About Hypnotic Scripts of Monogatari Garden
Monogatari Garden
FAP(Free from Anxiety Program )Basic Completion / Advanced Completion
Clinical Hypnosis Course Basic/Advanced Vol.1/Advanced Vol.2/
Assessment Course: Narratives Using DSM-5 /
Assessment Course: Narratives of Psychological Conflicts
Encounter with Hypnosis
The word "hypnosis" has a variety of images.
For some people, it may be some kind of a hypnosis show on TV as an entertainment.
For some people, it may be a way to overcome a problem such as "I am not good at _" by making a suggestion such as "you will not be bad at _".
What I have learned was Clinical Hypnosis based on Modern Hypnosis. This learning gave me a new image of the word "hypnosis".
For me, it was a new encounter with myself and with the person I am facing.
Through my learning, one of the most remarkable experience I have had was to discover resources in the unconsciousness beyond the conscious mind.
The resources in the unconsciousness are the inherent strengths of a person, such as wisdom, talents, abilities, strength. It can also be called the true self.
As I learn more and more, I also come to see the unconsciousness as a treasure trove of resources.
What is Hypnotic Script?
Hypnotic Script is a method of Clinical Hypnosis based on Modern Hypnosis which uses stories to tap into the resources of the unconscious mind and evoke its own power and true self.
The conscious self may not be aware of its own true power or true self.
The conscious self may not believe that the true self is resourceful, or that the true self has such a power.
However, this is not the case for the unconscious dimension.
Hypnotic Script weakens conscious resistance and allow the unconsciousness to receive the script.
The script works in the unconsciousness and acts as a key to unlock your resourceful potential.
• Compared with novels and other forms of storytelling, the script may seem somewhat difficult to read. Sometimes it may not make sense and difficult to understand what is going on.
• You may feel light-headed or sleepy while reading or listening to the script. It is okay if you actually fall asleep on the way. If you don’t feel sleepy, it’s also okay.
• You may not be able to remember what you were reading or listening to after you have finished , but that's still okay. Even if you don't remember it with your conscious mind, your unconscious mind is receiving it.
• Some people feel something in 3 days, others may be after 10 years. How long it takes for you to be aware of it may be various , but it has some influence on the unconsciousness.
• Because of these characteristics, sometimes it is difficult to realize the change caused by the Hypnotic Script.
Characteristics of Monogatari Garden’s Hypnotic Scripts
• The Hypnotic Script of Monogatari Garden is based on the methods of the Clinical Hypnosis Course (INSIGHT COUNSELING CORPORATION).
• The "cue to awaken" is plugged in at the end of the script. By inserting the "cue for awakening" while the unconscious mind is receiving the story, the conscious mind and the unconscious mind will be balanced. This helps the Hypnotic Script work after reading or listening to the story.
It is okay if you fall asleep and not noticing these cues. It is okay to wake up naturally.
• A multi-layered structure with further stories is behind each Hypnotic Script and it deepens the influence. They are tucked away in the backyard of the Monogatari Garden.
How to use Hypnotic Scripts
• The main way to use the Hypnotic Scripts is to read them when you have a problem, a difficulty in your life, or something you want to change.
You only need to read or listen to it once, but you can them many times.
• It can also be used for relaxation.
I myself read or listen to it many times, to make good use of the fact that it makes me sleepy. It is also useful when you want to rest your brain or body, especially when you go to sleep.
• You can also read it for your child at bedtime. (Please read the Hypnotic Script for yourself to decide whether the story is suitable for children or not.)
Do not read or listen to the scripts while driving a car, operating machinery, or doing something that requires your full attention.
It may make you feel light-headed or drowsy.
Nothing in particular.
Thank you for reading to the end. I hope you enjoy the Hypnotic Scripts of Monogatari Garden.
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