VIS Claim マネージャー側(manager
1. Metamask 起動(Start Metamask
2. Pegaxy サイト接続(Pegaxy site connection
3. MY ASSETS 選択(MY ASSETS selection
4. MY PROFIT 選択(MY PROFIT selection
5. 右下 Claim 時間制限あり(Lower right Claim There is a time limit
6. Metamask 認証あり(With Metamask authentication
ガス代 MATIC 必要(Gas fee MATIC required
VIS Claim スカラー側(Scholar
1. Metamask 起動(Start Metamask
2. Pegaxy サイト接続(Pegaxy site connection
3. MY ASSETS 選択(MY ASSETS selection
4. MY PROFIT 選択(MY PROFIT selection
5. Stotus の WIthdrow 選択(Stotus WIthdrow selection
6. Metamask 認証あり(With Metamask authentication
ガス代 MATIC 必要(Gas fee MATIC required
VIS 交換(VIS replacement
1. Metamask 起動(Start Metamask
2. KyberSwap サイト接続(Pegaxy site connection
3. 右上のConnect Wellat 選択(Select Connect Wellat in the upper right
4. Metamask 選択 接続(Metamask Selective Connection
5. 左側で Swap を行います(Swap on the left side
6. 左上は VIS を選択する(Select VIS in the upper left
7. 下には交換したい通貨を選択する
(Select the currency you want to exchange as selected above
交換手数料の確保のために必ず MATIC は少量残しましょう
(Be sure to leave a small amount of MATIC to secure the exchange fee
(Press SWAP to approve with MetaMask