
The Fall of Freddie the Leaf (NEW HORIZON 3)

 Spring came. Freddie, the leaf, were born on a branch of a tall tree.
   Hundreds of leaves were born on the tree. They ware all friends. Together they danced in the breeze and played in the sun.
   Daniel was the largest leaf Fredie's best friend. He knew many things. He explained that they were part of a tree in a park. He also explained about the birds, the sun and the moon.
   Freddie loved being a leaf. Summer is especially nice. Many peole came to the park.
   "Let's get together and give them some shade," said Daniel. "Giving shade is part of our purpose in life. Making people happy is a good reason for living.”
   Old people sat under the tree and talked of old times. Children ran around and laughed. It was fun to watch those chilren.
   Summer passed and fall came. 
   Son the leaves changed their colors. Some turned red and otheres turned yellow. Freddie turned purple. They were all very beautiful.
   One day a strange thing happened. Some of the leaves were blown off bya stlong cold wind. Te leaves became frightened. "What's happening?" they said.
   "It's the time for leaves to change their home," Daniel said. "Some people call it dying."
   "Wil we all die?" Freddie asked.
   "Yes," Daniel answered. "Everything dies."
   "I won't die!"said Freddie.
   But his friends started to fall one after another. Soon the tree was almost bare. 
   "I'm afraid of dying," Freddie told Daniel.
   "We're all afraid of things we don't know," Daniel said. "But you were not afraid when spring became summer, or when summer became fall. Chaneges are natural."
   " Will we return in spring?" Freddie asked.
   " I don't know, but Life will. Life lasts forever and we're part of it," answered Daniel.
   " We only fall and die. Why are we here?" Freddie asked again.
   Daniel said, "For the friends, the sun and the shade. Remember the breeze, the peope and the colors in fall. Isn't that enogh?"
   That afternon, Daniel fell with a smle. Freddie was the only leaf left on his branch.
   The first snow fell the next morning.
   The wind came and took Freddie from his branch. I did not hurt at all.
   As he fell, he saw the whole tree for the first time. he remembered Daniel' s words, " Life lasts forever."
   Freddie landed on the soft snow. he closed his eyes and went to sleep.
   He did not know this. But, in the tree and the ground, there were already plans for new leaves in spring.
