress upholds that social security payments are an obligation of the United States government, it will budget the necessary funds for Social Security and it will find the means to obtain the funds. With MMT, one can then advocate for more profound reform of the system that would abolish the trust fund, remove the payroll tax, promote immigration of young workers, and policies that increase the productivity of workers. Taxes may be advocated but not with a view of funding Social Security, but rather to reduce the purchasing power of those of working age in order to leave enough for retirees to consume. As Fiebiger noted, taxes are part of fiscal activism and create winner and losers. But discussing taxes in terms of means to pay for something confuses matters and leaves one open to conservative critiques that taxes are a burden instead of a means to fight inflation. The language and logic used is important to frame debates and possibilities surrounding government programs.
『ほとんどの連邦政府の支出は、社会の中の人々から(自発的ではない税金として)貨幣を取り上げることで、勝者と敗者を生み出していることを受け入れなければならない。それは「幻想」ではなく、そうでないと主張することは非生産的である。(Fiebiger 2013, 77) 』
『財務省証券の販売が支出の「資金調達」ではなく、支出後に「自主的に」「金利を安定させる」ために発行されるのであれば、MMTによれば、財務省はまず赤字支出を行い、その後、金融政策の一環として(オーバーナイトFFレートの目標値を設定するために)「自主的に」国債を発行するので、「財政の崖」は問題にならないはずである。(Fiebiger 2013, 71)』
『この新しいMMTの立場への反論は、統合を前提とした一般的なケースから始めることはできない、というものである。なぜなら、それは現実世界や既存の制度に反しており、誤ったアドバイスや混乱を招くからである。(Lavoie 2013, 23)』
我々は逆に、MMTが重要な経済的議論の性質を再構築することを主張したい。例えば、社会保障制度やメディケアをめぐる議論のほとんどは、支払い不能の観点から組み立てられている。しかし、支払い能力は経済的な問題ではなく、政府は常に支払い可能であることを受け入れれば、別の方法で議論を再構成することができる(Eisner 1998; Wray 2006)。社会保障制度には潜在的な問題があるが、それは財政的な問題ではなく、人口統計学的な問題である。支払いは、銀行口座に入金するだけで期日に行うことができるが、必要な財やサービスが利用できない可能性がある。社会保障問題の金融面での解決と実物面での解決は全く異なっており、資金をLocked Boxや信託基金に入れることは必要ではなく、問題を混乱させ、実際には現実の生産問題を悪化させる可能性があるのだ。
債務上限の撤廃は野放図な財政拡大を意味しない [政策決定の焦点の変革に過ぎない]
Another example is the debt ceiling debate. It is not that it is a non-issue, as it can lead to instability in the current institutional framework. But the point is that it is not an economic problem, it is a political problem. The mechanics of the monetary system have been subverted by self-imposed constraints on government; presumably on the fear that monetary financing is inflationary because taxes are unnecessary once monetary financing occurs.
With the MMT framework one can reframe the debate away from the need to reduce our national debt, toward the need to abolish the debt ceiling because it is a relic of the goldstandard that contradicts other budgetary procedures of Congress. MMT explains why one should not be afraid of removing the debt ceiling nor afraid of allowing the central bank to directly fund the Treasury; this would not directly promote price and financial instability and such changes do not necessarily promote careless spending. Taxes and bond offerings are still needed and budgetary procedures and political accountability are still necessary to make sure that government is involved in the economy according to the wishes of its people.
More broadly, one can understand that budgetary procedures are of a political nature, and the point is to promote procedures that make the political process run well by promoting accountability and transparency, while eliminating procedures that are put in place on the basis of fear of unaffordability and bankruptcy. The fact that government can spend an unlimited amount of money does not mean it should, and ultimately the choice of how much a government should spend is a political question. MMT aims at bringing that forward and at promoting political processes that allow the will of the people to be expressed, free of unnecessary financial constraints. Similarly, it does not make sense to argue that a government program cannot be implemented because the government ran out of money. A government can always afford to buy anything for sale denominated in its currency so discussing the pros and cons of a government program should not be framed around financial constraints. Instead the focus should be considerations of equity, full employment, financial stability, and price stability.
望月慎の経済学・経済論 第一巻…2017年6月~2017年9月の11記事のまとめ。財政破綻論批判、自由貿易批判、アベノミクス批判から通貨論(金融システム論)、ケインジアンモデル概説など、様々な経済トピックを論じました。
望月慎の経済学・経済論 第二巻(13記事 ¥3000)