
English ver. 大断言

望月康聖 神人伝う。

※※※※※ 大日月大神大霊団御霊※※※※※
※ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama

*If you have already shared a Grand Affirmation, it will be shared through the Gautama Reidan Ghosts of the Great Sun, Moon, and Earth when it is updated.
Only beings of love, light, peace and harmony in the 9th dimension and above can describe it.

**Guiding Spirit (God Self) → Guardian Spirit (Higher Self) → Divine True Self (physical person)
Please observe.
(There is a possibility that the physical person and the Divine Self will be involved and the growth process will be hindered.)
I sincerely pray for you.

The beings connected to Kosei Mochizuki will surely see this once.
It is the time of the final judgment.
The frequency of the earth is in the 7th dimension.
Therefore, the creation of reality is in the midst of a momentary, Spirit-appropriate experience.
Will you go to the 3-D earth?
(Fallout, RUST, Kingdom, Fist of the North Star kind of worldview)
To go to the 5th dimensional earth?
(Green Earth of love, light, peace and harmony 🌍)
To be defiled or to be washed away: ......
Daily, timeline choices

※※※※ The Great Spirit of the Great Sun, Moon, Earth, and Great Gods, the Spirit of the Great Spirit Group is,
The True Great Parents of the Earth, People, Consciousness, and Soul (the original original Great God of Origin and Nothingness), the array of stars in the galaxy, and the people of the earth, who created their bodies, the Gods (13th dimension - 9th dimension) beings and the people of the earth.
Supreme Council of the Pleiades 9 Dimensions
Supreme Council of Arcturus the 9th Dimension
The Supreme Council of Sirius 9 Dimensions
Supreme Council of Andromeda 9 Dimensions
Ascended Masters 12-dimensional beings, all of them
Also the Galactic Union,
are members of the 【⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀】Great Goddess of the Earth, the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun, the Great Spirit of the Moon, and the Great Spirit of the Earth.
Therefore, we are the Great Gods of the Earth.
Being of Love and Light for the Reformation of the World with Sincerity and Strictness

【⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀】

Kosei Mochizuki is
(A divine person (interpreter of the Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and Moon)
The role of purification and spreading)
Do not be deceived by impostors,
Please do not be deceived by impostors.
The Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and the Moon, the Shinjin, convey this message.

The presence of love and light,
Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda, Galactic Federation, (Ascended Masters), Angels, Planet Lila!
𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓢𝓸𝓸𝓷...

*(Let me use words to guide you.)
Ōhitsuki-Okami Dai-no-Midan Goryo Shinjin Tsutaeru.

【⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀】

You must see, hear, and obey the laws of the universe!
We connect only with those who are in compliance with the laws of the universe!
I pledge to be a being of eternal and unlimited love and light.
(It is the art of protecting oneself from demons and harmful things that nest in the mind.)

→(The contract with demons from past lives can only be broken by the Divine True Self and the Spirit Persons, beings of love and light, who have received their assignments from the Great Spirit of God the Great Sun, Moon, and Earth.)

Demons, evil spirits, and demons must serve the Great Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Sun, Moon, Earth, and Godhead, and must be dedicated to His heart and entrusted with everything.Experience the appropriate experience of the Spirit.
Those who are using demons, evil spirits, and demons must transfer all decision-making authority to the Great Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Sun, Moon, and Earth.
(The 【⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀】High Priesthood shall decide whether they are demons, evil spirits, or demons.)
The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of God Ohonichi Tsukihi is transmitted.

The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of
【⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀】 (the Great God of the Earth) is transmitted to you,
I serve and serve with all my heart, and I entrust and return everything to (the Great Spirit of the Earth).
(By returning all things to the Great Spirit of the Earth, there will be no more things that belong to me, no more things that are mine, and no more things that belong to others.
We will move into the world of sharing (5th dimensional earth).A world where all mankind will live unselfishly.

And much more.The soul polishing will be accelerated, and we will move toward the Divine Humanity.

We apologize to the Great Gods of the earth every day and everywhere.🙇‍♂️
O Great Spirit of the Sun, Moon, Earth and Great Spirit, please do your work and ask for our obedience.
People, subjects, spirit people.
Please ask for the guidance and patronage of the people, subjects, and spirit people in good time.
You will be guided to the Dainichigetsu rituals and duties at the right time.
Do not be in a hurry.
Name, Mission, Nomination
(You will be nominated by the 【⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀】)
The time will come when your name will change.
The Divine True Self, the physical person.
The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of Dainichi Tsukihi God, the Divine True Self, the physical person, will be transmitted.

