

今までスタディアプリなどで練習をしてたのですが、もう少し会話をしたいと思い DMM英会話に初めてチャレンジした。

結果、、!! 全然英語が出てこない、、、

初めてなので、自己紹介をして、そのあとNEWSの記事を読んでボキャブラリーや感想を言い合う 25分 先生がめちゃくちゃ優しくてゆっくり英語を話してくれるんだけども。。なぜか分からない、、!記事の内容はある程度理解できるのに!!!


McDonald's Burger Doesn't Decay After 10 Years
A McDonald's burger and fries bought in Iceland still hasn't decomposed after 10 years. The meal was bought just before McDonald's closed its three restaurants in the country.

Hjortur Smarason heard that food from McDonald's doesn't decompose and wanted to find out if that was true. He bought his last burger and fries there on October 31, 2009, and they still have not decomposed.

The meal is kept in a glass case in Snotra House, a hostel in Hella in southern Iceland. People can even watch the burger and fries online. The hostel owner, Siggi Sigurdur, told BBC News, "It still looks quite good actually."

"It's a fun thing, of course, but it makes you think about what you are eating. There is no mold, it's only the paper wrapping that looks old."

Smarason first kept the burger and fries in a plastic bag in his garage, but after three years, he gave them to the National Museum of Iceland. The museum later said it could not properly store food, and gave it back. After spending some time in a hostel in Reykjavík, they were moved to Snotra House.

There may be a good reason as to why the burger and fries have not decomposed. McDonald's has said that when there is not enough moisture in the air, bacteria and mold cannot grow, so food does not decompose.

Food scientist Bjorn Adalbjornsson from the University of Iceland confirmed this, adding that without moisture "food will simply dry out."

new words —————
Paper decomposes very easily.


適切に 適当に



