
留学生ブログ#2 林業のデータ化/The Digitization of Forestry






Today, we can pay the Onigiri in the convenience store with our smartphone. We have zoom conferences instead of face to face meetings. Tomorrow, our cars will drive without our help, and fridges order new soy sauce when necessary. Everyone speaks about the digitization of our everyday life but how does and how will it affect our forests and how we use them?

Looking from an economic perspective, Japan's forestry is currently facing two main problems: a shortage of labor and high costs. The country's foresters are getting older but few young people choose to do the hard work in the mountains. Blessed with rich soils and a lot of rain, the forests in Japan grow very fast. On the other hand, the steep slopes and high wages make afforestation, maintenance, and harvesting costly. Because of this, it’s hard for Japanese forestry to compete with low price wood from oversees.

Digitization has already made forestry much more efficient than it used to be. In the past, foresters had to gather forest data with pen and paper and typing them into the office PC later. Today, they can gather the data with a tablet that automatically syncs them with the cloud. Also, the use of GPS and digital maps have made it a lot easier to plan timber harvests. In the future, afforestation is maybe done by drones instead of people and unmanned machinery does the harvest, and automatically sends a message to the closest sawmill when enough timber is gathered. In the end, Japanese wood could become cheap enough to compete with those from overseas.

But the benefits of digitization don’t stop at the edge of the forest. Using the digitization, Shinmirai connects wood producers and wood users from around Japan. Only some years ago, it was very difficult for smaller producers to market their products outside of there own region. On the other hand, the users did not have the information about all the interesting wood out there. Nor did they have the means to easily compare the prices of different products and different producers. Using the chances of digitization, we make that possible and hence boost the wood supply chain from the other end.

I feel excited to be on the frontier of this new forestry for the coming months!
