

 When you hear the word "time," it is probably hours, minutes, and seconds that immediately come to mind. In the late 19 century, however, philosopher Henri Bergson described how people usually do not experience time as it is measured by clocks (clock time). Humans do not have a known biological mechanism to measure clock time, so they use mental processes instead. This is called psychological time, which everyone perceives differently.
 If you were asked how long it had taken to finish your homework, you probably would not know exactly. You would think back and make an estimate. In a 1975 experiment, participants were shown either simple or
complex shapes for a fixed amount of time and asked to memorize them. Afterwards, they were asked how long they had looked at the shapes. To answer, they used a mental process called retrospective timing, which is estimating time based on the information retrieved from memory. Participants who were shown the complex shapes felt the time was longer, while the people who saw the simple shapes experienced the opposite.
