
AI and The Future Of Humanity 「AIと人類の未来」by Yuval Noah Harari 読み下し訳-9


 Positive Potential of AI

The job of historians and philosophers like myself is often to point out the dangers. But certainly, AI can help us in countless ways, from finding new cures to cancer to discovering solutions to the ecological crisis that we are facing.
 In order to make sure that the new AI tools are used for good and not for ill, we first need to appreciate their true capabilities, and we need to regulate them very, very carefully.
 Since 1945, we knew that nuclear technology could physically destroy human civilization, as well as benefiting us by producing cheap and plentiful energy. We therefore reshaped the entire international order to protect ourselves and to make sure that nuclear technology is used primarily for good.

We now have to grapple with a new weapon of mass destruction that can annihilate our mental and social world. One big difference between nukes and AI is that nukes cannot produce more powerful nukes. AI can produce more powerful AI, so we need to act quickly before AI gets out of our control
 Drug companies cannot sell people new medicines without first subjecting these products to rigorous safety checks. Biotech labs cannot just release a new virus into the public sphere in order to impress their shareholders with their technological wizardry.

Similarly, governments must immediately ban the release into the public domain of any more revolutionary AI tools before they are made safe. Again, I’m not talking about stopping all research in AI. The first step is to stop the release into the public sphere. You can research viruses without releasing them to the public. You can research AI, but don’t release them too quickly into the public domain.
