
2024年共通テスト 英語第5問 物語文を速読する-1

    Maki's Kitchen
 "Irasshai-mase," said Maki as two customers entered her restaurant, Maki's Kitchen. Maki had joined her family business at the age of 19 when
her father became ill. After he recovered, Maki decided to continue. Eventually, Maki's parents retired and she became the owner. Maki had many regular custorners who came not only for the delicious food, but also to sit at the counter and talk to her. Although her business was doing very well, Maki
occasionally daydreamed about doing something different.


 "Can we sit at the counter?" she heard. It was her old friends, Takuya and Kasumi. A phone call a few weeks earlier from Kasumi to Takuya had given them the idea to visit Maki and surprise ker.

 Takuya's phone vibrated, and he saw a familiar name, Kasumi.
"Hi Takuya, I saw you in the newspaper. Congratulations!"
"Thanks. Hey, you weren't at our 20th high school reunion last month." "No, I couldn't make it. I can't believe it's been 20 years since we
graduated. Actually, I was calling to ask if you've seen Maki recently."

 Takuya's family had moved to Kawanaka Town shortly before he started high school. He joined the drama club, where he met Maki and Kasumi. The three became inseparable. After graduation, Takuya left Kawanaka to become an actor, while Maki and Kasumi remained. Maki had decided she wanted to study at university and enrolled in a preparatory school. Kasumi, on the other hand, started her career. Takuya tried out for various acting roles but was
constantly rejected; eventually, he quit.


 Exactly one year after graduation, Takuya returned to Kawanaka with his dreams destroyed. He called Maki, who offered her sympathy. He was surprised to learn that Maki had abandoned her plan to attend university because she had to manage her family's restaurant. Her first day of work had been the day he called. For some reason, Takuya could not resist giving Maki
some advice.
  卒業後丁度1 年、タクヤはカワナカ町に帰って来た、夢破れて。彼はマキに電話した、彼女の同情を示した。彼は知って驚いた、彼女が大学に行く計画を辞めてしまった事を、何故なら彼女の家族のレストランを経営する為に。彼女の最初の仕事の日は彼が電話した日だった。何らかの理由で、タクヤはマキにアドバイスを我慢する事ができなかった。
