
英文速読 初級-4

 Today, in many parts of the world, it is customary /for people /to shake hands /on meeting, as a gesture of good will. Originally, however, the practice of shaking hands has a more practical purpose.

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 Shaking hands originated /in medieval times. In those days, when a man came across a stranger, he would often reach for his weapon /out of fear /in spite of himself /with his right hand, in case he had to use the weapon /to defend himself. Sometimes, the two men had been circling around each other, with weapons in their hands, until they laid aside the weapons. Then the two persons extended their right hands /to show they had no weapons.

 It is not known /when and why the handshake changed /from a simple clasping of hands /to include a shaking movement. This shaking movement of the clasped hands probably started /as early as the sixteenth century.
