OREO Writing which movie would you recommend to a friend?
I would highly recommend 'the tale of the Heike ' to my friend. because it’s a captivating movie that I enjoyed a lot.First, the main character, Biwa, is mysterious and intriguing, which makes the story more engaging. if you want to know about that please check movie. Second, the storyline itself is fascinating and well-crafted, with a mix of historical elements and compelling drama….These are the reasons why I recommend The Tale of the Heike to my friends.
Chat GPT先生の添削結果
Original Version:
I well recommend 'the tale of the Heike ' to my friend. Because this movie is very interesting and I like this movie. First main character, Biwa is very mysterious if you want to know about that please check movie. Second, I like this movie because this movie story is interesting. So these things are reason why I want to recommend 'The Tale Of Heike' to my friends.
Realized Version:
I would highly recommend The Tale of the Heike to my friends because it’s a very interesting movie that I enjoyed watching. First, the main character, Biwa, is mysterious and captivating. If you’re curious to know more about her, I suggest watching the movie to see her story unfold. Second, the storyline itself is compelling and keeps the audience engaged. These are the reasons why I want to recommend The Tale of the Heike to my friends.
「I well recommend」→「I would highly recommend」
「well」ではなく「would highly」を使用することで、より自然で丁寧な勧め方になります。主語の追加と文の接続
「Because this movie is very interesting and I like this movie.」→「because it’s a captivating movie that I enjoyed a lot.」
「Because」ではじまる文は、通常前の文とつなげる必要があるため、「I would highly recommend The Tale of the Heike to my friends because…」という一文にしました。また、「captivating」を使うことで「interesting」の繰り返しを避けています。
「First main character, Biwa is very mysterious if you want to know about that please check movie.」→「First, the main character, Biwa, is mysterious and intriguing, which makes the story more engaging.」
Biwaについて「mysterious」のみでなく「intriguing(興味をそそる)」という形容詞を加え、さらに「which makes the story more engaging」と説明を追加して、Biwaのミステリアスさがストーリーにどう影響するかをわかりやすくしています。
「Second, I like this movie because this movie story is interesting.」→「Second, the storyline itself is fascinating and well-crafted, with a mix of historical elements and compelling drama…」
「I like this movie」と「interesting」の繰り返しを避け、より多様な表現(「fascinating」「well-crafted」「compelling」など)を使用しています。これにより、読者により豊かな印象を与えられます。
「So these things are reason why I want to recommend 'The Tale Of Heike' to my friends.」→「These are the reasons why I recommend The Tale of the Heike to my friends.」
「So these things are reason」という部分をより自然な表現に変更し、簡潔に「These are the reasons why I recommend」とすることでスムーズな結論にしています。