
(16)もしもオノマトピペがなかったら? What If We Didn't Have Onomatopoeia?

日本語はしゃべれないよう~ We can't speak Japanese at all.

“ルーちゃん 雨がポツポツ降ってきたみたい 今日はカサが必要だね”
“え~とね シトシトの前で ザーザーのずっと前。”
“何それ おかしい それじゃ全然わかんないよ。”
“そんなに ケラケラ笑うことないでしょ”
“え~とね おかしくて笑うことだけど、クスクスよりもっと大笑いすること”
“クスクスだって!その言い方 本当に面白いね、おかしいよ”
“ルーちゃんはそうやって どんどん ことばを覚えていくんだね”
“えっ どんどんって何? だんだんっていうのと どう違うの?”
“うわ~ 日本語には こんなにも音や状態を表すことばがあるんだね”
“いっぱいあって 面白いんだよ。最近覚えたのはね、
サラサラヘアー 、フワフワ、サクサク カリカリとか メチャメチャとかね“
“ルーちゃん スゴイ!”
“メッチャ・カワイイっていうのは、すごくカワイイってこと? あれ モモちゃん どうしたの 目をパチパチさせてる!”
“えっ ルーちゃん ホントスゴすぎ・・・バウ”

"Oh, Roo-chan, it seems like rain is starting to drip-drop. We'll need an umbrella today."
"What's drip-drop?"
"Well, it's before it drizzles and way before it pours."
"What? That's so funny. I don't get it at all."
"No need to laugh so hard, hee-hee." "What's hee-hee?"
"Well, it's when you find something very funny and giggle out loud. It's like tee-hee, but much more."
"You said tee-hee! That's hilarious. You're so funny."
Wow, she's really ha-ha laughing.

"Roo-chan, you're learning words so quickly."
"Wait, what's quickly? How is it different from gradually?"
"Wow, Japanese has so many words to describe sounds and states."
"Yes, it's so interesting. Recently, I learned words like silky hair, fluffy, crunchy, crispy, and totally!"
"Roo-chan, you're amazing!"
"Super cute means very cute, right? Oh, Momo-chan, what's wrong? Why are you blink-blinking so fast?"
"Wow, Roo-chan, you're incredible... Woof!"
