AI作製曲「New technology emerges and old technology disappears」

「New technology emerges and old technology disappears」というテーマでAIに歌入りの曲を作ってもらいました。

Once upon a time not long ago
New technology emerges and old technology disappears
The way we live and communicate has changed
But some things will always stay the same
We rely on technology for everything
Without it, we wouldn't be able to function
But as time goes on, things change
And what was once new is now old
Only a few years ago, we were using flip phones
And now we're using smart phones
The new technology is always improving
And the old technology is fading away
But no matter what happens,
We'll always remember
The days when we used to
Text with our thumbs
Now we can do so much more
With the touch of a button
We can stay connected
No matter where we are
The world is constantly changing
And we're changing with it
