AI and The Future Of Humanity 「AIと人類の未来」by Yuval Noah Harari 読み下し訳-6
Now, the most interesting thing about this episode wasn’t Lemoine’s claim, which was most probably false. The really interesting thing was his willingness to risk and ultimately lose his very lucrative job for the sake of the AI chatbot that he thought he was protecting.
さて、このエピソードについて最も興味深いのはルモワンの発言ではなかった、それはおそらくほとんど間違っている可能性があった。本当に興味深いのは彼のリスクを冒す意欲だった、そして結局彼のとても有利な仕事を失うことになった、彼が守っていると思っていたAI chatbotのために。
If AI can influence people to risk and lose their jobs, what else can it induce us to do? In every political battle, for hearts and minds, intimacy is the most effective weapon of all, and AI has just gained the ability to mass-produce intimacy with millions, hundreds of millions of people.
Now, as you probably all know, over the past decade, social media has become a battlefield for controlling human attention. Now, with the new generation of AI, the battlefront is shifting from attention to intimacy, and this is very bad news.
What will happen to human society and to human psychology as AI fights AI in a battle to create intimate relationships with us, relationships that can then be used to convince us to buy particular products or to vote for particular politicians? Even without creating fake intimacy, the new AI tools would have an immense influence on human opinions and on our worldview.
People, for instance, may come to use, are already coming to use, a single AI advisor as a one-stop oracle and as the source for all the information they need. No wonder that Google is terrified. If you’ve been watching the news lately, Google is terrified, and for a good reason.
Why bother searching yourself when you can just ask the oracle to tell you anything you want? You don’t need to search. The news industry and the advertisement industry should also be terrified. Why read a newspaper when I can just ask the oracle to tell me what’s new?
And what’s the point, what’s the purpose of advertisement when I can just ask the oracle to tell me what to buy? So there is a chance that within a very short time the entire advertisement industry will collapse, while AI, or the people and companies that control the new AI oracles, will become extremely, extremely powerful.
What we are potentially talking about is nothing less than the end of human history. Now, not the end of history, just the end of the human-dominated part of what we call history. History is the interaction between biology and culture. It’s the interaction between our biological needs and desires for things like food and sex, and our cultural creations like religions and laws. History is the process through which religions and laws interact with food and sex.