Soon the path began to feel familiar again. We talked about many things, including my dog. I told him that he was a German shepherd. When he was younger, he served briefly as a police dog but had to stop due to an injury. The man let out a laugh saying he had been a police officer for a short time, but he quit. He didn’t say why. Later, he spent a long time as a bodyguard. He also had German roots. We laughed at these similarities.
Before we knew it, we reached a large open area and took a break. I told the man what had happened to my dog. “He had a tiny bell on his collar to scare away bears. We came to this very spot and saw a bear. It was looking back at us. I should have held my dog because, sensing danger, he chased after the bear. I couldn’t find him after that. I should have been more careful.”
私たちがそれを知る前に大きく開けた場所に着き休憩した。私はその人に言った、私の犬に起こったことを。「彼は首に小さな鈴をつけていた、熊を追い払う。私たちはまさにこの場所に来て 熊に会った。熊は私たちを見ていた。私は犬を抱き抱えているべきだった、なぜなら危険を感じた犬は熊の後を追いかけて行ったからだ。それから彼を見つける事はできなかった。もっと気をつけるべきだった。」