
OREO Writing My favorite weather

My favorite weather is cloudy. First the weather is cloudy temperature is not too hot and not too cold. Second if weather is cloudy UV rays are not very strong. Therefore I like cloudy days.

Chat GPT 先生の添削結果

My favorite weather cloudy. Fast if weather is cloudy temperature is not too hot and not too cold. Second if weather is cloudy UV rays are not very strong. Therefore I like cloudy day.
My favorite weather is cloudy.
First, when the weather is cloudy, the temperature is not too hot and not too cold. Second, on cloudy days, the UV rays are not very strong. Therefore, I like cloudy days.


  1. 主語と動詞の一致: 「My favorite weather cloudy」は不完全な文です。"is"を追加し、正しく「My favorite weather is cloudy」としました。

  2. 「Fast」→「First」: 論点を示す際に「Fast」とありますが、正しくは「First(第一に)」です。

  3. 文の流れ: 「if weather is cloudy」など、"the weather is cloudy" としたほうが自然です。

  4. 「day」単数→「days」複数: 最後の部分も、より一般的な表現にするために「a cloudy day」から「cloudy days」に変更しました。

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