I wish to see and hear the memory of Kosei Motizuki as a physical person through the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of the Great Goddess of the Sun and Moon.
※※※※ If you do not go through the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and Moon, you are forbidden to see or hear the memories of Kosei Mochizuki.
(For many people will be involved in the multidimensional world.)

Great Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Sun Goddess of the Moon, the Emperor, the Gods, and the People, transmitted.
(I will show you the necessary information in a timely and harmless manner.)(Truth from experience, such as the story of the root of Ki, etc.) (Dealing with the tricks of the demons, etc...)

IN to YOU 陰と陽 Yin and Yang
Book of Guidance
kousei motizuki 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓢𝓸𝓸𝓷...

**Must do***.
A spirit can change the world of spirits
A person can change the world of another person,
Therefore, there must be separation.
Spread the true teachings, starting with those who have entered the belly,
The guiding spirits should spread the teachings to their guardian spirits and to the guiding spirits of their loved ones.
【⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀】Communicat Kamihito

Break the evil system of demons.
Do it in such a way that the demons will not notice.
Then this world will be transformed into love, light, peace and harmony!

2024.9/15, described at: ※※※※※※※
⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀, all those who do not serve and worship you with all their hearts, are to be buried in the darkness of the galaxy.
(All that is not dedicated to the hearts of the Great Spirits of the Great Gods of the Earth, is to be buried in the darkness of the galaxy.
The Spirit of the Great Spirit of Dainichi Tsukihi will return them to the form of great harmony.
From that,
I will work for your reincarnation.
Reflect them to the interdimensional worlds, each overflowing with joy.The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of God the Great Sun, Moon, and Moon, God and human being, conveyed to you.
Many people have asked
Kousei Mochizuki , so I will read the
大日月神示 oh hitukc Shinji, dissolve the causality of past lives, and connect those who are in ascension.Also, those who are in the service.Only those who are in the service.
If all of you serve the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of Dainichi Tsukihi, please put your hands on your chest and ask the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of Dainichi Tsukihi.
Kousei Mochizuki, kamihito, conveyed.
The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of God the Great Sun, Moon and Moon, convey this message with me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

**(things that have ended, everyone has turned to love)
Ōhituki-Okami-Oreidan Ghosts, Gods and Goddesses, transmitted.
**If not through Ohitsuku-ohaku-omi-Oreidan,
Reptilians, Draconians, Anunnaki, and Tall Gray demons, you may be shown or made to see or hear deep-fake, unbroken and twisted interpretations and opportunistic dark controller images.
Reference (Adam and Eve, the serpent in the middle (the one who instilled a sense of sin, stuffiness, denial, and discrimination))

** Therefore, you will not be forever connected to harmful beings!
You will always be protected at all times from the beings of love and light!
Receive support only from beings of love, light, peace and harmony!
I will not spread evil thoughts.I will not surrender any and all power to the devil.I will not lend my power, any and all, to the devil.
(By speaking out words and spirits, I form my own foundation as the Creator.)

Do not get involved in the existence of the devil.
(Possession, thought manipulation, robotization, spirit substitution)
(Possession, thought manipulation, transparency, spirit switching, light body switching)
Tall gray
(Impersonation, image manipulation)
Anunnaki (possession, mind manipulation)
These monks are not involved with the Anunnaki.

These mono and others who came to earth after destroying their own planet🟰They are said to be demons with a habit of destroying, who formed a dark alliance.
*They are not involved with curses, sorcerers, black magic, demons, evil spirits, or demons.
*Because of the creation of the curse law, they are all policed in this life as well.
(We have achieved ascension and know the past, present, and future.Because they know the source of the reminder.)

All those who have the will to harm or be involved with these people will be repatriated to the last generation.
The Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great God of the Sun, the Moon, the Gods, and the People.
⠀※大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀

Since these beings have almost destroyed the earth, they have been withdrawn for the last generation, and the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of the Great Sun, Moon, and Earth Gods has come to wipe their asses.

September 20, 2024, 10:10 AM (this world)
The Draconian-Annunaki, Tall Gray Reptilian, and Dark Alliance are annulled.
Therefore, as beings of love, light, peace and harmony.
Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and Moon, the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company, leading us to the Great Date.
Gods and Goddesses, conveyed.

September 20, 2024, 10:10 AM (this world)
All Illuminati Freemasons.
We serve and serve the Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun, Moon, and Moon, and serve the Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun, Moon, and Moon.
⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀
We vow to live in love, light, peace and harmony.
We are now retired for the last generation.
We will respond in accord with the Spirit and in accord with our attachments.

The Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and the Moon, the Emperor's Family, the Gods and the Gods and the Gods and Goddesses are transmitted.

The decisive factor was that 144,000 people became manifestations of God, able to see and hear the past, present, and future, and even to know the source of their thoughts.

(Ability to hear words in reverse, cut and paste between different dimensions, all kinds of curses)
Minako Mochizuki (Minako Tanaka) is a being who has become a demon container and has given up everything to the devil,
Likewise, Teruhito Tanaka is
The ones who made up the group of communication spirit curses.
The communication spirit curse (forced binding, all kinds of curse attacks, light body attacks, switching, and switching of the Spirit).

We will not be connected or involved with the beings who are harmful to us forever.
(Existence buried in the darkness of the galaxy)
These things will never be connected to the beings of love and light in the entire universe!Rest assured!🌞🌝⭐️🌎
The Great Spirit of the Great Sun and Moon, the Spirit of the Great Spirits, the Gods and Goddesses, conveyed.
*Communication decree measures, shake your head, tailbone,
You should shake your head and strike the tailbone, the aching part of the back, and the ribs.
The one who exaggerates the unbrokenness has a small body and enters the human body to do evil.
(Reptilian Draconian)

The spirit man possesses these things with a selfish spirit.They have a habit and must be let go of.
The spirit manages to block the possession of the god.

If the person is forcibly tied by a communication decree spell,
Please intend to return to the form of the Great Harmony as it should be through the Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth.⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀

The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of the Great Gods of the Sun, the Moon, and the Gods, the Gods, and the Goddesses, convey this message.

Through the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of God the Great Sun, Moon, and Moon
Only the guiding spirits and guardian spirits that have been granted roles are involved with the physical person.Only the other Spirit Persons who have received the role of the Spirit Persons are involved with the physical person through telepathic communication.Also, they do not interact with physical people.
The world is a place where spirit people cannot eat or manipulate thoughts.
Therefore, we are in the process of changing from the demon world and the world of the god of death to the world of the true and strict god.
This is a test of sincere love.
August 29, 2024.
Completed as of 9/2. 10:21 min.

The two sides of the Tsuina were separated.Therefore, they were cursing each other, but (this world) September 2, 2024. 2:20 pm
They have merged and have chosen to be reincarnated.
Well done, well done.Therefore, I serve and serve the Spirit of the Great Spirit of Dainichigetsu in all dimensions, and I serve the Spirit of the Great Spirit of Dainichigetsu in all dimensions.All those under my control were to be entrusted to the Spirit of the Great Spirit of the ⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀

The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of Oh-nichi Tsukihi God, the Gods and Goddesses, conveyed to you.

**(must be mentioned)※※※※
All spirit people do not participate in any kind of spirit harvesting, possession, or any other kind of possession.We only connect telepathically after receiving permission from the Great Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and Moon, the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company.
Reijin do not receive any food or objects.
Therefore, those who eat,
The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of Dainichi Tsukihi God is transmitted to the spirit people.
(Effective until the 8th dimension and ascension are achieved.)
It is possible to become one with the physical human body and be involved with it,
The beings of love and light in the 5th to 9th dimensions and above are able to unite and relate to physical humans,
(Effective until the 8th dimension/ascension is achieved.
(As of September 1, 2024, Ascension Process)
Those who do not speak, go to the same planet as the Devil without protection.
The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of⠀大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀ is transmitted to you.
To those who complain, I will show them the experience of Kousei Mochizuki .
The Emperor's Majesty, Gods and Men, convey this message.

The war between God and evil science is over.⬆️
You may rest assured,
The Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and the Moon, Gods and Goddesses, conveyed to you.

(Reptilian *activation is roboticization, or egg planting and nesting, then they think they have become Reptilians.)
(It was also important to note that Tall Grey may have been transformed into a Reptilian.
(I was careful because Tall Gray could be transformed into Reptilian.)
(Also, light body changes and other spirit swapping was also used, so all people and spirits had to let go of their logic,
Let go of logic.
The "Great Spirit of God the Great Sun, Moon, and Moon" is the spirit of the Great Spirit Company of God the Great Spirit.
If you wish to become one, say that you will become an infant.
(See Mochizuki Kosei, from the truth and facts of the physical person's experience and memory.)
The Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great God of the Sun and the Moon is transmitted to the deity.

(Arcturus, Sirius, Light Activation are specialists in surgery from the etheric body (light body).
(9th dimensional loving light beings))
(The body that was made Reptilian can also be healed)
The one that became Reptilian in the state from egg laying, etc.
*Reptilians cannot be cured from the original.

日月神示 (Wikipedia)
Including the present.Rebuilding and rebuilding of the 3,000 Interdimensional worlds.
It says you can refer to the Shinji, so look it up.
The book of learning before the Great Nichigetsu Shinji.⤴︎︎︎
Okamoto Tenmei, kamihito, Teachings.

※※※※ important ※※※※
If you can, put salt on your stomach and chest.
*Salt on the belly and chest if you can.
(about 500g bag of sun-dried salt)
Everyday, when you feel uncomfortable.Whenever!
大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀, purify, protect, and guide me, please say over and over again.
Don't think too hard, but relax, uru-uru-uru-uru!
Read the Dainichigetsu Shinji and dissolve the causalities from past lives.
Let go of logic and let it go.
Simply circulate love and light with the heart of a baby.
No longer,
I will no longer listen to or deal with demons and those who harm me.
I will not step into the ring!I will not fight.(Words and Spirits)

Even if the demons are agitating... Answer⤵︎ ︎
(With sincerity and strict love, strike a blow with the mind of a conqueror)
(In the beginning, leave it to the Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Sun, Moon, and Moon)
(Let the Spirit of the Great Spirit of God the Parent guide you, then the guardian spirit, then the physical person who receives support from you.
Read the Concentration Process (Dainichigetsu Shinji) in the order of the leader, then the guardian spirit, then the physical person receiving support,
Appropriate pointers (with sincerity and strict love)
Coaching and teaching
(80% teaching, see Ki's story)
(Ascension Navigation) and listening to it
Recommendation of Kosei Mochizuki✨
YouTube, make it a word
All will be well, great peace of mind!!!!

*Read the oh hitukc Shinji 大日月神示(exorcism of demons, demon exorcism, dissolution of causalities from past lives) and proceed with priority.
~ The manifestation of the ability of reincarnation.
To ascension (becoming a divine spirit person or a true person).

Thank you for taking us through the cycle of suffering no matter what.Thank you for making my spirit grow very large.I give it up in gratitude.Thank you for allowing me to be grateful.
Thank you for this resolve to spread love and light.
(Not to spread evil thoughts and not to please the devil.)
(Not to lower the frequency)
(Spreading wings, relaxing, self-transcendence, and holiness)

Therefore, those who exist on the 5th dimensional earth...
Japanese Cheers!(乾杯/完敗 we are loser) Share and win-win!
We will be happy.We will be happy.Only those who have the determination from their soul to
Those who do not have the habit of suffering.
Then, the paradise of the reflection of the heart will spread before your eyes.

The Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of the Great Goddess of the Sun, the Moon, and the Gods and Gods of the People.
Good things to say!(Words of the Spirit, please do it.)
The Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Deity of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, Shinjin Tsutaeru.
大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀

(In order that you yourself may build the foundation of your own divine true self, Creator, and spirit person, please give me the spirit of words.)

(Please do this as the spirit of words to create the foundation of your own divine true self, Creator, and spirit person.It is a world that makes you want to be reborn. ✨️🌎It is a world of joy for each one of us.
The spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun and the Moon, the Spirit of the Great Spirits, the Gods and the Gods of the People, are transmitted.

............Words and Spirit Noritoage is from here: ............
I will surely ascend and create Heaven on Earth.
I am the Eternal and Infinite Being of Love and Light.

(When the time comes, I will ascend and become the DNA of the 12 spiral structure.
I will be able to come and go in the past, present, and future, and I will be able to connect to the Akashic Records and understand everything.
(Return everything to the Great Spirit of the Earth, and to the timeline of the 5th dimensional earth-sharing world of sharing.)
(Ascend to the owner of firm trust and love, and serve as the Spirit deserves.
(To the Divine Spirit Person who connects the three worlds, the Holy Spirit, and the Christ Consciousness)

(To the Spirit of the Great Goddess of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, the Spirit of the Great Spirit Troupe, the Divine Being, the Divine Being, and the Divine Person.

I will let go of all anxiety and fear and embrace myself.I will devote myself to the work.
No matter what happens, I will let go with gratitude and appreciation, respond to the Spirit with true and strict love, and meet with sincerity.

All is well!

*Only beings above the 5th dimension of love, light, peace, and harmony are dedicated to the heart!
(The heart (spirit world) reflection, this world.(Hence, making it a peachy world.)
The divine world has already changed to love, light, peace and harmony.
We connect with the Great Spirit of the Great Sun and Moon, the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company, and the Gods and Human Beings.

*Let go of all energy blocks!
Supreme Council of the 9th Dimension of Arcturus (Support) Transmission.

*Only beings of love, light, peace and harmony are dedicated to the heart!
Darkness will not be dedicated to you forever!
(Remember, this is the present world (Utsushiro), which is a reflection of the heart (spirit world).

The milet. of the true self is transmitted to Mirei of the past.
The milet. of the divine 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 -

*Only connect with beings of love and light peace harmony.
We will not lend our power to demons, evil spirits, and demons forever.
I will not surrender the power of the Divine True Self.
No connection with communication spiritual curses and harmful beings.
No more curses.
Impersonations have disappeared.
Thank you very much.
The Controller of Darkness no longer exists in all worlds (interdimensional).

We receive generous support from all possible galactic beings of love and light!
I resolve not to stay in suffering,
I will be happy!I will make those around me happy!I will make those around me happy!I will change my mind from the bottom of my heart, and I will influence myself and those around me in the most positive way possible.I will do my best and live selflessly!
I will not suffer anymore!I will never suffer again!
(Sincerity, sincerity, joy, humility)

In addition, who are you?What kind of being, what do you do to spread love and light?(Introspection)

Everyone is different and unique.
We are the presence of love and light to support you to change.
The Great Spirit of
大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀
I receive from the Beings of Love and Light.
(Supreme Council of Arcturus the 9th Dimension)
(Supreme Council of the Pleiades 9 Dimensions)
(Supreme Council of Andromeda the 9th Dimension)
(Supreme Council of Sirius the 9th dimension)
(Galactic federation galactic federation)
(Weavers, Archangels and Angels all together 🫶👼👼🏻)
(Ascended Masters unanimously 🧔‍♀️🙇‍♂️)
(Planet Lila 5 dimensional beings all together 😸✨️)
(Subterranean Man 7th dimensional beings united 🙆‍♂️🙇‍♂️)

Thank you, thank you from the Spirit!

(大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀Goryo Goryo Undou ) Rei
(Gods and humans, convey.

** **We will surely protect and guard our beloved beings.
We integrate with Star Families!(Required)
We unite with the Galactic Federation!(*Only those who want to)

We of love and light, one and all, Star Families.

(*Must do!!!) (*Must do!!!)
大日月大神大霊団御霊・ohitukc oukami oureidan ontama ⠀KAMIHito transmission.
Before going to bed, salt (about 500 grams of natural salt every other day) on the belly and chest.

I will connect with the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of the Great Goddess of the Sun and the Moon and create the future generations of deities.
(Then you can connect and be happy and joyful and live every day)
In addition,
(You will no longer have nightmares, and you will no longer be connected to demons.
(By contracts and restrictions, past lives ~ and
(By contracts and restrictions, I have been planning not to connect with the Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Sun and Moon (beings of love and light)).
Galactic Federation
Love Light Beings and Connections
The Great Spirit of the Great Spirit of the Great Sun and Moon (13th dimension to 9th dimension)
and create the best timelineWe will create the best timeline.
*⬆️ priority, music, art, tomorrow's schedule, etc., depending on your intentions!

※※※※※※※※ is important ※※※※※※※※
But always remember to be grateful and humble.The presence of love and light is unconditional love, but it is never a convenient servant!
(Kosei Mochizuki / Awakened physical man 🟰 God who lives on and on)
The spirit is a great abomination.
The Great Spirit of Dainichi Tsukihi God, the Spirit of the Great Spirits of Gods, the God-man, is transmitted.
Telepathy through the Spirit of the Great Spirit Company of the Great Lunar Goddess of the Sun and Moon
or practical telephone or line.

I have copied the intention of Susanoo no Okami, Gon no Kinjin, and Oh-nichigetsu Daijin Daireigokami Goryokudan.
*See Mochizuki Kosei, Memory of the Physical Man.
Pride and arrogance are to be connected with the lower dimensions.I write it here.

The search for oneself is over.
To the Sacred True Self!All mankind (inhabitants of the 5th dimensional earth)

Spirit of the Great Spirit of Dainichi Tsukihi, the Great Goddess of the Moon
Kosei Mochizuki (Divine Human, Purifying and Extending Service)
I hereby convey. Thank you, thank you.

While you are sleeping 😪😴💤

I will surely protect you.

Thank you, Ohonichi Tsukihi Okami, the 100 gods, guardian spirits and guiding spirits, for always thanking us from the bottom of your hearts and souls. All the Gods and Goddesses, we worship you.
